Just now, I lost 19 goblins to a now rather obvious, and stupid mistake. Playing with goblins, I decided to make a tower on my own, because hey, goblins LOVE their towers.
What's a tower without MAGMA pits? A bad one. So, I made one. 15 levels of magma goodness. However, during the construction, I discovered that the tunnels I intended to use to slowly fill up that bad boy with magma were hot while on the way to the pipe.
Turns out, there was a magma pool. Well, let's tap that and fill the pit partly, although it IS a big pool, maybe it'll do!
So a channel was made, and the magma began a slow drain.
A while later, I got an announcement of a peasant cancelling cleaning. Reason? Too injured.
Is the magma flowing? Yes it was. Did I forget to seal access to the stairs that led to the now-magma dripping area?
Yes I did.
The peasant was dead within seconds, and I quickly ordered the stairs to be replaced with ones leading up, so no one else would go down there.
Then I read about the clothier cancelling the same task, for the same reason. I zoom in, and by that point, he was already inside.
In my barracks.
That I still had set as a meeting zone.
Before I knew it, goblins were burning and running like burning and running goblins near dwarf fortresses.
The current fatality amount is, what, 11 to magma and fire, and the rest were all due to the tantrums. There's also a very miserable baby in the tower, I'm just waiting until it hurls itself down some pit or another.
At least my dining hall engravings got good.
"The goblin is burning."
"The goblin is making a plaintive gesture."
"The goblin is striking down the goblin. The goblin is laughing."