Playing for three and a half years without any invaders, then remembering that i turned them off.
Save. Turn them on. Reload. Half of the population killed by first ambush squad of the goblin army. Some dwarfs tried to reload the cage traps in the entrance, others tried to get their dirty hands on some loot. (damn you sock!)
Tomorrow morning i decided i leave that save in peace for a few days, and start another fort.
Well, i spent five hours browsing locations, revealing, prospecting them, looking for the perfect spot. I want to build a dam, and an artificial lake, and a nice big fort under it,and have at least bronze and silver to mine, and a magma pipe not too deep.
I settled for a 5*5 spot in mountains, and badlands, and it has perfect terrain for my project. and the magma pipe wasn't too deep either - best i could find was 120 levels deep - this one just 30, so plus points at embark.
Soon as i embarked, i found out that an unspokeable creature liked this place too. Fortunately there was a door on his lair, and i forbid it. my mason just build a wall there for safety, and MWUHAHAHHA problem solved.
Then i started designated my fortress. All. at. once. and i didn't unpaused yet. I spent roughly another four-five hours designating everything.
so when i finished it, and hit space, two alligators eat everyone.
I haven't noticed them in the stream three tiles away from the wagon. XD
almost ten hour of "work" for forty seconds of actual play - best fort ever
so quite a few FACEPALMS there
i tried reclaiming, and he is gone, my unspeakable horror he is, not to mention the two named alligator, one nameless is still there though
will they come back?