Just for funsies, I went ahead and let the dragon rampage without doing anything.
I had already set my dwarves to cut away a bunch of ramps near my enterance, so that you couldn't just walk over the mountain, down a nearly shear cliff, and just u-turn into my fortress's enterance, and was cutting it so that the corners would lead into my cage traps, basically ensuring that anything not coming from due east of my fortress (which is still a field) would involve stepping on cage traps. They didn't cut the right ramps in time, though, so the dragon managed to get through. Some of my legendary miners tried to wrestle with the dragon. They didn't deal damage. 4 dead legendary miners, 3 dead other highly skilled dwarves. 3 dead wardogs and 1 dead pet wolf. Then the dragon blew up the drawbridge that is the only enterance into my fort, got confused, and turned around, and walked into a cage trap.
Fun, but there isn't much I have to do to prevent that from happening... Really, all I need to is send out my
useless suicidal wrestlers military dwarves as bait on the other side of the cage traps, and pull the lever on my bridge so they are the only dwarves that you can path to.
Fun fact: This is the last female dragon in my world. The only remaining dragon is a male. When he attacks (at this rate, probably next week), I will tame them both, and mod them to be matable, and start a dragon soap factory. (Until then, I'll keep her in a cage near my chained Titan/goddess.)
Edit: now HERE's the real facepalm/just shoot me now moment...
I just forgot to backup my save before letting the dragon rampage and slay a half dozen legendaries and starting a tantrum spiral. My last backup that I didn't copy over was from the very start of this seige.
I have to do THIS ENTIRE F
heh HAHAHAAHAHAHA! This. This is terrific.
edit again: Playing through this once more, I am amazed by the fact that I can't pay any attention to the actual goblins, because I am spending all my time watching my dwarves, selectively locking or unlocking doors to let dwarves in without letting the damn things out.
I feel like Maxwell's Demon.
keep on editing:
Oddly enough, the gobbos somehow coordinated their attack this time, and the two melee gobbo squads hit my base at basically the same time, just after the marksman gobbos were almost utterly destroyed, which meant that I didn't have time to duck my marksdwarves back behind cover to re-ambush them. Instead, it turned into a bloody slaughter as gobbos tried to rush the bridge in a rare display of bravery.
I have no idea how those gobbo squads managed to book for my bridge that fast, as it took them 8 more game days to get there last play through. Still, the results are an impressive river of blood in the making, and my better marksdwarves racking up 10 kills each plus filling out every spot in their names.
(Apparently, my marksdwarf mother who juggles her babies between volleys of crossbow bolts and whose older daughter talks to her while she fights goblins has gained the title "The Annoys Simple of Men")
New facepalm, some of my useless marksdwarves are standing at the fortifications, with crossbow and bolts in hand, (and not out of ammo... although I AM on my last two stacks of bolts in my stockpile, which means I've already fired 200 bolts so far) NOT shooting at goblins 5 tiles away from them.
I have NO idea why.
My marksdwarf mother managed to reload and step back up to the task. She's completely insane, and has hit martial trance, which is pretty impressive for someone who starts this seige off as "competent". A surprisingly low number of goblins managed to flee. 5 actually got out of crossbow range (out of about 50, although 7 hit random outdoor cage traps for trapping wildlife), and only two of those have no injuries (some limping away on red legs or with an arrow embedded in their red lower torso). The remaining goblins are unconscious with at least one red injury, and basically just waiting for mercy shots to finish them off.
It's now the 23rd of Limestone. I have 9 days to throw out the welcome mat for that dragon.
Now that I actually know what it is I have to do, this seige is actually kind of fun (and/or my brain broke, and I am confusing masochism with fun). I wonder if anyone would like the save for the start of this season (or last summer) uploaded?