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Author Topic: What turns you off about DF?  (Read 309102 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #315 on: April 24, 2009, 04:28:44 pm »

My two cents

Entry: As far as I can tell the fanbase seems to be people happy to look up stuff on a wiki or forum and we all seem to explain things to each other with side view MSPaint illustrations (if we're not being lazy and just trying to type a diagram,) so it seems like reducing this requirement would be the most practical way to extend the fan base.

Maybe bundling the side illustrations of some important stuff with a bit of a starter guide pointing out crucial menus and convenience menus in a tutorial folder would go a long way.

Persistence: A few more convenience menus (or revision of existing menus) that show certain bits of information like how content or impoverished the populace is along with less slowdown (maybe give us a forbidden designation so areas could actually be eliminated from pathfinding as if they were walls?)
And it would be nice if I could scroll through lists via mouse wheel.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #316 on: April 24, 2009, 05:35:05 pm »

The single most frustrating thing about Dwarf Fortress is trying to get worlds with locations with the exact features you want. This is most important for brand new players, who essentially want a "just give me a simple fortress so I can learn stuff" option. They don't know about haunted and savage axes or HFS or magma and flux, they just want an area with plenty of features that's fertile and ripe for a fortress.

The interface isn't really a problem. TinyPirate and CapnDuck's guides do an excellent job of introducing you to the game. Proof of that comes from a friend of mine who isn't very computer literate. She has a habit of IMing me saying she's bored, which annoys me no end - I sent her a link to TinyPirate's guide to make her go away for a bit, and it worked. She plays all the time now :D

The trouble, I think, is when someone boots up the game for the first time and has to navigate through world gen, finding a site and embarking before they get to the GAME part of the game. There needs to be a more gradual introduction of that stuff.

Personally, I still can't work the damn world gen. I never seem to get what I'm looking for.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #317 on: April 24, 2009, 06:23:58 pm »

So, what is the answer?  All I want to do is have the game save when I quit, and continue from where I left off when I start it again.  Am I doing something wrong?  Can you point me to a link or wiki page that explains how this works and what to do?  I can't imagine it is really this hard - it has to be operator error on my part.
The saves that have seasons and years and stuff after them are backups.  Don't load from those.  If you want to use one of those, delete your region1 (or whatever) and copy a backup folder, renaming that folder to region1 (or whatever).  That's the easiest way to keep track of which one you are playing from.

Devs have the option to let an alpha pass or to reject it.  If it's satisfactory, it goes into beta stage.

The devs have no say about whether or not an application is okay. Q&A has.

If you were really as much of a coder as you're putting on, or even much of a Daily WTF reader, you'd know that "Quality Assurance" doesn't have an ampersand in it...  ::)
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Oh, a biomass/24 hour solar facility. How green!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #318 on: April 24, 2009, 08:19:01 pm »

I know, you won't be convinced, but that's just a silly attitude.  It's silly because there is most likely something currently built into DF that you like being able to control, and that using your argument should have been a designers hard decision.

No, it isn't silly. I pay (for some value of pay, since DF is at the moment donationware) a designer to actually do the hard stuff of figuring out how the game world works, and what its rules are.

An example: What would you think if you had, every single time, to adjust the kerning of a heading in your favorite word processor? Any graphic designer will tell you that kerning is 100% necessary. Yet, I doubt you give a crap. So, your word processor makes the decision on how to display the heading, and apply necessary adjustments.

Oh, c'mon.  Are you trying to compare apples and oranges on purpose?  Sure, I don't want to have to adjust my kerning every single time, but maybe I'd like to be able to adjust it some of the time.  That's what we're talking about here.

As I read the post that started this, it isn't about an inability to handle immigrants, it's about a desire not to have to deal with them.  It's about enjoying game play in a manner different than you do.

Tough. I want to play Warcraft III without Orcs, too.

Tough?  What kind of response is that?

You're Warcraft III experience is less than it could be because you cannot.  That's the point.

What I really think you're missing is that if options are given to make the game "easier," those same options can most likely be used to make the game "harder," which would seemingly increase your enjoyment.  So I think you should support more player control, because it will benefit you as well, not just the "whiners."

No problem with adjustable difficulties, at all. In fact, I'd prefer it if I could manage immigration as I can in Colonization: I get to chose who and when I get immigrants into my colonies, within the boundaries of the game's rules.

That's what apparently everybody is missing here: The game has rules, they are there, and you have to operate within these rules. DF is no different in that regard than any other game.

No, you're missing your own point in the first paragraph of this quote.  What people are talking about is things like getting to choose your immigrants, if they want to do so.

I'd go nuts over options to tweak my game exactly to the way I like it, from dragons to the size of raindrops. Until I'd have to reinstall it or my computer. Then I wouldn't bother, but rely on the designer to provide me with sensible defaults for the settings, and any rough difficulty I set.

Now I just don't understand your position.  You seem to argue that things shouldn't be able to be changed, and then you argue for defaults.  All people are talking about is the ability to alter more things.  I don't care if you'd go nuts over it.  Don't use it.  But it is silly to argue that the ability to change things shouldn't exist.

Look at Railroad Tycoon II for an example regarding difficulty: If you don't want to bother with short selling and buying on margin, you keep the difficulty of the economy low. But if you want to buy industries, you'll have to deal with the increased difficulty of a much harder stock trading system. That's how the game works, and is one of the challenges.

And it would take nothing away from the challenge of the game if a player had the ability to fine tune some of these levels.  That's the issue here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #319 on: April 24, 2009, 11:46:34 pm »

Hi people, I joined the forums in order to post my thoughts in this thread, having read it through. First, I think it's legitimate to split concerns into short-term and long-term ones. The former are what are actually useful for the thread, but everyone likes a good moan, so sadly for Toady and Threetoe, the latter will be injected regardless!

Short Term/Initial Attention keeping

What turned me off the very first time I came across DF was the graphics. I'd like to boast about what a hardcore gamer I am and stuff, but ASCII has never done it for me, even when I was a wee bairn who could barely see the monitor over the keyboard. Using Mayday is a big help - not just because it's visually more pleasing to me, but because there's more information, more easily and readily available. Having listened to Toady's recent interview I appreciate the rationale for not 'contracting' graphics out to others, but I would certainly encourage including either a tileset direct, or links to them, included in the game.

Having happened across graphics that worked for me, the next stumbling block was the sheer complexity of the game. More accurately the obtuse nature of it all. It's inevitable that, specialized tutorials aside, DF is going to be highly complex from the word go. There's nothing to be done about that; it is the nature of the beast. However, the wealth of options before me, combined with a near-total lack of understanding of how everything worked together, was a huge obstacle. I did have the wiki but even so it was fairly tough going until I came across captnduck's videos via Rock Paper Shotgun. I started to get the hang of things much better after that, but I still followed through TinyPirate's tutorial (The provision of a save, which you can play along with, is pretty much as good a tut as you're going to get). Using both tuts AND the wiki, I've learnt enough about the game to get things done fairly fast. People who don't automatically assume that there will BE a wiki and seek one out out of habit might not do so well.

Even so, there's a lot that could be done in-game. A line of help/info text for things would be a great start, along the lines of the aforesaid suggestions like "This is a Carpenter's workshop. Wooden logs are turned into furniture and other items here. Using it requires the Carpentry skill". "To place a bed, you need to have a Carpenter make one from wooden logs at the Carpenter's Workship." etc. etc. I feel that this would help significantly - these things don't have to be long. Just "This is X. It does Y. It needs Z to do it." would be a hugely helpful step for newbies to start getting their bearings.

The UI is the bane of all DF player's existence. Despite having played the game a lot (more than I ought to have thank you very much Toady One it's not like I have a degree to earn or anything  >:() it's still fairly difficult to navigate through. The major failing here is that not only are things often counterintuitive, but that they change from menu to menu. Now, obviously DF is no twitch game, and orders pause the game so there's no time pressure at all there, but establishing a simple, intuitive, or at least learnable system would be a major help. Scrolling through menus should be the same everywhere. Exiting screens should be the same everywhere. There are some convoluted things which I understand the reasoning behind. If your Dwarf's in a workshop, it's probably easier having different keys to select each than to be fiddly and try to choose between them. Nevertheless, much streamlining and refinine could be done.

A good example of where things could be made easier is when you 'V' over a Dwarf. There's no good reason that all the options aren't available. I shouldn't have to hit 'l' then 'e' to get to assigning dogs. I should just be able to hit 'r' right away. Basically, the UI needs to be streamlined along two broad axes - the first is to make it as unified and homogenous as possible, so that as little thought as possible needs to be devoted to figuring out how to actually get something done. The second is to reduce as far as is feasable the number of mouse clicks and button presses needed to get from any one menu in the game to any other.

Longer-term attention keeping

The astute amongst you may have put magma and kittens together, and come up with four! Yes, the fact that I learned so much about DF from captnduck and TinyPirate means I'm quite the newbie myself. Nevertheless, I'm already encountering some of the things mentioned by veterans as long-term problems, and I think if I'm coming across them within such a short time of getting into the game it probably bears mentioning in this thread.

The greatest problem, by far, is slowdown once the fortress gets large. From the figures others have given, I seem to be doing marginally better than most, but there's a very definite wall which makes the game not worth playing, and that wall comes long before I'm done with most fortresses. I'm no computer expert. I'm better than your average joe, and I can fix most basic problems, but I have little clue about this multi-threading business or anything else like that. All I know is - the slowdown needs to go, through some mechanism or another.

The second problem is that DF is, surprisingly, a very easy game. Once you actually know what's going on, know how to get food production going, know how to lay down a few traps and get a small military going, it's not that hard a game. Aside from HFS or unforseen magma, as long as you've paid attention to things and not deliberately created problems, it's not a particularly difficult game. (That said, it may be more that complete disasters are usually hilarious and highly enjoyable to watch, and so don't feel like failures because they're pretty much as fun as success.) Further, much of the 'difficulty' is arbitrary stuff that can't be fixed. Someone gets taken by a mood, and starts demanding glass on a map with no sand, or whatever. That sort of thing needs to be ironed out - moods should begin later and probably shouldn't ask for the entirely impossible (same goes for mandates.)

I'm confident that in time the second of those two major issues will be resolved. The Army, Caravan, and Diplomacy Arcs should all add significantly to what can be done off your own back, and it looks like stuff coming up in the next few months should help things a lot in the shorter term. I would also suggest a revamp of how quickly skills are gained. Make it take significantly longer, reduce how much a mood gives, and so forth. 'Legendary' implies, well, that the Dwarf is a legend. That his mere ability deserves engravings. This should not be attainable without years or decades of toil.

In order to attract more players, keep players, and to maintain the game's growth, I would suggest a medium-term two-pronged undertaking. The first is streamlining the UI, making it more intuitive and more unified in terms of what buttons do. On top of that, at least provide a page the first time the game is loaded which says "Hi there, thanks for playing Dwarf Fortress! DF is a fairly complicated game and can take some getting used to. To help you get started, check out the DF Wiki at URL, and there are popular tutorials for new players at URL and URL. Strike the earth!" The second major task is to streamline pretty much everything it is possible to streamline, do any multi-threading whatever, absolutely anything that can help improve late-game performance should be done. I realize that such detracts from implementing the stuff that Toady really wants to get in, but if we're not going to stick with a fortress long enough to see half of it, then there is a problem there, you know?
The Tower of Fu, a massive wooden statue of a middle finger facing north towards the elven lands, is completed, crafted from 760 wooden blocks of differing types of wood.  It is designated as a stockpile for lye, potash, ash, and coal.
Six out of seven dwarves are not Happy.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Rye Elder
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #320 on: April 25, 2009, 01:33:25 am »

Deal with it. You knew that the game includes immigrants, and either you take it, or you leave it. If I don't like the combat system of, say Crystal Caliburn, I don't play the game, instead of complaining about the combat system during play.

You seem to be forgetting that this thread is where we are supposed to vent our problems with dwarf fortress.

I do deal with it, I Set up an atom-smasher early on in new forts and just smash imigrants and the crap they bring in for 5 or so years then I start letting in a few choice individuals. I just wish there was a way in game that wasn't exploitive to get rid of them.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #321 on: April 25, 2009, 01:56:30 am »

There is no 'Diplomacy'* , no way to be able to be rid of anyone, without the citizens from magically knowing.

There are no intrinsic abilities, nor are there any extrinsic abilities.

No boats, no basic** steam engines.

And the interest levels, are too low.

*- Goblins and Kobolds deserve better, for kobolds give you special trade items, and goblins, they are a zerg horde to be reckoned with.

**- I said basic because you will bitch about steam engines.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #322 on: April 25, 2009, 07:01:50 am »

Hi people, I joined the forums in order to post my thoughts in this thread


Short Term/Initial Attention keeping


Longer-term attention keeping

That's one hell of a first post, *Poster*. I think you have a lot of well thought out ideas there. Welcome to the forums!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #323 on: April 25, 2009, 08:05:43 am »

I now play DF for quite some time... with a gigantic break in the middle!

Reason was, that I just could not get how to do stuff. There needs to be a giant hint to go to the forums and look up those tutorials.
Otherwise, DF needs some kind of basic tutorial, that introduces you to basic concepts of the game. (This is prefered in one of the more final versions)
You mine that way, you chop down trees that way.
Now you Dwarfs need food, so go farming or fishing or gathering or hunting.
ZOMG your dorfs need to sleep, so build your first workshops - a mason and a carpenter. You produce beds etc by doing this and that.
Now dig rooms and place furniture and make rooms.
This is the military screen. You can make a military command-chain in here and change the general type of equipment.

You get, what I am saying. Just some tut is needed, as this game is too complex to get it all by yourself. When you are into it a bit, you can start to explore all the stuff on your own, you don't have to go over everything specifically. Some "pop-ups" for bigger events you cannot know about are all you need later on.  "This is a noble. He is an annoying dipshit who needs room, demands stuff and hammers you people senseless". "This is magma. It is hot, you can power furnaces on it, if it is BELOW one tile of where that special furnace is build".

When you are into the game some more and actually get to a point, where your first booze is all gone, so you need a working fortress, all the interface-stuff comes to my mind.
Biggest problem for me is the way, the unit-list works. I need to be able to group my dwarfs in categories AND have the possibility to group them by specific criteria.
The idea is already implemented, despite all my cheesemakers are no cheesemakers but masons. The game can not know that they are, but also there is no way to tell it they are -> change!

General job-controlling is also appreciated. Running on linux, I can't be arsed to get any of those external programs to work. We just need a big window, where we can, just like with weapons in military screen, turn jobs on and off for all the dwarfs at once.

Hope that helps a bit, even though it was mentioned quite a few times ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #324 on: April 25, 2009, 09:59:08 am »

I'm curious why a lot of people mention tutorials and wikis but never the in game help? I got into the 2d version, when the help was still pretty relevent, is it hopelessly out of date now or did no one even read it? I remember it being quite helpful.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #325 on: April 25, 2009, 10:46:17 am »

I'm curious why a lot of people mention tutorials and wikis but never the in game help? I got into the 2d version, when the help was still pretty relevent, is it hopelessly out of date now or did no one even read it? I remember it being quite helpful.

Dunno about the 2D version, but the help of current incarnations is a) difficult to navigate, b) impossible to search, and c) not indexed, so you can't easily look up a topic.

If it were, say, like the Civilopedia, I'd be all over the ingame help. ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #326 on: April 25, 2009, 07:31:37 pm »

all my friends which i've tried to introduce to df say basicly the same thing.
the UI.. no way around it really. yeah that giant wall of text on the right side of the screen..
generally they complain about:

a) you cant use the mouse to click on anything, and trying to memorise all the keyboard shortcuts while at the same time trying to learn the game is just too much.
b) the graphics which, even with a tileset takes time to learn what is what, and that any one tile can have multiple 'meanings'

and seriously, until the ui has been fixed, and tileset support has been expanded, 90% of the players (excluding the hardcore community here) *will* leave pretty soon.
i really dont think its the complexity of the game itself, rather its the complexity of the information presented to you once you've embarked and landed on your site for the first time.

now, if like you said, you're still gonna wait with the presentation arc, you could spend a little time cleaning up the main in game menu.
right now, its soo unorganised, as a new player you have no idea which 'buttons' are the important ones. the menu names are either too long, or too vagely/confusingly named.

take '(b) site a building'.
once you enter this menu, you see a screen with lots of options to build, of which ONE is actually a building (kennels). you have to press - or + to scroll to the next screen too see a few more. so renaming this menu item to simply (b)uild would seem logical, no?

or take (d) designate. having english as a second language, i actually had to look this word up before i understood what i meant.
(m)odify could be an alternative here. and while on the designate topic, removing stuff really shouldnt require several different commands..

'view units', 'look around' ..i mean, there shouldnt even need for UI buttons for this, clicking a tile should be enough really.
removing some buttons and creating more proper secondary menus, like (x) squads, should go under a military screen etc.

you could also create an "advanced" button, and tuck away stuff like Visualise, Movies, Notes there.
all this would obviously be best with clickable buttons in all menus. tool tips would be an immense time saver too.

TLDR: simplify & use similar naming as other similar games. maybe take some time to play civ or city building games for inspiration..

oh, one more thing ..still, after playing this game for years, i really, REALLY hate that you cant close/go back in menus with the escape key, like in any other game.

..and one last thing. beds, and tables. these should when built, automaticly turn into ownerless bedrooms and diningrooms.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 07:40:28 pm by dyze »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #327 on: April 25, 2009, 08:03:23 pm »

Like many did (I'm sure), I first learned of Dwarf Fortress over on penny-arcade. Regardless of what you think of Tycho and Gabe (and their so-called "roleplaying" - yeah, I went there), the mere mention of DF probably brought a shitload of attention to the game; they are pretty big, after all.

Anyway, after taking a look at the screenshots and downloading the game, I almost immediately gave up. I'm serious - I consider myself a hardcore gamer, and I've had no problems playing ASCII games before, but... information overload, anyone? You get 7 dwarves. Okay. What the hell do I do now?

So, I gave TinyPirate a chance. Then things started making sense. I still don't know how glass making works (I have a clue, but have never actually _made_ glass), and there are other areas where I have problems as well (buildable stairs was a major one for a while - very counter-intuitive; it would be better that if you built a down stairs, the game would automatically "build" (that is, put in the order for) an up stairs for you. Just sayin'). No matter.

Totally fragmented post this, sorry.

Right. So TinyPirate's guide helped a whole ***tload. That leads me to say: Tutorial. It's necessary.
The graphics... let's just say that ASCII is hard to start with. I'm comfortable playing with it now, but while learning the Mayday pack was a lifesaver, and I still prefer it. A friend of mine went through the same thing - I recommended the game, and he tried it, but gave up because of the ASCII/not knowing what the hell he was doing.

Streamlining stuff. The interface for one - countless others have already said it, but I'll repeat it: it's not good. It's working, but it's not good. Some work orders as well - I had to go u-m-Assemble Ballista Arrow. I'm not sure that's how you usually do it, but it's really not a very smooth way to go. Would be better if they assembled the arrow themselves, you know, when they finish the arrowhead. Maybe they do - didn't for me.

The economy needs an overhaul - minting 30,000 coins? Fine, that's only what, 60 bars, but still. Oh, that's for one coin type. 180 bars total then? Right. Of course, the economy is a major long-time goal, not a short-term one.

To keep players interested, fix the interface and some form of tutorial. You might also want to consider a tileset, since that does make a major difference for a lot of (would-be) players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #328 on: April 25, 2009, 09:09:08 pm »

I almost immediately gave up. I'm serious

Don't worry I figure it would be the standard reaction to Dwarf Fortress


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What turns you off about DF?
« Reply #329 on: April 26, 2009, 01:02:47 am »

or take (d) designate. having english as a second language, i actually had to look this word up before i understood what i meant.
(m)odify could be an alternative here. and while on the designate topic, removing stuff really shouldnt require several different commands..

"Designation" is a much better term than... what would you use, "modification zone"? That's just clunky, especially since designations aren't necessarily meant to modify anything in the first place. I know English is your second language, but it's honestly not a very obscure word, and I can't think of a more fitting one at all.

..and one last thing. beds, and tables. these should when built, automaticly turn into ownerless bedrooms and diningrooms.

And then, if you ever want a bed or table in a room that you DON'T want to be a dining room or bedroom, you're screwed. You can probably see the problem there.
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