It seems I've expressed myself very unclearly. So yes, even I am excited about the new developments like towns, catacombs, vampires & werewolves etc. And yes, they are indeed making the game better.
What I was trying to say is that the fortress mode currently has some huge issues. And I don't mean interface and controls, that's a whole different story, I mean things like micromanagement, illogical labour groupings and tedious labour management, frustrating job priorities, unbalanced happiness system, the horror named hauling, etc. etc. No need to name them, just read this thread. My point was that addressing issues like these would improve the game much more (in terms of effort/reward) than adding more and more new stuff.
(EDIT: And no, I'm not talking about bugs. I'm talking about bad design, unbalanced or unfinished features, chaotic implementation etc.)
I know Toady knows about these and will address them at some point in the future. What I was trying to say in the previous post was that I looked at present development goals and realised that none of these issues will be worked on in the following couple of years. That's why I said that Toady seems more interesting in making a simulation (ie. adding new stuff to make the simulation deeper) than a game (ie. focusing on how well the game plays now, how user friendly it is, removing tedious and unfun elements etc.).
That's frustrating for me as a fan. I haven't been able to enjoy the game really. I think I've played only three fortresses since 2008. The most fun part for me is participating in DF let's plays, but I can't really play the game myself for long. There's simply too many hurdles that make the game unfun for me. I'm patiently waiting for these to be addressed but it's not coming, and it seems it won't come. And no, a lack of vampires or bees is not what's keeping me from this game.