I'm not usually one to resurrect old threads, but this is kind of pertinent because the thing that knocked me out of DF playing last time is the same thing that got me this time.
So it's been two years since I last tried to get into this game (my only other post was on this thread), and this time, within 2 days I had myself another Nemesis Load Error, which was the last straw during my previous attempt to romance this game. So with that (that wasn't the only issue I had, but it was the game breaker), I decided to put DF back on the shelf and go back to my other roguelikes until, I don't know, 2014?
I know this is a free game and any roguelike deserves due respect, but it is frustrating. I know this genre is right up my alley, and there's a big enough following of DF that I know logically that it cannot possibly be as buggy as I perceive it to be. That being said, my personal experience with DF wouldn't read too much differently than a story of one of my busted luck, drowning in a pool while someone else in the pool is biting his ankle, adventurers. I know I can create backups, but replaying the same stuff and achieving the same things over again, at least to me, is like getting my fingernails pulled and is against the whole purpose of playing a roguelike to begin with.
IMO the only thing that needs to be done with DF is bug fixes. Bug fixes first. I know that's not fun to do as a programmer, but no additional features of any kind are worth crap to me if I can't be confident that the universe is going to behave in a logical way, and most importantly is not going to crash to desktop or delete itself when I take my next step.