But walking is such a lame way to travel!
Fortunately, there's an alternative...
Chocobo's are like the really awesome rental cars of Final Fantasy!
Before we go to Mt. Kolts though, there's a little house I want to visit first.
Not the time for Lynyrd Skynyrd Myroc!
Durn lousy buckets with lousy loot.
Myroc: Who are you?
Guy: Boksi and some prick went up into the Mountains, that's all I know.
Myroc: I didn't ask that!
Guy: Well too bad! *Ninja flashbang escape*
damn it all!
Gonna have to walk the rest of the way.
Here we are!
Let's just go into this cave and FIGHT!
Brawlers, not particular intimidating enemies, but they have a stealable piece of equipment called a Bandana, which is better than our shitty plume hats.
Imagine the above pic, except times a thousand. That's how many goddamn times I tried to get that damn Bandana! It's not worth it, so I just kill him and move on.
The path through here is sort of odd, but it's very linear.
Rubbish enemy, nothing special. You can steal potions though, a step up from tonics. Also, this pic showcases Myroc's Noiseblaster, which is an absolutely broken move that confuses all enemies.
Let's snatch some free loot.
A tent'll heal us good.
Triliums are the first bastard enemy we come up against. They have a move called "poison bane" or something, that poisons you! We only have about 5 antidotes, but we have Oknido's magic to fall back on if the RNG screws me over.
It feels like I'm being followed...
Oh well, Save point!
Let's use that tent I just found.