Hey guys, some "technical" issues here. It's all drawn, but... well, I'm kinda busy destroying the final vestiges of a leech that's been draining my soul for half my life.
It's going pretty well
I think I may dedicate DNTTRS to those regrets that made it all possible.
As for the "seventh string" hypothesis, let me clear this up right now, before you guys start theorizing about the loyalties of all my supporting characters
1. First off, strings do not work that way. I cannot tell you how they work exactly, since that knowledge is not yet supposed to be available to you guys, but, as an analogy, you wouldn't amputate a plague boil to get rid of a disease.
2. With that enjoyable image in mind, , even if destroying the string would have allowed Sophia to manipulate the cultist leader, let me please remind you that
the cultist leader didn't exist in the first place. He was an illusion. Everything he threatened to do was an illusion, supposedly crafted by past Sophia, who IS past Sophia, not some imposter. It's not even clear if the Angel cult itself was an illusion or not. All we know is that the Advisor (past Sophia) tricked present Sophia into killing her only "friend" (more like a non-enemy) in this stupid grey world by disguising him as a threat.
3. If it were that simple to just cut the seventh string, then none of this would have been possible, and the story would have fallen flat. Yes, I am using story progression as an argument :/
In the future, I'll try to make the bad guy's monologue more... monologuey. Its a fine line between leaving your readers in the dark, and having your bad guy be a mustache-twirling exposition machine.