((DAMMIT, NINJAD! D: Well, most of the post still applies))
It seems to be a misunderstanding! Now, you COULD just cut his string and grab the others, but that is a last resort! Remember that path of balance of which I spoke?
Now, lets ANALYSE the situation; this is a group of people in which your activities have caused unrest; quenching such things by foresee or manipulation generally does NOT turn out for the common good. You are not a tyrant, Sophia.
By my understanding, they think you are promoting sadness, or at least not removing it fast enough, and you should either be able to clear up the misunderstanding so they realize you are putting an and to sadness as fast as you can safely do while preserving sophont dignity, or in case they DO have a better faster plan JOIN THEM in implementing it!
By my understanding, they have plans of economic development of massive scales. This is something interesting and worthy of study. Mayhap their plans are risky or have greater human costs then their profits justify, but you can't know that until you have examined the details!
By my understanding, they think you are misusing your powers of puppeteering. Explain to then you are not using it likely, and only for ends that you to the best of your rationality think is good. Explain that you make the minimum manipulations possible, and avoid the ones that are closest to free will. For you do all these things, right, you're a good girl?
In short, you must confront them, with your mind open and intent to better yourself. Listen to their complaints, and correct the errors they have spotted in your judgement. Or, if they truly seem to be mistaken, simply politely show the error in their reasoning and data. Young student of reason, confront them in DEBATE!