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Author Topic: Hateslaughter [Goblin Dark Fortress]  (Read 3387 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2009, 12:00:27 pm »

5th Granite, 202

We have sited a circle of pillars for the later temple base.  For now, we will do no further.

10th Granite, 202

  "What's all this, then?" Fortis grunted pointing with half a bone towards the horizon.  He and Scuba were sat atop the foundations on a work break, he with a few choice deer bones and Scuba with some bonemeal biscuits.  Scuba narrowed his eyes and peered.

  "Looks like the raiding caravan.  Big haul, though."  Cresting the valley were no less than five beasts of burden and accompanying traders.  "Guess we'd best tell the zosto, huh?"


  "Elves?" Kat exclaimed, very nearly looking at the sostus as they were unloading their wares.

  "Yeah, elves.  Strastnas-uzun!" a trader named Nako swore harshly. "Kuging damstos hit one of the colonies.  Too late by the time we got back to it. Almost all the uzun had already left."

  "Almost?"  Most of the traders were covered in mud and blood and several of them had maggoty poultices pressed to sword wounds.  They looked as if they'd been at the battle themselves.

  "One of the damstos stayed behind.  We found him by accident, half-way through the colony priest.  Swordsman, of course.  We had guards when we found him, and three more togus."  Nako winced, raising a hand to the poultice on his shoulder and grunting.  "Anyhow, we packed most of what we could carry on the beasts and stashed the rest in a hole not far away.  We'll come back for it when we can, but for now we're just going to sell what we could scavenge from the ruins."

  "Anyone make it?" Kat asked.  Nako shook his head.

  "Looked like it," he muttered, "but by the time we got there everyone who'd stayed had already been eaten.  We knew about your fort, though, so there's a good chance any refugees might try and put themselves under your Fass' control."  Kat sighed.

  "That could be a problem..."

5th Slate, 202

Some of the refugees from the lost colony have indeed found their way here.  A group of amsmanges arrived, leading a work crew of 16 smanges.  Most of the ams are weaponwrights or metalworkers, but one of them is that rarer of craftsmen - a glazier.  They have arrived at the shrine and are awaiting the arrival of the Fass.  Time to disappoint them, it seems.


  "You can't just keep running without a Fass!" shouted one of the amsmanges, Mato, from his corner of the now rather crowded shrine.  He jostled some of the lesser smanges out of the way in an effort to make himself noticed.

  "Why not?" grumbled Fortis, from a corner.  Another of the ams, Olngo, hissed sharply and raised her hand to him.

  "Remember your place, smang," she snarled.  "But for your edification, we need leadership.  All togus do.  Without order..."  Olngo shuddered at the prospect, as did a number of the other smanges.

  "We have sent word to the temples in the colonies-" Kat began, but was cut off by Mato.

  "We know," he interrupted.  "Our temple was the one that received the message.  Next day, the damstos hit us.  Your message never reached the fortresses, zosto.  It died with the priest, and if you want to find it you'd best start looking somewhere in an elven belly."

  "Not any more," snickered the trader, Nako, harshly.  He leant against the doorframe of the shrine, quaffing cruor from a leather cup.  "That particular uzun has been skewered, roasted and passed.  If you're still hungry for vengeance, you'll have to search wherever we made the cesspit that night."

  "The point still stands," Olngo noted.  "Nobody out there knows you don't have a Fass."

  "We don't have a Fass," Fortis interrupted again.  "You're in this boat too."  Olngo snarled at him and glared at Kat.

  "Would you miss this one?  Really?"  Kat sighed and nodded.

  "He's a good miner.  Be a pain to replace."  Olngo grumbled and settled for spitting at the offending goblin instead before folding her arms and sulking.  "Why haven't you appointed one, then?" she demanded.

  "Appoint a Fass?  From within this group?  Don't be mad.  We defaulted to Temple property the moment our Fass died.  And when the second one did as well!  We can't free ourselves, the Temple has to do that.  At the very least a free togu has to do it, and you might have noticed that our lack of frees is the whole problem!"

  "We aren't... completely lacking in frees," Scuba suggested, looking meaningfully toward the temple arch.  All eyes followed his, where the trader Nako suddenly became very agitated.

  "Ohhh no," he exclaimed, raising his cup and his free hand in defence.  "I am not taking on leadership of this nightmare!  Two fasses dead in less than a year?  No thank you!"

  "We need leadership," Kat pleaded, "and leadership has to come from a sostu.  As a free, it's your duty to provide us with leadership."

  "My d-  The cheek of it!  From a smang, at that!  If you're going to take that attitude, I'll have you-"  Nako stopped mid-snarl and then snickered cruelly.  "Oh, I see.  Very clever.  Piss me off enough to take command just so's I can punish you?  Not going to work, sunshine.  You want a Fass?  Fine.  You, you, you, you and you," Nak said, picking smanges at random from the crowd.

  "Fight.  Fight until one of you can defend this place, and whoever wins is freed.  There.  You have your fass now.  Enjoy the new leadership, because I'm sure as hell not sticking around for it."  Nako drained the last of his mug and stormed out of the shrine.  All eyes turned to the five singled out.

  "So, deathmatch for freedom, eh?" Fortis chuckled.  "Bets, anyone?"
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2009, 01:54:36 pm »

i say.......i'm not gonna win this :(  if i somehow do wow.....ok i say Kat is going to win. anyone else?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2009, 01:42:00 am »

Do me a favor and don't get killed, scuba. It seems like Scuba's the only one who will tolerate Fortis enough to talk to him.

And Olngo just earned herself a pile of rubble in her bed. You'll regret spitting at me.


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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2009, 02:32:28 am »

Goblins? A whole fortress of them?

I must bring word back to Lanternwebs. Killin' Time lads!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2009, 05:49:49 am »

10th Slate, 202

Have designated the old quarry for use as a sparring pit.  The five smanges fighting for freedom will duke it out there until the issue is sorted.

28th Slate, 202

It is agreed by all that the strongest and most skilled of the fighters is Amxu, who has been granted freedom and the rank of Fass.  She has decreed that she will require chambers to oversee our work, so we are preparing a basic set of rooms on the ground floor of the fortifications.  The old butchering area will do nicely, now that the meatworks has been moved to the first floor.

24th Felsite, 202

Disconcertingly, and yet with a certain aesthetic appeal, the river runs red with the blood of slaughtered deer.  It was about time those bloody animals stopped harassing us when we went to get water.  On that note, the well still isn't ready.

1st Haematite, 202

Axmu was a good choice, it seems.  She has risen quickly as a pugilist and her harsh, but informative lessons to the fighters under her command have certainly paid off.  In celebration of their status as elites, she has granted them the rank of ror-smang, a stepping stone to the attainment of freedom.  She is, however, getting impatient regarding her rooms.

9th Haematite, 202

Once again the scene came to pass.  The deer descended to the river to drink and the strange green-skinned creatures approached.  Once again, the deer knew, they would bray and the strange creatures would yell, and both would stay away from one another until the time was right to take their drinks separately.  So it had happened before, so it would happen again.

Except that, this time, it didn't.  The deer found the green-skinned creatures lumbering towards them with speed they had not before seen, and instict took hold.  They fled, running in all directions as the predators made pursuit.  One of them fled south, making it to the flood plain of the stream before a lithe, sharp-nailed hand gripped it by the flank - and tore that flank clear off.

The river ran red once again, and that night the goblins ate fresh meat once again.

14th Haematite, 202

The seasonal raider caravan has arrived.  There look to be about six of them.  Additionally, one of the original smanges, Song, has become increasingly withdrawn and furtive.  She has started stealing away portions of supplies for her own use, I am certain of it, but have not yet been able to link the thefts to her specifically.

16th Haematite, 202

Song has physically kicked one of the smanges out of the first floor carpentry shop and started working on something.  She refuses to discuss what it is, even under threat of torture, but assures us that it is "for Uslot's glory".  It had better be, or she's going on the altar.

19th Haematite, 202

  A crowd had gathered around the carpenter's workshop.  Song had been working for three nights straight now, without rest or food, but in the last hour she had begun working much faster than before.  Over the last three days she had gathered a number of samples of lumber, discarding whole logs save for a few scraps of wood here and there.  She had constructed a strange varnish from boiled bones and a quart of her own blood, struck with fire from the offering brazier of the shrine, then worked into the wood at all stages.  In the last twenty minutes she had abandoned her tools in favour of shaving the last details of the piece with her bare nails.

  At last she stood back, calling the piece's name to the world.

  "Oslesudast Lobug Stusto," she intoned with a dark, driven voice, as thunder above crescendoed dramatically.  There was a stunned silence from all around.

  "It's... a door," Fortis pointed out pragmatically.

  "It's a dedication to Uslot's might and majesty, a representation of His power," coughed Song, frowning at him.

  "Also, a door."

  "Look, it's a very evil door, okay?"

  "If you say so."

  "It is pretty disturbing," Scuba conceded.  The front of the door was indeed extremely disturbing, portraying a disconcertingly lifelike depiction of the demon Uslot Flickerglowed, their sadistic and all-powerful master.  What was particularly worrying about the image was that the shadows cast by the raised intaglio of the carving seemed to follow you no matter where you looked.  Sometimes they changed shape, too.  Scuba could swear one of them was winking at him.

  "The shrine does need a door," Kat considered, stepping through the crowd to look it over.  "What say you, Fass?"

  "It was born of Uslot's inspiration," Axmu decreed.  "Let us render unto Uslot what is Uslot's.  The shrine it is."

20th Haematite, 202

The unhallowed door has been affixed to the shrine, where we may now all feel Uslot's terrifying presence on a daily basis.  Axmu has granted Song her freedom, as is custom to those who have performed an act which can be undeniably said to serve Uslot directly.  She is now an am.

23rd Haematite, 202

Bosa, one of the fighters, has been decreed a champion by the Fass and granted his freedom.  It seems likely the remainder of the group will follow suit in the coming months.  The Fass has issued instructions to prepare crossbows for marksmanship training.

5th Malachite, 202

Each of the defending fighters has passed Axmu's tests, including Axmu herself, and been granted freedom and the rank of Ror.  The warriors are now being set upon the archery buttes in the old quarry for further discipline.

From the notes of Fortis Uraroslem:
19th Malachite, 202

After over a year of planning, excavation and production, the waterways are complete.  The Fass pulled the lever today in commemoration of the occasion, bringing water to the fort and setting the stage for future work.  We took the opportunity presented by the change in water pressure to finally dam the overflow at the southern end of the river, stopping the seasonal floods to the southern plains and the human settlements there.  Take that, pinkies.

It does me proud, in its own way, to see this all coming into effect.  Really... dwarven, I suppose.  The only shame is that that strastnas-uzun Olngo doesn't have a room of her own, because I would sure like to give her a personal water supply.  Maybe with a nice, concealed lever.

Part two of the project is well underway, and I'm looking forward to it.

4th Galena, 202.

A small group of eight smanges arrived today from the south.  It seems their Fass was killed during a raid on a human village.  Hearing about our encampment, they chose to join our workforce.  What concerns me is that they have heard about our encampment.  If they know, who else does?  What sort of unexpected visitors should we expect?

5th Galena, 202

  "The tale I tell now is that which has always been told and that will be told again.  This is the story of the Togu, the gods-forsaken.  This is our story."

  The shrine was packed to the brim with gathered goblins, clustered around the stone altar where the Fass, Axmu, stood behind and spoke in lieu of a priest. Terrible obsidian statues of tartaran figures flanked the room, and the oaken walls had been carved into scenes of horror and deprivation.  Dried ruddy stains upon the black altar's surface told tales of the regular offerings made unto it.  Yet now, the offerings had been made, the blood drained away, the bones and meat carefully parcelled out by rank amongst the goblins.  In this serene moment, mere minutes after the frenetic orgy of ritual celebration, the old tale would be told.

  "All that has happened before will happen again.  Before this world there was another, much like our own.  It too had races great and small, and from them came the first.  The first of the togu, our fathers and mothers and the zn't were born of this world, as were the first of the 'bang and the damstos, the dwarves and elves.  In that world, great civilisations spanned the realm and tales can still be remembered of legendary Olonkulet and Nist Akath, where so many of our kin were slain.  There, too, were gods and once there had been also fiends and great titanic beasts as are even today but myth and rare sightings.  Yet by the end times, all these were gone.

  "That world came to an end amidst a great Cataclysm, a war between the gods that called upon all the races of the world; a war of destiny that would forever shape the world to come.  All took their sides and fought, and the cosmos was shifted once again by the forces of titans.  The great beasts of the world were remade and pitted against one another.  Gods rose and gods fell, and with them the fortunes of their allies.  Ultimately, four fates befell their kind.

  "Those gods who were victorious descended to the fertile plains and their people became fruitful and tall.  These became human and lived but seventy years, burning brightly in the love of their masters.

  "Those gods who were defeated but survived retreated to the dark caverns of the mountains and sealed away their wrathful servants in cages of the strongest kind, deep beneath the world where none should ever dig.  Their people became stunted and driven to intoxication, and became the dwarves who live to three hundred years before the weight of their callow gods breaks their earthly form.

  "Then there were those who deceived and betrayed their gods, the damsto, who are called elves.  Despairing of victory and hungry for power, they slew their divine masters and poured the blood into the rivers and the streams, where they became one with the forces of the earth.  They drank from these streams and were transformed into the nightmares we see today; tall, possessed of unnatural speed and slavishly tied to the health of the forests that grant them their eternal life.  In deicide they found immortality, but with it a far greater bind - for if their forests should ever die, so shall they all.

  "Finally there were those whose gods failed them and were lost, or slain, or abandoned them.  They passed through the Cataclysm without the embrace of a god, forsaken as togu.  They changed into what we are today, lost and forgotten, burdened with the rage and emptiness of godlessness and forced to walk eternity alone."  A general chorus of murmuring and snarls arose from the crowd.  Old wounds ran deep.

  "But we prevail," Axmu stated fiercely.  "We survive, despite those who have forgotten or betrayed us.  We fight on under Uslot's guidance and we will survive.  It is but ten thousand years until the Cataclysm returns, togus.  Old age will never harry us, our flesh shall never grow weak from divine fire.  So we will survive.  We will wait out the world and when the time returns, we will fight again and this time - this time, we might win, and know the embrace of a deity."  Axmu let the silence hang for a few moments, then raised her voice imperiously.  "Bring me the scroll."

  All heads turned to the archway, where the am Song waited with a cracked, aged scroll.  One of the refugees had rescued it from the temple before the elves had destroyed the settlement, and so it had been brought here.  Song approached with care, reverentially handing the scroll to Axmu, who unfurled it and read the contents solemnly.  All ears were held in rapture as the sacred words were spoken.

  "This is the four thousand, six hundred and forty-ninth iteration of this tale."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2009, 06:55:55 am »

Very nice. Can I have a goblin? A filthy smang by the name of "Grimes". A miner, if that's possible. If not, just a useless, layabout punching bag.
You could start a zoo and end up with a natural history museum, I'm sure no one would mind.


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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2009, 09:14:14 am »

i will not die now that i found out i am ur only friend fortis :D :P ooo and if u need help with the rubble just tell me ;) but i still wont win. wait why would i want to be a leader anyways :P i cant lead to well :S :)


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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2009, 09:25:49 am »

Oh, yeah, Iituem. Would you mind posting your raws up on the file depot? I wouldn't mind trying out Gobbie Fortress myself  :D
You could start a zoo and end up with a natural history museum, I'm sure no one would mind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2009, 10:21:06 am »

i would soon as i figure out how to mod the game <_<


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2009, 11:42:36 am »

1st Limestone, 202

The goblin known as Grimes waited at the edge of the fire hole, pick at the ready and keeping a cautious eye on the lava nearby.  She could feel her skin crisping from the intensity of the heat.  In the distance, a plume of white smoke from the upper floor of the fortress foundations indicated that the rite had begun, a gaggle of goblins clustered around it. This being the signal, she hacked quickly away at the edge of the pit, breaking through the wall of obsidian left between the pit and the unseen channel beyond.  She dug until she was certain the wall would break away under the pressure of the magma, then legged it back to the fortress.

Led by the Fass Axmu, the residents of Hateslaughter sang out an aged hymn, the rors beating out a rhythm on heavy deerskin drums.  It was of the traditional form of the call and response, with the Fass calling out and the masses crying back.  As the drummers set up the beat, the Fass sang out to the clear autumn skies.

Mam 'btasp otu fro,
Mam keng slulasp snos,
Mam nobde kedusm-aksput,
'Tda sasal fs sp'stro!

The answer rang out in the harsh chant of the smanges, a heavy near-shouting for the drums of war.  In the distance, licks of smoke began to emerge from the distant tunnel.

Aslez zedan or-sp,
Odan zodsto ustol,
Smusm togu ustrok,
Oz ustrul buzong 'tda!

The hymn broke into the bridge, a sharp contrast between the high song of the call and the deep roars of the response that resounded about the valley.  As they sang, the first tendrils of magma struck the dry grass of the basin and set it alight, a plume of smoke swiftly giving rise of a wave of fire.

Or-sp togu!
Astrum damsto!
Tospas asnu ustol uzod!
Ngebzo ngorge!
Zodod arstruk!
Omzom buzong oz ustrul!

As the final stanza began, a curtain of flame billowed forth from the tunnel and swept across the basin, consuming all the dry summer brush in its wake, the roaring of the fire lifting higher the goblin song.

Astrum buzong aslez,
Almsmust usmraz ung'stung,
Axod aka odan,
Ustul 'tda!

As the hymn reached its crescendo, soaring peaks of flame surrounded the fort and, high above, the greying sky thundered as the pressure dropped like a stone.  For a few still moments, the growing rumblings of the heavens and the roaring blaze of the fire were the only accompaniment to the rapt ears of the goblin ranks.  Then, as the last of the fire burned itself away and all that remained was ash, the rain began to fall.

Uslot approved.

Spoiler: Translation (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rhythm (click to show/hide)

16th Limestone, 202

A new caravan arrived today from the south.  Increased human patrols have reduced the success of raiding efforts, it seems.  Mostly we traded hunting kills for some of the old silk clothing left in the stores.

27th Limestone, 202

Magma spreads a little more slowly than drama would indicate.  It has taken much of the month for the curtain of molten rock to spread over even a tenth of the basin, but I suppose we cannot rush volcanic forces.

The shrine also direly needs expansion.  With a workforce 39 strong, we cannot fit everyone into the small space allocated to it on the lower floor.  I have assigned Fortis the task of clearing out the lower level and moving the workshops currently present there to the upper floors.  A gatehouse is being added to the main bridge, as well.

10th Sandstone, 202

Bosa, one of the rors, has suffered a spinal injury.  Fortunately, he is an accomplished fist-fighter, but he will now have to become a committed marksman.  The other rors, complaining of the lack of bolts for practice, have actually started hitting each other with the crossbows instead, and are becoming rather good at it.

12th Sandstone, 202

  "'ey, Forty!" came a husky yell from the other end of the quarry.  "Come take a look at this!"

  Fortis stood up from the boulder of obsidian he had been mining and clambered over the scattered rocks of the cavern floor to where the source of the call, a small, stocky and outright filthy goblin decked out in mud-covered leopardskin overalls and wearing a miner's hardhat (complete with gauze-filtered candle) made from giant cave spider chitin was busy grubbing away at the glassy black wall with her fingers.  She pointed to a bit of the ancient volcanic glass that seemed a bit off-colour by comparison to the rest.

  "What d'you reckon, Fort?" she asked.  "How lucky you reckon we are?"

  "No way that's gold," Fortis muttered.  "Might not even be anything.  Could just be impurities in the stone, Grimes.  Still, one way to find out."  He raised his pick and Grimes shielded her eyes as he brought it down, cleaving off a shard of the obsidian.  He knelt and picked up the shard, holding it up to the light of Grimes' hat-candle.  Grimes let out a low whistle at the gleaming copper along the fault.

 "Might not be gold, could be a lot more useful.  You wanted to be a smith, right?"  Fortis shook his head.

  "Mason.  Glacies was the one who wanted to be a smith."  He grunted, as the pair shared a brief moment of nostalgia.  Grimes stared stonily at the copper for a moment as she recalled the sickening impact of her pick in Glacies' skull, and Fortis shut his eyes to the memory of dumping the mad goblin's corpse on the pile.

  "Not right, the way it went down," Grimes muttered.  "Even if he went dwarf at the end."  Fortis grunted and turned away.

  "Do me a favour, will you?" he asked.  "Keep this out of that tusnom Olgno's hands.  She doesn't deserve this."  He lifted his pick and gruffly shuffled back to the far end of the quarry.

2nd Timber, 202

As work progresses apace on the second level of the fort, a small trail of arrivals marks further immigrants.  Two amsmanges and seven smanges have arrived.  They appear to be more refugees of attacks based out of the Elven homeland, Laraminithe (or 'The Familial Whisker').  A new High Druid has arisen amongst the damsto, who is pushing a more aggressive campaign against our people.  Thinking about it however, that whole "razing the Forest of Tears" project the Hell of Onslaught pulled a few years back probably did not leave us in good stead with them.  I've relayed the Fass' orders to prepare a set of battlements atop the second level, overlooking the main entrance, just in case the Elves find out where we are.

The raws have not been substantially altered at all, Gumball.  Simply change the [CIV_CONTROLLABLE] tag in entity_default (found in the raw/objects folder) from the dwarf civ to the goblin civ.  Goblins are entirely playable as-is, but cannot farm or extract adamantine.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 03:44:40 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2009, 10:55:04 am »

9th Timber, 202

One of the amsmangs, the blacksmith Azstrog, keeled over today in the middle of prayers.  When he arose again, his head spun around 180 degrees and he started breathing fire.  Since then, he has started demanding a workstation by the magma, on the authority of "Og-zotul, the Hellsmith".  This has presented an issue in the sense that we do not have one set up.  Out of fear of disobeying a possible servant to Uslot, we have designated a spot at the edge of the growing magma flow for a forge and are essentially praying nobody gets killed setting the damn thing up.  Although that would avoid future food supply issues...

9th Moonstone, 202

A month has passed and continuous difficulties trying to get the damned magma forge working have resulted in our efforts coming to none.  I am uncertain what Og-zotul is going to do, as he grows increasingly impatient.  The Fass is on stand-by with the rors.  It appears that another ror, Ngulsu Malicefins, has suffered spinal bruising during sparring practice and is now consigned permanently to the marksmans' corps.

16th Moonstone, 202

I gazed out from the battlements this morning upon the verdant plains to the north of the fort (a stark contrast to the burnt-out ash at its feet) and had the revelation that I was looking at plains, not forest.  We have been very, very industrious since arriving, it seems.  Sometimes it surprises me how little wood a forest actually produces once you've gone and cut it down.  On the other hand, it is in effect but a matter of time before the damasto take notice of this level of environmental disruption - so why not beat them to the chase?  I have made the suggestion to the Fass of clear-cutting the entire western ridge, and she heartily approved. 

Let us lay waste to this verdant vale.  I have dispatched the lumberjack Scuba to take care of this, who has made such diabolical work of the plains to the north.  On the Fass' reccomendation, he has been promoted to a full sostu and earned his freedom.  The smang Grimes has also come up for review and been similarly promoted and given mastery over the mining team.

21st Moonstone, 202

Limited trading today with the raiding caravan, mostly for meat, but they brought news from the colonies.  Laraminthan raiders have been striking more of the colonies and gathering aid from the human kingdoms to do it.  Details are sketchy at best, but apparently there is a degree of upheaval in human lands regarding their Trade Guilds, enough that some of the Guilds are putting together armies to protect their interests.  The new Elven leader seems willing to loosen some of the usual damsto embargoes on logging in exchange for military aid in his campaign.  I have made a note of this for the future.

23rd Moonstone, 202

The force possessing Azstrong has left him, and taken his mind with it.  He began attacking people within the shrine, but the rors arrived on the scene before he could leave. 


"The eye!" Azstrong shrieked, hurling the sacrificial blade from the altar at one of the fleeing smanges.  "It burns!  It burns with the bold truth!"  He leapt over the obsidian altar and launched himself toward the entrance to the shrine, directly into the path of a crossbow butte.  Exhaling sharply as the wood hit his ribs, Azstrong gazed briefly in surprise at the ror Nguslu before the crossbow returned, hammer-like, with full force in an uppercut.  Azstrong was launched by the blow over the stone table, streaming blood, straight onto the far statue.  A strangled breath escaped his lips and his eyes fell to behold the two razor-sharp obsidian horns protruding from his chest.  He struggled vainly to lift his arms, then slumped, blood flowing from his body and pooling at the statue's base.

6th Opal, 202

The smang Osta Atomato has given birth today, naming the child Ngoso Omospspukom.  Her father is the champion ror, Bosa.  As is law and tradition, the child shall become property of the Temple once she comes of age, until such time as she has worked her way to freedom.

23rd Opal, 202

Another birth today, this time of Gozru Zolaknung to the amsmang Olngo and the ror Ozud. 

From the notes of Fortis:
5th Granite, 203

Magma cooling has served to limit the measure of expansion, impeding the precious project of the higher-ups, so Grimes and I have been ordered to sort it out.  We're sacrificing one of the plugs and releasing some water from the reservoir into the basin, enough to crust the edges of the magma and seal it - that should give it time to pile up some and prepare for expansion.

7th Slate, 203

Two amsmanges, a number of smanges and a child arrived today from the east, toward the human settlements.  They hail from the watchtower Slightmurders, which was burned to the ground by human mercenaries.  We have accepted them in, but the burgeoning population of this outpost is beginning to become a problem.  We have so far been able to support our population through meat trading and hunting, but I am beginning to fear the lasting power of our stores in the event of an outright siege.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Community]
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2009, 12:42:39 pm »

i am free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *grins menacingly* now. time to cut down all that wood mwuhahahahahahahaha.*runs off into the forest/plains and starts at the nearest tree*


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Re: Hateslaughter [Goblin Dark Fortress]
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2009, 05:16:32 pm »

27th Slate, 203

Another of the smanges gave birth today.  This fortress is becoming surprisingly fertile. 

24th Felsite, 203

One of the smanges, a woodworker named Usbu, started giggling to himself for no apparent reason.  He took charge of the bowyer's workshop, grabbed two logs from the wood stockpiles and started working.  I am sensing a pattern here, but at least this one might not go mad.

27th Felsite, 203

Usbu has wrought a powerful bow from alder, inlaid with an image of the terrifying dwarf of myth - Kivish Handtower the Sinful Wilt of Joining.  The great shame is that nobody here is actually capable of using a longbow.

2nd Haematite, 203

Another birth has taken place.  In celebration, the smang Fortis has been granted his freedom in recognition of his years of service.  More practically, this is because we need to start digging downwards.  With the magma lake progressing rather slowly, we had better pursue the plan ahead of schedule.

Fortis' Notes:
10th Haematite, 203

Keep hitting damp patches excavating out the lower levels.  Could be indicative of an aquifer, will need to make an exploratory shaft to find out.  A little more digging around suggests it's wrapped right around the excavation soil too, so we'll need to dig carefully.

Fortis' Notes:
27th Haematite, 203

Suspicions confirmed.  Aquifer's spread through the loam on the other side of the barrier.  We'll plumb down one more level to confirm, but it looks like it might sandwich underneath us as well.

5th Malachite, 203

We keep getting raided by kobolds.  Granted, the little cretins are rather ineffectual and most of them get bludgeoned to death by bored smanges, but the annoyance does interfere with our work somewhat.  Fortis informs me he has confirmed that the aquifer does slide underneath our current digging levels.  We will need to make provisions for this with regard to our larger building designs.

18th Malachite, 203

More migrants have arrived.  This particular group actually aren't here as a result of forced emigration by damsto, but left over a family dispute regarding the ownership of a set of golden idols.  Technically, the ror in charge of the smanges won the dispute, but has fled to avoid questions from the remainder of the family along the lines of "where did you stash the body" and more pertinently "where did you stash the gold".  He won't talk about where he did stash the gold, but we've welcomed him in anyway.

26th Galena, 203

We've got another live one.  One of the stoneworker smanges, Utes, has stopped talking to anyone and kicked out boltcutter out of the crafting station.  He started scribbling pictures of what he wants, but there is a fairly major problem - we lack any plant fibre cloth such as he is requesting.

10th Limestone, 203

Caravan has arrived.  Unfortunately, no cloth.  So much for Utes.

Fortis' Notes:
20th Limestone, 203

Started low-level mining beneath the aquifer.  Kat's keeping something close to her chest on this one, she's asking for supporting going nearly a hundred feet down but won't describe what it is.  When I ordered her to (perks of being a sostu!) she flat out refused, claiming that she was fulfilling the requests of the first Fass and, ultimately, the zn't.  Not sure what's going on with that, but the rock here is still solid obsidian, and so far we've hit cinnabar, orpiment, stibnite, copper and aluminium, so things are looking pretty good.

1st Sandstone, 203

More immigrants have arrived.  Two amsmanges, siege engineers, and a work crew.  The Elves are in a full-scale war with the colonies now, with one of the fortresses already under siege.  These smanges escaped from a watchtower that fell to human mercenaries working with them.

12th Sandstone, 203

Utes has flipped out, Glacies-style, and started trying to kill people.  The rors, fortuitously, were on standby.  Ozud tossed him over the bench and the other rors swiftly beat him into a bloody pulp.  One of the smanges has been despatched to cart his corpse to the caskets in the quarry.

On a brighter note, the wood stocks on the second basement level are now full up, so there's a party on at the shrines to celebrate!  Try not to step in the pool of blood on your way in.

8th Timber, 203

Another child was born to the fortress, a boy.  The immense degree of free time temporarily available to the lower ranks has resulted in a boom in socialisation, but a dangerous lack of order has come with it.  Without clear instructions, the seeds of dissent and mischief are beginning to take root.  A solution has presented itself.

Fortis' Notes:
15th Timber, 203

So I've been given authority to do something to shore up our defences.  It's all make-work to keep us down, I've no doubt, but I guess I finally get to do some real stonework so I'll let that slide.  I've whipped up all the smanges into shifting stone for now, should keep them out of trouble while I work on a design.  Occurs to me that while the inner walls are pretty secure, particularly with the ultimate plan for the basin, the outer edge of the basin could use some fortification.  So the plan is, build up some decent battlements around the outside, then trap them like a paranoid kobold.  We shall make a deathtrap worthy of those bloody runts yet.

13th Moonstone, 203

Something about this place is cursed.  Another of the smanges went wild today, claiming the craft shop for some arcane purpose.  Rors are on stand-by and looking forward to a little bloodshed, since he's asking for rough gems and we aren't exactly enjoying a surplus of those.  A smang informs me that the raiders have arrived with their haul, but I somehow doubt they'll have anything of the sort on hand.

All these strange moods taking our smanges.  I wonder-

Best not to write about that sort of thing.

Grimes' Report: 24th Opal 203

Started excavating below the current quarry layer.  Looks like even more obsidian, we're in luck.  Fortis has set up a massive brickworks in the quarry, on the grounds that bricks are more efficient to transport en masse.  About half the fortress is busied with it, but that's still not enough.  Kat's pressuring us to get more people working down there, there are a lot of idle hands and she's possessed of the mentality that idle hands are dangerous.  What's troubling her about this?  I heard Ozud went Glacies today and the rors took him down in moments; bolt through the heart.  Just before he died, he screamed something about 'the z'nt's eye'.  Kat refuses to talk about it.  Something strange is going on here.

12th Obsidian, 203

Another boy was born today.  Grimes informs me that excavation of the lower levels proceeds apace, and the brickery is turning out a comforting number of blocks.  Fortis should be ready to start on the outer bailey soon.  The work is keeping everybody occupied now, myself included, and keeping our minds off the nature of this place.  Especially off the reason we were sent here.

17th Obsidian, 203

Yet another child is born.  This is what happens when we give the smanges too much idle time.

1st Granite, 204

The gatehouse is starting to take form, and the current magma vessel is near enough to full to allow for another growth spurt.  We have yet another baby born, yet another mouth to feed and yet another togu to fret about.  Brilliant.

2nd Slate, 204

A runner came to my office today bearing grave news.  The major colony of Highfists, one of the last outposts before the dark fortesses themselves, has fallen, its priests slaughtered and its temple razed.  The colony Dungeon Keeper, Atu Snagozru, is due to arrive within the day.  We are to prepare to accomodate her.

4th Slate, 204

The Dungeon Keeper strode across the gangway like the wrath of the gods, followed hurriedly by a ror, several amsmanges and a gang of smanges, including a few children.  Atu Snagozru was a sight to behold for any goblin.  Draped in a hooded cloak of olm-man skin, adorned with the engraved bones of various exotic creatures, Atu wore no other clothing but was covered in tattoos from head to toe, all in midnight black or vermillion inks, each one marking rank or achievement.  Beneath the cowl the cloak provided, a perpetual scowl threatened to rain anguish and torment upon any who so much as considered crossing her path.  The Fass, with Kat three steps behind her, bowed her head in deference as Snagozru approached.

"Take me to your Fass," Snagozru demanded.  There was a rather pregnant pause before Kat was able to manage an apology.

"Forgive me, olbosa, but this is our Fass."  Snagozru levelled her gaze at Kat as she would a loaded crossbow.  Kat kept her eyes down.  After a decidedly lengthy moment, Atu turned her attention to Axmu instead.

"Where," she demanded, "is Osta Omosmuntsu?"


Atu bore the empty, dusty casket a few moments of silent respect.  She traced a hand across its surface, then became aware of the figures waiting behind her.  Straightening again, she turned to face the Fass and zostosmang with a snarl upon her lips.

"The quarries?  For a Fass?  Evidently a lack of clear leadership has addled your already watered brains.  You will remedy this, Fass.  Now, leave us."

"Olbosa?" the Fass enquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I wish to speak with your zostosmang about certain fine details.  You need not concern yourself with them, you have important things to be doing."  She turned up the force of her glare.  "Do you not?"

The Fass, a skilled hand to hand fighter and with a good chance against a troll in single combat, withered under that gaze and swiftly scurried away.  Snagozru smirked, then glanced sidelong to Kat, her features regaining their iron cast.

"That togu is a fool, zostosmang, but I am not.  How long have you been running this outpost for her?"  Kat opened her mouth to protest, but Atu cut her off with a raised palm.  "Do not fret, zosto.  You will not lose your position, because you are useful.  Nor will you rise above it, zostosmang, because that is all you are.  You are not the first smang to hold such power, and you are far from the last, but you are still a smang, even if you should hold as much power as Uslot Himself.  Now, tell me about the artefacts."

"How did you-" Kat began.

"I did not order you to question me, zosto, I ordered you to tell me about the artefacts.  Do so." 

Kat paused for a moment before answering.

"There is a door bearing Uslot's image, as well as a longbow bearing the image of a mythical dwarf."

"No others?"

"No, but several togus have gone mad trying to produce them.  We do not have a great surplus of materials."

"Procure them, then.  I am aware of Osta's mission, even if you do not know the full details." 

Kat inhaled sharply with surprise.  Atu smirked, then her eye fell upon the casket and she added softly;  "She was a friend."

"As you say, olbosa" Kat murmured.  Deference was clearly the best strategy right now.

"Now," Snagozru said, drawing up her cloak with one arm.  "I will require an office, a room and dining chamber, sufficient storage for my effects and since I've seen how you prefer to manage burial affairs here I will want you to prepare my tomb in advance.  I will inspect it personally, and if it is not to my liking I shall take measures to provide discipline to this outpost.  Until then, I will be making use of your office for my needs."

"Ah, olbosa, my office is very cramped.  The Fass has-"

"A rather more spacious one, yes, but this way my office will actually get built.  Get to it, zosto.  There is plenty to do."

Kat struggled internally for a few moments, then bowed her head lower and fled.  Snagozru reached into a hidden pocket in her cloak and drew out a small, well-maintained journal, jotting a handful of notes in it before snapping it closed and moving on.  There was, after all, plenty to do.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hateslaughter [Goblin Dark Fortress]
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2009, 11:55:21 am »

Freedom! At last!

So, what title do I have now?


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Re: Hateslaughter [Goblin Dark Fortress]
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2009, 01:10:50 pm »

join the club fortis :P now that both of us are free want to join the army after reaching the higest rank with our current main job?
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