Winter (and my final) update:
3rd Moonstone, 39
The miners report they have completed their first exploratory digging. Just some simple branches from a long downward sloping shaft, but a good start. They report seeing quite a large amount of silver, both pure and impure forms. While not as good as gold... or other metals... it's still rather valuable, and useful. While I don't think we're quite situated enough to begin smelting, whoever is to come might find it useful to know. There's also a lot of magnetite and coal in the upper levels of the mountain, so iron and possibly steel production isn't out of the question.
7th Moonstone, 39
The furniture is all done being moved, so I told the working stiffs to get back to moving rocks around. Also I decided to promote one of them to Engraver to make an effort to make the walls look a little less ugly. Here's hoping...
14th Moonstone, 39
I spent most of the day in my quarters scribbling on paper thinking of an idea for the tombs. I have to admit I was a bit stumped, and I started absent mindedly drawing circles on the paper, then a circle inside the circle, then circles around the circle... then it hit me. It was perfect! A blissful break from our blocky world! Some curves, connected... it was beautiful! I showed it to the miners, while they grunted something about only being able to work with 90 degree angles, they said they'd see what they could do. Here's hoping for something to brag about to the other fortresses!
17th Moonstone, 39
More kobolds attempting theft. This time 'Carl' the self proclaimed actor managed to play the role of a real dwarf quite well as he pummeled one to death that managed to sneak past the trade depot. Was quite amusing to watch.
19th Moonstone, 39
I'm starting to think it's time to start training an army. 2 goblin snatchers were spotted trying to enter the fortress as well. Note to self: Take a look at the working stiffs and see if any suckers... I mean volunteers would be interesting in forming our first militia.
23rd Moonstone, 39
After looking over their records... I find four expendable... I mean highly qualified dwarves to start up our army. I placed Onul Ducimoltar in charge of Logem Mengmatul, Sodel Dodokoshosh, and Kubuk Shemenseb. They call themselves "The Geared Deer" A name that will undoubtedly strike fear in the enemy, or make them choke on a pretzel at least. I tell the four of them to start practicing wrestling, and they quickly proceed to start tackling each other around the dining room. Nothing like watching a brawl to go with a tallow biscuit!
5th Opal, 39
Dammit! Another hunter got himself injured. I'm not sure what's so dangerous out there, but whatever it is, it's nasty! Cerol this time came back with an even worse leg wound. Luckily we have buckets this time, so he better not die on us dammit!
7th Opal, 39
Mr. Babble finally babbled himself to death, well more of he starved to death, since he refused to eat anything since the whole strange mood he had a couple months ago. Well I better go scratch another tick mark into the wall. Hoping I don't have to add anymore during my term here, but I have a feeling there will be more to come... sad to say. Work on the tombs is coming along nicely at least, so he'll have a decent place to rest. Just need to get that damn Lazy Engraver to stop mucking about and start making some coffins!
20th Opal, 39
Had the miners take a small break from digging out the tombs to open up a water shaft from the brook. This way we can now get water without having to leave the fortress! Maybe in the future we'll be able to put in a well or something. Who knows!
22nd Opal, 39
I took a stroll outside today, and peered down the bottomless pit I decided to nickname Marla. Deep inside I noticed something had been killing Naked Mole Dogs, and now they were rotting out in the open. I'm a little concerned and hope nobody's staying around there very often... I know the lads go over there every so often to nick some web along the top to turn into silk.. but that web has to be coming from somewhere... right? I think I'm gonna stay underground from now on...
6th Obsidian, 39
Is it Obsidian already? Wow, where has the time gone? The tombs are about halfway dug out. Jacke and Mr. Babble have a place to sleep the eternal sleep at least. Which is good, because their bodies were really starting to smell!
22nd Obsidian, 39
My term here is almost done. While I know I was free to go when the year was up as per the terms from the King. I think I'm going to stay here. I've managed to etch out a decent place for myself, and yeah the place smells like crap, with a constant smell of rot in the air, and we're still just getting off the ground, but hey, I helped make it! That and somebody's gotta keep these fools fed!
23rd Obsidian, 39
Just when I thought the year would end without any more events, Cerol, one of the working stiffs, withdrew from society, probably has some strange ideas about making something or other... He quickly ran over and grabbed one of the clothing shops by the farms, and is now running around looking for stuff. Doubt he'll finish before the end of the year though...
23rd Obsidian, 39 (later that evening)
Well maybe that, apparently everything he needed was already in the shop because he has already started work on a mysterious creation!
27th Obsidian, 39
Well as a nice going away present I suppose, Cerol finished his project rather quickly. A silk skirt named "Rapidscreams" (I LOVE THE NAME!!) With some pictures of saguaros on it...
1st Granite, 40
Happy New Year! That's it! No more of this stupid worrying crap anymore! Woohoo! Now I can focus on cooking, and enjoying life. To whoever is next, I apologize for the mess laid around here, this is a rather messy bunch. I've tried to get them to clean up, but it's rather difficult. You might have to enforce some stronger litter policies or something...
Aaaaand... that's it!
Here's the final status of the fort:
Also that status of Marko:
And here's how Red Fortune is holding up:
I took the liberty of uploading Grizzlyoar to the DF map archive: so you can take a look around and see what I've been up to.
Well here's the save file for whoever is next: Luck! (and hope you enjoyed my accounts)