I didn't really particularly care for the Elves that where trading with my fortress. And I was starting to get tired of it anyway. They never brought me any animals, and my fortress consisted of SO MANY cage traps, that I was hoping for something more exotic than my 50 wolves/beavers/ etc.
So I decided I would build a merchant destruction room with my trade depot. It wasn't really anywhere near water, so drowning was out, and magma was too destructive. Then I realized, I could simply build a bunch of cage traps with goblins, let them slaughter the merchants, and then open the front door, leading them directly into my cage traps to re-use them. Great training for my goblin arena, and an effective method of taking care of Merchants.
Or so I thought.
The elves show up, and I lock the doors. They're stuck in there, all alone, with a bunch of sneering cages that are bristling with mechanisms. And weapons littered about as well. A click is heard, as a dwarf pulls a lever eleswhere in the fortress. I sit back to watch the carnage.
The elves didn't survive very long. However, the Elves animals, specifically, 2 mules and a camel, where less than happy about their predicament. They then proceeded to kick and bite and destroy every goblin I'd released in there. 24 fully armed goblins vs. 3 animals. And the animals won, with a full contingent of names.
It was... beautiful... and horrible... all atthe same time.