I once had a armorsmith, who got stabbed by a kobold thief no 2 frames after creating a steel breastplate trough a fey mood.
It was like
Urist McArmorsmith has created artifact steel breastplate
*unpauses game*
*game pauses again, instandly* Thief! Protect the hoard!
*unpauses game*
Urist McArmorsmith has been struck down!
Those are the moments when I feel like laughing and crying at the same time.
Another one:
I have once had a badass elf girl. Ya rly.
I have a habbit of locking trader into a 7x7 room with the depot in the middle and cage-traps all around.
Then I use those traders (if they go berserk) in my arena.
That one time I captured a elf girl who killed her merchant companion and all caravan animals in something like 10 frames.
Once cought in a cage I used her in my arena, where she spent the next 6 years, killing:
22 Goblins (one of them was even armed, I forgot to disarm him, only noticed after she killed him)
13 other elven traders
17 humans (trader, invaders, caravan guards)
2 dwarfs
1 Ettin !
lots of different animals
and that all with her bare hands!
After that I cought her in a golden cage and displayed her in my main dining hall.
Do intelligent beings still gain stats after going berserk?
If so, then she must have been a legendary fighter/striker/dodger/wrestler by then.
Another fort I created not far away showed lots of engravings of her, raping and slaughtering several of her victims