Ball Bullet Gun is an obscure, difficult strategy game made in Japan in the era of the SNES. It was never released in the United States. It seems to revolve around people shooting each other with BB guns, and stabbing each other with BB knives, and blowing each other up with BB grenades. Or something.
Anyway, it's a fun game, and I'm going to run a LP for it over my school's spring break. I'm getting it started now to prevent signups taking all of our time.
Anyway, first thing's first; we need a team name.
You can vote on it, or something.
We have eight spaces on the team. One person gets to be a Leader (basically an all-around good class). Feel free to ask for the Leader position if you want it, but you might not get it if someone else wants it.
Whoever is the Leader gets to pick one of those three ugly little people-persons to be. Those are the default names, of course. I'll change them. HP is hitpoints, AP is action points (each action you can take burns a certain number of these, and carrying heavier weapons can slow you down by lowering the number of AP you can use significantly). Evasion is how well you dodge bullets, and Hit is how well you shoot bullets. A is best, E is worst. For Search, the first number is how far you always see. The second is how far you see if you burn an Action Point actively searching in one direction.
There are four classes for non leaders to choose from:
The other three have similarly overenthusiastic descriptions.
Here are the three types of Attacker: Their special attack throws a
grenade. my bad, it throws a Pineappl.
Here are the "Task Force" people (ninjas): Their special attack sets a booby trap.
Here are the Defenders. They dodge bullets and are horribly inaccurate. Their special ability heals everyone on their team adjacent to them by 1 point. Literally every attack in the game does one point of damage per bullet, though. MAN, some of these people are really ugly.
These are the three types of Sniper. Their special attack thing is a shot with 99% accuracy.
Anyway, if you want to play, you need to fill this thing out:
Class Other Than Leader: (also pick which character model and stat thing you specifically want)
Want to Be Leader?: Y/n
Idea For Team Name:
Also, don't join if you aren't active often. Seriously. In fact, if someone who I rarely see on here joins, I will STOP EVERYTHING to ask them questions about how often they'll be on. This counts double for whoever gets Leader.
I'll post a list of the available guns later. Keep in mind, not all classes can use all types of gun. Specifically,
Leaders - Everything
Attackers - Shotguns, Pistols, Assault Rifles, Knives
Task Force - Sub Machine Guns, Pistols, Assault Rifles, Knives
Defenders - Sub Machine Guns, Pistols, Assault Rifles
Snipers - Sniper Rifles, Pistols
As of now, there are 8 spaces open. I'll revise this post for clarity over the next few days.
Stuff you need to play (you don't need this to participate in the thread):
Here's the patch you need.And the rom.And the homepage for the emulator that I use. Just put the .iso patch and the .smc rom file in the emulator folder. Make sure they have the same name (but still, different file extensions).