when decorating anything, the decorator has access to the entire history of the local area right up to the present. as my current fort is in an area with only goblin forts surrounding it, at least half my engravings are all about goblins. one goblins. in particular, one quite epic goblin called Gozru Werecircle, who during a 60 year career as a hunter killed hundreds of goats and camels, and many sasquatches. she and several giant eagles ambushed each other every now and then in decades long grudge matches, each time one or the other would lose a limb.
eventually poor gozru, hopping out on one leg to go hunting again with her one remaining arm, she lost her remaining limbs to her oldest surviving enemy, Smilecloisters the giant eagle, who died during the fight.
sitting out in the wilderness as a limbless blob Gozru was promptly done away with by Brutemurders the Sasquatch, who was no doubt quite keen to get back at Gozru for the many many sasquatches she had hunted down over the years.
i really dont have much to complain about, as all the goblin engravings are pretty awesome and they beat the endless images of mayors being elected, but it is pretty weird when you are playing a fortress inhabited by dwarves to have them aparently idolizing a goblin who died ten years before the fortress was founded. its also not unrealistic that i may have killed some of gozrus children in the sieges, her civ is right next to mine and she did procreate a great deal.