I am indeed interested in everyone's opionions (and if it worked on their system fine), otherwise I wouldn't have posted it.
Personally, I didn't really think there was any humour in George at all, in fact I dealt rather respectfully with him. Ok, maybe his thinking time is a litte long, but that's a game balance issue, and I'm sure I can speed it up if I create a 'Big Business' enemy to go with him. If you don't like the politics of me using George's head, I'd suggest you steer clear of Liberal Crime Squad, though of course that's largely aimed the other way.
I agree that combat tends to be the worst part of most rpgs - and oddly the thing you end up spending the most time doing. This is an attempt to move away from hit points and healing towards tactics and strategy. Obviously, it has some way to go yet. How do you think the controls could be improved? At the moment up/down/enter are pretty much the only keys used, but of course this will change for more than one enemy.
By the way, I think you wanted single quotes round 'humour' rather than double ones round "appreciate". Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
Wow, Toady, never played console games? Real time is part of the difference. Many of the more popular games were 'real-time', in that things happened over a measured period of time, but under that they were basically just turn based, with all actions being instant, and the delay to the next one being a set period (often one round, but sometimes per character). The big jump will be adding movement on a grid a a key part of strategy, almost never done in the console scene, and always badly implemented in crpgs.