Hello. After watching some webcomics, and seeing how they started from a lame premise and grew into something horridly complex, I got an idea to make my own. However, I don't know how to draw, or want to draw. But, I just realized I just wanted to make a webcomic with a lame storyline, so, well...I am planning on doing a webcomic with no pictures. If somebody want to draw pictures to match the words, um, sure, but, I'm not sure if they are necessary. Oh well.
If it is lame, well, that because it is...
Frame 1:
GM: "You are the Holy Emperor, Emperor of the Universe!"
Stickman: "YES! I have finally managed to generate the character I always wanted."
GM: "Yep, the dice rolls all panned out in your favour. You blew up those annoying Rebel Scum, taken over ten galaxies in one forthnight, and managed to snag yourself a cool outfit in the process."
Stickman: "I love cool outfits. But...um...how did I manage to do all that?"
GM: "I believe it was your name. Mary Sue."
Frame 2:
Stickman: "There's a catch to all this right? You aren't really trying to puff my ego this game, are you?"
GM: "Of course not."
Stickman: "I must have overreacted with the rebels, I'm sure of it. That just only made the rebels more stronger. They are likely hiding out on a icy planet, and recruiting cute sidekicks."
GM: "There is no dissent against your rule."
Stickman: "So, the people love me, right?"
GM: "Well..."
Frame 3:
GM: "Remember that 100% tax rate you placed on the people?"
GM: "And your constant use of conscription and forced labor to build mounment for yourself?"
GM: "And your constant use of genocide to acheive your goals?"
Stickman: "I'm even more cooler than I thought!"
Frame 4:
GM: "Everybody hates you, Mary Sue. They just don't want to speak out because of fear that you might strike back harshly."
Stickman: "Do everybody knows that everybody else hates me?"
GM: "Yes."
Stickman: "Then my regime is always in danger. I want this threat removed."
GM: "Sure thing. Rock falls. Everybody dies."
Stickman: "Glad that got taken care of."
Stickman: "I'm going to celebrate. Call in my finest cooks to prepare me a--"
GM: "Rocks fall. Everybody dies."
Stickman: "Yeah. Right. So, GM, you want fish?"
GM: "You have no more followers."
Stickman: "Oh."
Frame 5:
GM: "Hey, you wanted to get rid of all possible rebellions."
Stickman: "Yes, but I need to eat too. Bring my cooks back."
GM: "Well, I might resurrect your cooks..."
GM: "...if you decide to lower taxes to 99% of the annual gross income."
Stickman: "NEVER!"