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Author Topic: Third Lords of Creation  (Read 28398 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #405 on: July 07, 2009, 07:39:01 am »

Nezzedin's work was at last complete.  A full dozen of Wayock's creations had been taught and trained in the secrets of rite and ritual, in sacrifice and communion.  Three of the Ger and the Gar and two each of the Gor, the Skar and the newly spawned Wer.  Each of them was trained in the art of communing with Wayock and the other Gods, including (should they wish it) Turpis.

Nezzedin returned once again to the portal city of the Ger.

Teach Populace (Ger & Subraces): Divine Communication (Clerics)
2/3 AP remaining
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #406 on: July 09, 2009, 02:35:44 pm »

Alether, Truelore Library

Alether saw that Rhuax was more than defeated, and happy that the material was once more safe, returned to his previous plance.

"Turpis! Master of deceit, now is the time to accomplish our work."

Alether wove the powers of the Eldritch Might, focusing them into the tower, were his works of knowledge that he had spent aeons slavering to finish were stored. He wove this into a seal, a seal that would allow it holder to secret all knowledge that he chose.

"It's your turn, Turpis."

Do my part of the artifact: 5/5 AP
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #407 on: July 09, 2009, 02:48:17 pm »

Titus saw the abomantains that where made of stone yet swam in the sea.He grew angered.But thought of a plan and smiled.All the while his hand gripped the pommel of his blade tight.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 08:12:30 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #408 on: July 09, 2009, 05:33:26 pm »

Previously on Third Lords of Creation...

The Truelore Library, Atrium

Turpis stepped through the wide arch leading into the vaulted atrium of the Library.  Needlessly expansive, the room was filled with books and bookcases, desks and writing equipment, ornate carvings depicting truths and history and countless other artefacts of knowledge and learning.

The only thing it lacks, thought the godling to himself, is anyone to actually read it.

He thumbed through the string of beads at his fingers until he found an appropriate one, thumbing it gently.  Silvery smoke billowed out of the object until it took the form of a translucent, faintly humanoid figure.

"Calaenin," ordered Turpis of the eldritch archon's soul, "seek out your creator in this place.  Present my greetings, my honoured appreciation of His store of knowledge and my gift.  That is, you.  Inform him that I should like to speak with Him regarding a deal."

As Turpis ordered the soul to send its message, a simple wooden door opened nearby. "Ah, a guest! What a pleasant surprise."

An old bearded man stepped out, dressed in long, plain robes and carrying a book in one hand. "You!" exclaimed Alether when he saw who it was, "This is truly a surprise. Turpis, was it? I've heard you've been causing trouble and mischief throughout the material plane. Yes... I've been watching, ever since you took the Codex which you now hold. It has been quite entertaining, really."

Alether waved to a nearby chair, which promptly flew to him. He sat on it casually, facing Turpis, presenting him with a second chair. "Now, why do I have the honor of your visit? Do you come to be the first being to actually read all these books I have slaved Aeons to write? Or is it... something else?"

Turpis took a seat graciously, exchanging the string of beads for a small scrap of paper and thumbing it gently.  A polished oak table with stone goblets and fermented berry juice shimmered into being by them and the human-like creature poured them both a glass.

"A little of one, a little of the other, Lord Alether," Turpis remarked, then regarded the scrap in his hand as he took a goblet with the other.

"It only ever produces illusions, you know," he murmured.  "That's the limit of its power.  I suppose the whole Codex would have been capable of much more, but it is a foolish man who takes more power than he needs."

"Still," he smiled, clapping his hands together.  "Things are in motion and should they go to plan, I shall require borrowed power of that sort no further."  He took a sip of the wine.

"I have to say that it's proven very enlightening, especially since it freed me up to travel more.  There are places I have been unable to travel, yes, but I have seen a fair share nonetheless.  One of them would be of particular interest to you; its patron deity has found a way to steal magic from your domain.  Quite skillfully, at that!"  He chuckled in appreciation of the work of a fellow thief.

"I was wondering if you would care for my help in forging a seal for this plane, capable of preventing magic being used save by your leave.  In return, I would ask permission for an Order of my own to be instructed in its use, and they in turn would gladly enough act as custodians for your library."

Alether laughed as he took the second goblet. "My my, you do speak quite vaguely when proposing deals. The promises you give, even if they can be trusted to be fulfilled, are so twisted and vague that you can fulfill them as it seems fit for your own plans. I've seen how easily you befuddled the mortals, how easily you turned their words and wishes against them. As such, I can't accept a deal so simply. First of all, I'd like to know: Why should I even enlist your aid in sealing this plane, when I could quite easily do it myself, with no fear of being back stabbed or ripped-off?"

Turpis smiled and raised his goblet with a nod.

"A fair question.  My reason is that you cannot do so yourself - not at present.  I took the liberty of working out one way of making your domain more secure, perhaps the easiest way, but your resources are insufficient to complete the initial construction.  If you had your leisure to contribute work towards this whenever you wished you could easily accomplish it, or if you were willing to wait the lengths required to develop enough power to accomplish this on your own.  Yet I fear even your patience would be stretched by that, and the work is time-sensitive.  If the pieces are not in place within a the short span allotted, the whole construction would fall apart."

Turpis produced a small feather and passed it to Alether.  Upon touching it, the feather imparted by telepathy partial designs and calibrations for a powerful artefact to be woven into the very fabric of the Truelore Library.

"A trick the Codex taught me," Turpis explained.  "I've kept hold of certain elements of the design, of course.  Still, the finished piece will bind concepts that you have created directly to the Library.  Once so bound, another deity will not be able to obtain knowledge that you have concealed from others, unless they are able to take the Library itself from you."

"As for my penchant for deception, you will be free to peruse the completed design should you accept.  I have built no back-doors through this Seal and I have little doubt that you would be able to stop my followers should they give you trouble in your own domain."

"I offer you the remainder of the design and my part in constructing it.  In return, I request tutoring to my followers in magic to the equal value of what is supplied in this Seal's construction.  Optionally, using my followers as librarians would be a benefit to them in terms of the knowledge present here and to you in the sense that it would actually be read and organised, rather than gathering dust on the shelves.  It is a fair deal in terms of power alone and is advantageous because of the time it would save.  What say you?"

Alether frowned while staring into his goblet. "I agree that this plan is quite interesting to me. Yet there are still many, many points that you have left unspecified. For example, you say that there are no backdoors in this seal, yet what if you decide to simply take it for yourself once it is completed, or afterwards? Or what if your 'order' decides to relay information regarding any plans I make here in the Library to you? And you have left the 'teach your followers magic of equal value' point extremely vague, what do you consider as 'of equal value'? You haven't even specified WHO these followers of yours are, whether mortals or divine! Don't take offense, but I definitely can not trust you much, if at all. Even if you DO promise to not do any of these things, how do I know you do not lie and break your promises? Do you have a way to prove your promises can be counted on?"

"Well," said Turpis, gesturing with his goblet, "allow me to assuage your fears one by one."

"I am still mortal, mostly, at least until the rites within the Codex are completed and I ascend.  Even then, I would be a deity of the lowest and weakest order, whereas you are an entity of significant power.  In order for me to betray you and take this artefact for myself, I would need to ally with forces vastly greater than myself to make war upon you.  Wayock, for instance.  Having done that, I would have no power of my own to protect my interests and they would almost certainly betray me and take the artefact for themselves, reneging on whatever their part of the deal was.  It is thus in no way my interest to betray you in this matter."

"Next, regarding the nature of the order I seek to institute.  The order's stated aim is the collection of historical information, particularly stories.  They are also likely to serve as spies, yes, I will state that freely.  Though to the mortal races and realms, and their forces will be mortals.  If you cannot conceal your own plans from mere mortals my estimation of you will be greatly lowered."

"Thirdly, if you want a more concrete setting of the deal, I will offer to put my whole effort for the period in which the artefact is being constructed into working on it, and request tuition of my followers in the basic principles of magic and one blank scroll from your personal desk after the artefact is completed, to enhance my personal power.  Or I can put half my effort into this in return solely for the scroll after the completion of the artefact."

"As for trusting me, you have my word as a trickster deity.  Which, frankly, counts for a lot.  I do not have the brute strength of Wayock and I do not have the allies of Usaria.  My word, such as it is, is my greatest asset.  You can count that I will follow to the letter every contract I make, because to do otherwise would cause too much damage to my reputation."

"If I prove wrong, of course, you could always smite me easily enough.  Though that would risk retribution on the part of the other deities if they took issue with the matter."

"Very well," replied the old man. "I will take the second deal proposal. Give me half your effort for this artifact, and I'll grant you one scroll after its completion. But as the deal says, I will not have to teach your followers any magical skills whatsoever. Do we have a deal?"


Invited into the Library's atrium, Turpis strode through the doors, a cord of beads in his hand.  He spared a glance at the shimmering sigils coursing through the air, woven almost completely into the very fabric of the Arcane Realm.

"And what do you bring to the party?" asked the god of Knowledge.

"Souls," replied the demigod, slinging the cord at the sigils.  The cord split apart, slinging a score of shimmering beads through the air.  Each one began to scream with human, merman, crabtaur, nezumi, ger, elven, sonen and archon voices as it was pulled into the workings of the great seal.

"Twenty souls of great beings, knowledge-seekers, knowledge-hoarders, those who spent their lives in service to deceit and obfuscation, to learning truths and hiding them for their benefit.  Twenty souls who spent their lives in service to me and sold their deaths for precious grains of truth to add to their heaps."

Turpis grinned with a little malice as their screams melded into the seals, turning into soft wails and then mournful melodies.

"I call them the Rappacinists."

All throughout the realm the score of tortured souls moved through the endless shelves of the Library, wielding the sigils of the Seal as they had their fingers in mortal lives.  They shifted truth behind lie, draped deception in the garb of honesty and soon enough brought a veil o'er all the plane.

Complete Artefact: 1/3AP

1AP remaining

Artefact: The Arcane Seal

A series of wards and obfuscations threaded throughout the Truelore Library and several of the concepts contained within.

The owner may Cloister knowledge that he has already Concealed at the cost of 1AP.  Cloistered knowledge may be taught freely by the owner of the Seal but no other.  The Conceal Knowledge action initially used to prevent the spread of the Concept cannot be revoked by normal divine methods except by the owner of the Seal (who may revoke the Cloister freely, but will have to pay the cost again to re-Cloister it).  Destroying the artefact breaks both the Cloister and the Concealment on all bound Concepts.

Cost:  6AP initial, plus 1AP for each bound Concept.  During construction, at least 1AP must come from a deity whose portfolio relates to knowledge or magic, and at least 1AP must come from a deity whose portfolio relates to secrecy, obfuscation, protection or defence.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #409 on: July 10, 2009, 04:41:38 am »

Alether admired the work, and turned to Turpis: "Now that your part of the deal is done, I will provide you the payment agreed upon, as soon as the next cycle begins."

Then Alether infused the seal into the tower of the Truelore Library, where it would be protected from harm and theft by the powerful wards on the Eldritch Plane and the Guardian of Lore, as well as be in close proximity to Alether for ease of use.
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #410 on: July 12, 2009, 11:11:18 am »

Titus began to wacth all the races(besides ones in locked planes) through heralds that they couldnt see.

He then examined the essence of the water elementals.
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #411 on: July 12, 2009, 11:30:26 am »

Turpis, in eternal preparation, dipped his hand into the small pool of crystal water that served as his link to the Prime Guardian pantheon.  Drawing silver threads from the pool, he wove them with strands of his own shadow and the souls of men who died burdened with guilt and secrets, fashioning a cloak that would conceal a deity in his work.

Craft Battle Artefact: Cloak of Shadows
1AP + 2 Pantheon AP (1 remaining in Pantheon this turn)

0 remaining AP this turn.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #412 on: July 12, 2009, 03:32:12 pm »

The people of the material world had suffered much, and were plagued by the memories of their pain and hardships. These memories darkened their dreams, and brought nightmares to disturb their sleep. Usaria felt the pain of their subconscious, and did not ignore it.

She reached out her power, and lightly touched the minds of the peoples of the material world. She blunted the bite of the painful memories, and kept them from overwhelming the mortal minds. She cleansed their dreams, removing the horrors spawned by the memories of pain, and replaced them with visions of hope and peace. The peoples of the material world slept well, and awoke refreshed and ready to face the challenges ahead of them.

Nourish land: Material world
AP 0/5



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #413 on: July 12, 2009, 08:02:47 pm »

Wayock, to the Guardians of Prime..

"The time to act is now. For if we wait longer, well. I'll get bored."

Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

After that short speech Wayock went upon his people, the Ger and the Dwellers. The Gor and the Gar, the Skar and the Wer. He went to the herald specifically. The herald knew of all the gods, now that some of them had the power of speaking to the gods, it was ot a good idea for the people to 'stumble' upon these gods unaware. So he told the herald to teach them of the gods, for if the Gar worshiped the God of Nature beside Wayock. If the Skar worshiped the God of Air alongside him, and the Wer worshiped Titus, the God of Water. Well, they would be all the better for it. For both the Gods and the Mortals would receive benefits.

Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)

The Willow Wisp

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #414 on: July 12, 2009, 11:21:03 pm »

Kryz looked down upon the people who still cluttered around the portal from the Prime to Zynlon. They were rapidly depleting their resources for survival and still had not embraced his idea of Exploration. Kryz went to the to deliver an alternative. He proposed the idea of large groups of them leaving and travelling around as a group. By doing this they would not be alone and would still be able to survive. He also said that if they saw fit, they could map out the areas for future use. Many of the people in the area decided to take his advice and travel out into another area. Some even went back to the Material Plane with this idea to spread it around. While a small amount of them remained near the portal to greet those who would enter Zynlon most of them left the Portal and began existences of traveling from one place to another. They became known as Nomads.


While Kryz was very proud of the people for leaving thair homes near the Portal, Kryz was disappointed in their bumbling after they left. Far too many became lost and unable to find a way to guide themselves. Kryz decided to help them. Kryz conjured up a little ball of light. He gave it a simple mind and a simple task: Lead Travellers to safety. He named them Spirit Wisps. He then Made another Wisp with the oposite task but he told it only to act against those with foul intentions. They were Called Will o' the Wisps. He then made a third kind of wisp and gave them the ability to use lightning to protect defensless travellers. He named them Guardian Wisps. He scattered these Wips around all planes he had the right or ability to do so. He hoped they would act as becons of light in the dark unknown, or as insurments of justice in a cruel world.


The nomads had begun worshipping Kryz as a God of Nomads and prayed to him for protection on their travels. Kryz saw the Title fitting and accepted it.

Teach Populus (4 of 5 AP): Nomadic Ways
Create Populus (2 of 5 AP): Spirit Wisps, Will o' the Wisps, and Guardian Wisps
Gain Portfolio Element (0 of 5 AP): Nomads
The reason for Time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #415 on: July 13, 2009, 05:32:18 am »

Rotarn readied himself for the coming conflict.
Raise Divine Rank. 1/4 AP left

He also taught the Senon that keeping clean helped them to stay healthy.
teach populace: Hygiene. 0/4 AP left.
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
My full sig


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #416 on: July 13, 2009, 06:43:53 am »

For Wayock was the God of Orbits, the God of Moons. He stayed upon the Dwellers moon, gathering power unto himself. Soon the the power of the moon spinning around the world was within him. With this power, gave unto Turpis.

Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)

Wayock then went upon to his hall of Valhalla. The endless Warriors lining before him, for his acceptance, for acceptance into Valhalla. He meditated while doing this, for it was second nature to him.

Spoiler: Action (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2009, 07:24:17 am by Emperor_Jonathan »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #417 on: July 13, 2009, 09:40:03 am »

Titus looked to the north.He took water and formed great crags of earth with the water by pouring the water on the ice.(use 1 ap to mold land:Ice crags)

He then took more water and poured it up until it was as tall as Wayocks Mountain.(use 1 ap to mold land:Ice mountain)

He then was known as the god of ice.(gain portfilo element.Out of ap.)
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #418 on: July 13, 2009, 10:20:22 am »

Thiliazari looked at his plane. A great city held the Na'Rin within. However, the golden people would multiply, and expand. Without the ability to create their own shelters, they would be driven out of their own city.

Teach populous (Advanced building techniques); 3/4 AP remaining

He saw the Sentinels standing watch at the Great Tree, its golden light illuminating the sky. Ten thousand of his own brood had taken form, and had learned the ways of the divine arts.

It was time.

Two kilometers directly north of the city, there stood a great mountain, the only one of its kind in Thiliazari's plane. The Na'Rin had seen it, but found no use for it and let it stand. This was good, for it was necessary for Thiliazari's final plan to make his haven.

He lifted his hand, and a speck of blue light came forth from the mountain. A single thought, and it grew larger, larger, and larger still. It grew with an unparalleled fervor, until it came to a sudden halt. A massive gate stood watch where the mountain once was.

Create Portal (Mortal Plane -- Iniracebela); 1/4 AP remaining

Thiliazari went through the portal, and came out the other side, and saw the world for the first time up close in many years. The bastard of gods Rhuax had not touched it yet, but it was still dark. He came to a rest at the top of the world, and looked down upon it. He said to the world and all others who listened,

"You have gone without true light for an unbearable time. This is because the one you call Rhuax is filled with greed. Because he considers himself the god of things like stars, he thinks he alone is entitled to them. This is wrong behavior, whether for a god or a mortal. Rhuax wants the stars? Then, you shall go without stars! People of the Material Plane, I give you light!"

Thiliazari reached into the crust of the world, and lifted forth a single silver branch. It glimmered with a sharp light; dimmer than the golden tree of Iniracebela, but still bright enough to illuminate every inch of the earth.

Mold Land, Silver Tree of Light; 0/4 AP remaining

"I know that since the light was taken, some of you still wish to live in darkness. Indeed, you have become accustomed to it. For half the time it would have taken the original star to circle around your world, this tree shall dim, and it shall be your time. But the other half, I give to those who did not care for the darkness; those who would rather see the beauty of this world in all its brightened glory."

With this done, Thiliazari went back to his own plane, where many animals who sought shelter had already entered through the portal. There was much to do next cycle, but for now he was spent.
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Third Lords of Creation
« Reply #419 on: July 13, 2009, 11:50:54 am »

Alether, to Turpis

"And as agreed, I hand to you a scroll from my desk, to pay for my dept towards you."

Give Turpis 1 AP
4/5 AP left
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out
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