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Author Topic: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, (Open to Succession)  (Read 21885 times)


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2009, 03:31:22 pm »

wait he was serious!?

you can have the soapmaker, i shall me the epic hammer dwarf!

 :( :'(
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2009, 04:17:16 pm »

Thats for Crossroads to decide.


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #47 on: November 19, 2009, 12:07:40 am »

I want to be three grizzly bears.
I keep thinking glacier fortress would be fun, but it always ends up as cave layer fortress.


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #48 on: November 20, 2009, 09:27:23 am »

great story, can I get dwarf'd?

Siege Operator, call 'em Thomodite
Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #49 on: December 07, 2009, 10:30:54 pm »

((cue music“Journey of the Sorcerer”))

Spring had Come at last.

The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy has this to say on the topic of "Spring"
For most LifeForms in the Galaxy, the season known as 'spring' tends to be one marked by new life and various celebrations.  On Eprafax IIV the Grogrinnockrins have a planet wide celebration in which they slaughter over a hundred thousand of their herd-beasts in a bizarre and ritualistic cookout.  Many such worlds practice similar celebrations as well. Indeed it was well known that the planet "Earth" up until it's Demolition for a Hyperspace Bypass, was widely regarded as being one of the best Planets in the Galaxy to experience "Spring".

Unfortunately for Arthur Dent and his companions, the planet they are currently stuck on is less known for its 'Spring'.  Here the season is usually marked by Merchants and other travelers, however it is also known for something else, which Arthur Ford Zaphod and the others shall all too shortly discover.

"HOO HOO" Came a cry form high atop a hill over looking the "TallLabored Valley. Mr.Bean was quick to rush out to see what was happening.
"Our lookout has spied something!" He shouted, as though this was sudden and unexpected news. "Karza" scurried down from the hilltop over to where now Mr.Bean as well as Lintilla and Trillian stood.
"Wagons Sir! Merchants by the look of it, I've counted three so far coming from different directions!"  A cheer went up from the other Dwarfs in the valley.  Mr.Bean nodded and began to climb back up. "We should find out who they are from, there are SOME people in these parts we do not wish to trade with." He said as Trillian and Lintilla followed after them.

"AH a fine sight from up here, though it does my mind ill to be up so high from the ground..." Lintilla paused for a moment then smiled
"Oh yes, here Mr.Bean, use this! It's immensely helpful for seeing far away." She said handing the Dwarf a slightly cracked but still usable pocket telescope. The Dwarf looked through and slapped his hand.
"A Marvelous Device! I can almost make them out even from so far away with this. Ah, Beastmen it sees, I count three different Tribes of them... And... Oh blast..."

"And elves, blast it." Mr.Bean spoke with a grumble in his voice, though Trillian spoke up.
"On Earth Elves used to be creatures of, well, rather jovial nature, how bad could these be?" She asked. Karza and Mr.bean exchanged glances.
"Let it not be said, for StarPeople you are smart in someways, and fully without wisdom in others..."

A short while later the Dwarfs along with Marvin Zaphod and Ford had heaped up what meager goods they had.  Stone crafts and Stone furniture for the most part, which Trillian was informed was best for trading with elves...

Karza joined now by loomer watched from high up as the merchants mad their way slowly to the Valley.  Karza now using Lintilla's 'FarSeer' eyed the Approaching Beastmen.

"Tigermen seem to be ahead of the others, The Turtlemen are coming from the South."  loomer looked up.
"Are they still wearing those strange colored cloth wrappings of theirs?" He asked. Karza Nodded
"Something about honoring Ancient and worshiped Warriors of theirs the Turtlemen tell me, Ah, the Jacklemen are coming over the Hills to the East." he said, then paused.
"Wait, something is moving in the shadows, no, oh NO!"

High atop the hills overlooking the Valley, a cry rang out as Goblins leapt from their hiding spots.  They had been tracking the Jackelmen for sometime, and now were forced to act before they made it to the Dwarf outpost. 

Elocie Whirledcudgels was a young Jackelmen, many of his clan stayed close to their village of Barbnets, the outside world was something rare and not often discussed, but he held felt a longing to see and explore it, and had been one of the few to go with the often revered MErchants who bravely set off into the world to deal with others...

Now he found himself staring at a small but ferocious gobline as it lunged at him with a Spear.
"Protect the others! We shall not the defile what Barbnets gives to the world! Hathrab Nrathed!"  He bellowed as his sole companion, a Mace wielding Jackel named 'Loceki', lunged forward.  Armed with only a Crossbow, he jammed the it upwards into the Goblins chest and pulled the trigger, A spray of blood shot out and the Goblin turn and fled clutching his wound. 

Two more goblins quickly converged on him as Loceki came from behind, He brought his Mace down hard onto a simple Wrestler, stunning him.  The now enraged Jackel pulled his other hand up, using his bodies natural weapon to rake deeply into the Goblins flimsy clothing. The Goblin scrabbled at Loceki's Paws for a while before going still.

"Forward Loceki Forward! We shall not let them Defile those who travel this world!" He yelled As he brought his Corssbow back up with all his Might.  The Blow struck the other Goblin Spearsmen hard in his chest. The Goblins sailed off the cliff out into the air as Elocie gave a Howl of triumph. The Merchants had almost reached the bottom of the Hill as Loceki ran after the last mortally wounded goblin.

With Room to fire, and time to load, Elocie calmly pulled one of his few Iron bolts from his Quiver, eyeing the fleeing, crawling goblin, he raised his bow and pulled the trigger.  The Goblin flopped down, a long trail of Blood oozing from it as the two Jackelmen howled in triumph together.

From atop the Valleys tallest hill, loomer, now accompanied by most of the other Dwarfs as well as Ford Arthu and Trillan, sighed and shuddered.
"And THAT my Star bound friends, is why we Dwarfs keep friendly with the Beastmen as much as possible... They Call'em Beasts for a Reason."  Trillan held a hand to her mouth and whimpered.
"A-Are they, e-eating them? OH! I think I'm going to be sick."
NEXT CHAPTER! The Dwarfs commune with Elves, the Forges are fired up, and Tragedy hits TALL-LABORED!!!
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 08:23:01 pm by Crossroads Inc. »
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #50 on: December 09, 2009, 09:37:57 pm »

Slight upDate to the spots list.
**Spots Taken**
*Engraver -- DaPatman
*Hunter -- darkrider2
*WoodWorker -- Nil
*Butcher -- Randall
*Soap Maker -- dermonster
*Mechanic -- martinuzz
*Siege Operator -- head (mechanic taken already)
*Wrestler -- Salabasama
*Wrestler -- Thomodite
*Wrestler/SpearDwarf -- Petra

**Spots Open**
Tanner x 2
Lye Maker
Peasant x 4
Wrestler x 4
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #51 on: December 09, 2009, 09:42:19 pm »

if im onna be a soapmaker, i shall be the most EPIC soapmaker ever.

I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #52 on: December 10, 2009, 12:33:13 am »

((cue music“Journey of the Sorcerer”))

"""The Following Intro Provided by Doglus Adams"""
There is a Theory that stats if anyone ever discover exactly what the Universe is for, and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable...
There is, another theory, that stats that This, has, already happened.
There is yet a Third theory that suggests that both of the previous two theories were concocted by a Wily Editor of The HitchHikers Guild to The Galaxy in order to increase the level of Universal uncertainty and paranoia, and so boost sales of The Guide...

This last theory is of course the most convincing, because The HitchHikers Guild to The Galaxy is the only book in the whole of the known universe to have the words "DON'T PANIC" inscribed in large friendly letters on the cover.

Early Spring: Journal of Tricia McMillan
Who would have ever imagined after facing down Vogons, Intergalactic Police, Hyper Evolving Agamemnons, Thunder Gods and Insane Killer white Robots; that I would end up trading goods with Elves

After a rather brutal attack upon some of the merchants, all of the parties seem to have gathered at a rather makeshift trading post put together by our 'Dwarfish' friends.  It still seems such a highly Improbable thing, to have landed on a Planet with creatures straight out of Earth ancient folklore.  Of course given that we arrived on The Heart of Gold, naturally, anything is possible.

After so long traveling in Space and seeing endless odd creatures and life-forms, I would have thought I would be used to almost anything, yet it is once more, highly improbable how many Sapients have come to be on this one Planet. Trading with us just Today, along with the Elves, our Sapient Jackles, Tigers and Turtles.  I can't help feel that I have seen these "Turtlmen" before, most of them seem to sport Oriental looking weapons, though few seem to use them.  The Elves I have found quite pleasant, though the Dwarves can't stand them.  Another curious aspect from Earth stories I suppose.

Ford, Arthur and Zaphod have spent most of the morning going through the goods we have so far "purchased" Zaphod was overjoyed that the Tiger people and the Elves brought new forms of alcohol why Lintilla, all three of them, were overjoyed that the Turtle people seemed to have some extra mining pics with them,

That reminds me, The day of trading and, relative, peace was marked by the final opening of our Magma Forge.  Though the locals prefer to call it  "
The Crucible of Armok ".  I was pleasantly surprised that the Bauxite bars seemed to hold under the Magmas pressure and heat and by the early evening Lintilla and Lintilla had begun melting down some of the Metal Ore we have already collected."

In the Valley known as TallLabored Trade was taking place.  The Dwarfs, joyfully to unload what had now become a seizable pile of hand carved Stone crafts, had been stocking away thier new goods.  Cloth, food stores and some rare timber where all put away.  The Sapient Antrho-morphic People, known simply as "Beastmen" stayed a full week in the valley, much to the delight of its inhabitants.. The Dwarfs and Jackelmen exchanged stories of battles and heroic deeds, the Tigermen seemed quite interested in Zaphod who was able to arm wrestle their greatest warrior while throughly intoxicated, and The Turtlemen, perhaps most bizarrely, listened with interest to the tales spun by Marvin the Paranoid Android.

It was an oddly peaceful time for the Dwarven people, which meant it was all too soon before something dreadful was bound to happen.

It was Thursday, two days after the last of the merchants had departed that Marvin, forever delegated with the most mundane of activities, was out chopping wood in the thick forests on the far side of the Valley.  The Robot, ancient beyond all measure, yet infinitely advanced and complex, swung the large iron ax with the power of several men. Trees fell behind him as the Robot stopped his action.

"I think you ought to know that, despite your best efforts, I can both hear your approch as well as monitor your lifesigns. So you might as well just stop hiding already." he said with a heavy Sigh. A moment latter an Iron Arrow plinked of his metallic body.

"Oh, I see, I supposes I should call for Help, or something..." The Robot sulked as in front of him a group of Goblins sprang forth.  Bits of leaves and twigs tied to them, as though to try and aid their sneaking capacity.  Marvin simply turned and began to trudge away, Iron arrows plinking off his bake side as high atop the outter Wall of the Valley an Alarm went up.

"GOBLINS! The green skinned little Wretches, They are upon us!" Karza shouted as he clanged a hammer against a makeshift alarm bell. The Dwarfs down bellow ran quickly, grabbing what weapons they had.
"They be going after the Golem! To ARMS Mates to ARMS!" Mr.Bean shouted as he rarlied the other Dwarfs.

"Whats going on!" shouted Ford as he ran out of the cave, dropping a load of Copper Ore.
"It seems we are under attack, just like Old times again eh Ford?" Arthur sighed as the Dwarfs hurried by. 
"Can't we just lock the gate and tell them to shove off? I mean we built the Wall for a reason and all?" Ford said as two Dwarfs Samuel and Rawtooth glared it him.
"This be a matter of Principle, of Honor! We'll never let those little bastards on OUR Land!" Samuel shouted as he raised an Ax.  The others, armed wiht Picks, Ax's and a Single Crossbow head by Mr.Bean raced toward the Gate.  Trillan was there, turning the large wheels to lower it when she stopped.

"Lintilla? All three of you? What are you doing?" Trillan asked astonished to the Clones, armed only wiht a single PickAx between the Three of them.
"I'm Sorry Trillan, but both Lintilla and Lintilla are in agreement, We can't let them go off on thier own while we sit Safe inside the walls, we have to do our part as well" Lintillia said holding her Pickax as Lintilla spoke up.
"We've traveled with these Dwarfs for what seems like ages, and we aren't about to let them go off on their own." LIntilla said, Trillan giving her a look before nodding and lowering the Bridge..

Mr.Bean, Crossbow in hand stood at the front just as Marvin Walked in slowly, an Arrow sticking out of his head.
"Oh, now you show up, well don't mind me, not that anyone ever does." The Dwarf gave him an odd look before striking a pose.
"Alright ye Wee Skullers, Lets go show them small Green skins who owns this Valley! For the Blood of Armok, for TALLLABOR!"

Next Episode! The First Battle of TallLabor, A Giant Eagle Approaches! And more settlers Arrive!
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 08:24:27 pm by Crossroads Inc. »
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #53 on: December 10, 2009, 05:10:07 am »

Ok I'll be Thomodite animal trainer instead.

Nice writing, very enjoyable =D
Gravity is a government conspiracy to keep us down


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #54 on: December 10, 2009, 09:06:51 am »

Poor Marvin. He needs fixing and being bitched at ;)
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #55 on: December 11, 2009, 12:20:24 am »

Truly an epic tale. I just stumbled across it now, and hunger for more.

How can you imitate the hgg characters so good?

I'll take an engineer.
Call him/her Captain coder.
Make it's background be an engineer who engineered the first dwarven computer in the ancient times, and is planning on using the resources of this fortress to build a computer greater than deep thought.
I'm not saying to actually build one in the fort, but make him want to build one and always mumble it.
It's ok if I have to wait until you get the appropriate dwarf, as I can see you don't currently have the right dwarf.
I'm patiently waiting for the ability to mine and construct palaces in adventure mode.
Barony. A 3D, multiplayer roguelike I am developing.

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2009, 12:30:42 am »

There arn't any Engineer spots available, but I can give that skill to one of the existing unused spots if oyu want to name one.

And while I have no plans to build a Computer in the Fortress, I may hav one built when I eventually "RE"built the Heart of gold.

yeah, my long term plan for this for is Return Ford Arhtur and the Others to Space via a Spaceship built by Dwarfs.
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #57 on: December 11, 2009, 12:32:39 am »

I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2009, 07:21:45 pm »

This be totally epic story.

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, NEED RECRUITS!!!
« Reply #59 on: December 11, 2009, 11:22:18 pm »

((cue music“Journey of the Sorcerer”))

"ON the subject fo Warfare and Fighting, The Guide has much to say.  Indeed there are several hundred pages of The Guide Devoted to this topic. Everything from the great and Epic battles between the Vl'hurgs and the G'Gugvuntts, to the Galaxy spawning MegaWars of the Krikkit War Armada, to the Ancient and often hushly spoke continuous wars of the Silastic Armorfiends of Striterax some several Billion years ago.  It should be noted then, that the battle about to take place on the small blue green world that Arthur, Ford, Trillian, Zaphod, Marvin, Slartibartfast, and several Clones of a certain Lintilla, are currently on; are not mentioned anywhere in the whole of The Guild.  That said, there is one passage in The Guide that would seem to portain to events about to transpire below.

It is often noted, but seldom admitted to, that in the course of battle, Victory is seldom, if ever decided by strength of numbers, arms, strategy or gile, but is usually decided by Dumb Luck. Indeed it is discovered upon inspection that the more loosely assembled two opposing sides may be, the higher the chance for Dumb Luck seems to enter into things. This has become an increasing problems in several of the Higher Dimensions where military leaders have come to quite literally decided battle plans through 'throws of the dice'  Many beings in higher dimensions have taken to using highly advanced computer simulations to simulate and even deiced Wars before they are even waged.  This has caused headaches among some, who worry that indeed the whole of Creation may be one Giant Computer Simulation.

High atop the realtivly Crude stone walls that lay across the entrance to the TallLabor Valley, every last inhabitant, Human, Alien and Android, watched as Five Dwarfs and Three clones raced out into the dense forrests to meet the Green foe. 

"She's Mad! Totally Mad, Arthur how on Earth could oyu just let her, all of her, go off like that!" Ford said leaning over the edge.
"You don't know her that well, trust me I've seen here face down a horde FootWarriors with a single Blaster pistol, and that was just one of her." Arthur said, though he said, still worried about Lintilla.
"You would think Earth Man, that after all the business with the Krikkit robots and averting Galactic conflict, we would find at least one world devoid of murderous creatures bent on our destruction. It is days like today that I miss my Fjords."

Far beyond the safety of the Walls, out in the wooded fields, Lintilla looked up.  "Ok Lintilla, we've been in worse spots, everyone have your Crisis Inducers?"
"Yes Lintilla"
"Yes Lintilla!"
"Ok then, set to Mark-9 and... LETS GO! It's Life or Death out there!" Lintilla shouted as they caught up with the Dwarfs.
"Glad ye could join us, let it not be said Dwarf* or Dwarf*, a Warrior is a Warrior ((It is known that the Dwarves, while possessing the words 'male' and 'female' seldom use them and often leave it to others to infer the difference)).  The Lintillas smiled as they crept forward, Pics, Crossbow and Ax at the ready.
From far out in a stone clearing, garbled yelling could be heard.
"Aye, theres the we Skullers straight enough Samuel I thinks its time we gave'em a good Kicken!"
"Aye loomer that be true, Dwarves A'Hay!"
Together, the Dwarves uttering a single Battlecry Surged forward..."

The five goblins were caught off guard by the ferocity of the attack as Karza and Rawtooth slammed into the two closest to them.  The three in the back, all armed with Crossbows, quickly recovered and opened fire. Bolts flew past the Dwarfs as Lintilla raised a pickax and threw it with all her might, the copper pick flew past and struck one of the Goblins as the Dwarfs retreated back into the woods.

"Mind the Bolts ye daft buggers Mind the bolts!" Mr.Bean shouted as he fired his own crossbow off.  Grinning with glee as two bolts struck one of the Goblin Crossbowmen.  The small green creature slumped back mortally wounded. Another goblin dropped as well as the Dwarfs converged.  Mr.Bean turned from behind the Tree he was taking cover behind, about to off the last two of them.  He looked around the tree just in time, to watch the Bolt strike him.

"Mr.Bean" cried out the closest Lintilla as the Dwarf clutched at a Bolt in his Leg.  She lunged forward, throwing another Pickax as she raced to haul the Dwarf back.  Lintilla and Lintilla came quickly to assist her.  Picking up the Crossbow from Mr.Bean she fired it quickly, striking a goblin in the side.  Yet, s htough not to let them have the last word, the last Goblin Crossbow wielder, blood pouring from his wounds, pulled his wepon up and fired a final shot.  Lintilla clutched at her arm as the last Goblin began to flee.

"They Got BEAN! Lets GET-EM!" the Dwarfs hollowed as they raced after the sole remaining Goblin.  An ax was raised and a moment later there was an explosion of Gore.

Atop the Wall to TallLabor Trillian lowered the gate.
"Incoming Wounded! everyone get ready, We've got wounded!!!
A dwarf and a Clone were quickly rushed inside. The two were laid down in their rooms, Slarti and, oddly, Marvin attending to the wounded.

"I didn't know you knew about medicine Marvin." Arthur said as an arrow was surgically removed and quickly bandaged up.
"What you don't know could fill Warehouses.  As it happens I understand the workings of biological organisms of all types better then you do, though that really isn't hard.." he mopped as up in the Cave the Dwarfs over looked their leader.

"Don't move Sir, ye took a bad hit."
"Aye best ye rest up, though ye where a real sight to behold out there."
"Indeed Mate, those green beasties never knew what hit'em!" The dwarfs spoke together.
"Bah, I'll have to take me time then, Don't want the going all easy" Mr.Bean said as the others laughed.
"Still, I htink it best i'll, eh, oversee things from here fir a bit, Ye all will be ok till Im up on me own again!" He said weakly, the Dwarf giving a slap to the others before falling asleep.

Outside Ford and Arthur sighed.
"Mopping about won't do any good. You two, there is a lot of work to be done, and we'll have to work double hard at it with those two on the mend." Trillan said holding the weapons dropped on the battlefield. Ford and Arthur looked at each other.
"Just like Old times?" Ford said.
"Hardly, Old times where usually people always chasing after us with blaster pistols and laser beams.  Swords Crossbows and Axes were NEVER something I got used to." Arthur said as they headed inside.

As they did so, a great black shadow passed over the Valley.
"Fetid Photons! What was that?" Screamed Zaphod, in the middle of his pree dinner post launch drink.
"A bird, a BIG one by the look of it, I've never seen one so big!" Lintilla said as she dived for cover.
"I have, back on Brontitall, the bird people there were big enough to carry Ford and Zaphod toegther." Arthur said as two of the Dwafs ran over to them.

"Ye Daft Buggers, get under some cover right NU! that be a Giant Eagle!"

"They be a mean tempered and powerful bird they are! best to avoid them at all cost!"loomer spoke up as Karza Piped in.
"Aye matie, but they rarely come down into the valley, something, somethings gotta be bringing it's attention, and it Ain't the fighting."
The two Dwarfs climbed atop the unsteady wall and peered out.
"Ack, would ye look at they, I htink I kin see what be attracting it!"

loomer sighed.
"Oh Armok, they gonna be Bird Food!"
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 08:32:55 pm by Crossroads Inc. »
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?
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