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Author Topic: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, (Open to Succession)  (Read 21892 times)

Crossroads Inc.

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At long last, things where safe. The planet Krikket was at peace, the
Galaxy was safe, the Universe was safe.

That is at least what most of the residents within the Galaxy believed
when they where told that, moments after the Slo-Time enveloping
Krikket was turned off and the release of the horrible Krikket war
machine was about to once more be unleashed, the whole nasty affair
had been set right by the President of the Galaxy, a resident from the
vicinity of Betelgeuse, a very old man, and two primitive ape decedents.

In truth a number of rather peculiar events has transpired. Marvin the
paranoid android had successfully pacified nearly all of the hideous
Krikket robots. Trillian and Arthur had spoken with HACTAR and later
dispersed him. And Zaphod Beeblebrox, and Ford Prefect, had retired to
the now restored “Heart of Gold”

What was curious is that slightly before Arthur Dent had requested to go
back to return The Ashes ((the burnt remains of a stump symbolizing the
death of English Cricket)) A single remaining Krickket warship had
appeared and destroyed the starship Bistromath before anyone could
board. Forced to retreat to the Heart of Gold, they demanded a very
brash and very stupid thing from the ships computer. Zaphod was
obvious the one behind it.


“Hi guys! This is Eddi your—“

“Shut up and listen! There’s a Krikket warship out there and we need to
get away from it now!”

“Sounds swell! Where can I take you?”

“We don’t Care! Just take us somewhere the ship can’t get to! Anywhere!”
“You got it!”
“Zaphod Wait! Is that a good id--”

It is at this point that it should be noted that what the computer knew,
and Zaphod did not, is that there is really no place within a Galaxy safe
from a Krikket warship. Obviously, there was only one choice of action...

((cue music“Journey of the Sorcerer”))

"Out on the outer Eastern arm of a small unassuming galaxy, the once majestic Starship "Heart of Gold" screamed through the skies, hurtling to a primitive world. It was in a bad way, The ship had, through an impossible task, carried itself not just through Hyperspace but several alternate dimension, the world it now rocketed too was one of ancient times, of great deeds, and, of almost certain Death.

"We are all going to Die!" Arthu screamed as he hung onto a railing.. Ford clasped a chair on the bridge as he looked around.
"Nonsense! Every time you have ever said that we have always turned out ok, isn't that right Trillian!"
"Yes, but well.." The ship lurched, everyone looked around..Zaphod slammed back booze..
"The thursters are almost out, if we land, we may never take off again, and I dont liek the looks of our landing site." The ship lurched again as Ford tried to reach for the stabilizers.

"High there! this is Eddie your shipbored ocmputer and I just know-"
"give me a read out of our likely landing-
"Crashing ford..."
"Our likely 'crashing' site"
"You got it buddy!" The computer chirped as a rocky and rather unpleasant mapp appeared. 

"Well this is it everyone! Were coming in for our final approach!"
"Ford, I, I love oyu Ford.."
"Thank oyu Arthur, I, love you two...
"Yippie! Grab me that Kill-O-Zap over there! this looks like fun!"

"Hang on everyone! for good or for bad, were STRIKING THE EARTH!"

« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 06:26:55 pm by Crossroads Inc. »
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 01:11:45 am »

This is insane* ^_^

*Please refer to the latter half of my sig.
Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 01:30:33 am »

Sounds.... interesting. Where did all the animals come from though?
Once tried to conquer Earth, and succeeded! Too bad it got really, really boring, really, really fast.

One day, we shall all look back on this, and laugh. Sorry about the face, by the way, and the legs, and the eyes, and the arms. In fact, sorry 'bout the whole body.

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2009, 09:40:36 am »

"Day Two"

It has been said the given time, even the most improbable of events, no matter how unlikely, will eventually take place...

"What a crash, my head is spinning Ford." Arthur moaned as he along with the others walked away from the crashed Heart of Gold.
"You think you have problems, Ive got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side" whined Marvin as he picked up a supply crate.
"Now look both of you, were safe for the moment, we Have food and supplies from the ship, we just need to work on a place to stay til lwe can get the ship fixed." Ford said, trying to reassure them.
"Easier said then done, the ships Improbability drive is damaged, and were going to need a lot of pure gold to fix it." Trillian mentioned as something caught their attention.

"Look there, in the distance, it looks like a wagon of sorts,"
"I can see someone moving, Fetid Photon, what are we going to do!"
"Theres six of us, if you can count Marvin, well sneak up a check things out." Ford spoke up as they cautiously approached.

"Alright there! Whoever you are come out! no funny tricks!" Shouted Zaphod as they crouched behind a boulder.
"Who do you think you are? Interrupting an Archeologist like that!" A voice rang out from the other-side.
"That voice, I know that voice" Arthur said suddenly as he stood up.


"Why, after we left Grontathor, I never thought I would see you!" Arthu said rushing forward.
"You know her Arthur?"
"Of course! she and her, ah, 'sisters' saved me on that blasted bird planet.   But, what are you doing here Lintilla?"
"Hiding, the Galactic police was determined to hunt down and nullify all of my clones, I gathered what few survivors I could and escaped in an emergency Infinite Importability drive."
"No wonder you ended up in such a wierd place" Arthur sighed"

"Weird? I find it fascinating! Ive been here over a year and have discovered some of the most amazing sites!  I was just about to star excavating this valley when I found you and your friends, here be usefull and grab a pick ax to help!"
"Not me thank you, Ive had my fill of caves." Arthur said.
"Oh come on Arthur, here i'll help" Trillan said
"Why not, It will give us something to do for now" For said picking up a pickax as well.

"Wonderful! Ive got some more supplies in my wagon here, we really should start setting up a site, and, make it a bit protected and fortified, these are not friendly lands"

"Why is it, no mater where I go, NO ONE is happy to see me" he sighed
EDIT: i8m switching Slartibartfast with Marvin, mostly because I can see him swinging an ax and chopping down trees as an old man,.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2009, 11:30:08 am by Crossroads Inc. »
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2009, 03:30:33 pm »

Cool, an alternate storyline.  Interesting.  I'll be keeping up with this.
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2009, 07:02:00 pm »

"OK So is everyone here?"

"Alright then Lets get started"

All too soon, Trillan and Lintilla began to dig into the soft soil around the valley.. Lintillas wagon was full of supplies and native foods that should be moved indoors as quick as possible. Marvin, much against what he wanted to do, had been persuaded to start hacking at the trees in the small valley for building materials.
"I won't like it of course,"
"You don't have to like it, just do it!"
"Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and what do they have me do? Chopping trees, hell of a job for an robot if you ask me, no sense at all."

Meanwhile, Trillan and Lintilla, against all odds, actually seemed to be enjoying themselves.
"I have to say, Im quite enjoying myself, what was it, Trillian?"
"Well you are an archeologist, I'd say digging was in your blood."
"Yes but this is different, were not just uncovering the past, but digging a future!"

"Speak for yourself, the both of you" piped up Arthur" Ive had quite enough of caves and I'll be happy when I can sleep inside a nice building again" The others just chuckled as Arthur and Slartibartfast gathered what foods the could find in the small valley.

As they filled up their first meager stockpile with food, Ford looked around. "You know Arthur does have a point, we really should start getting together some sort of shelter for the night, at least something so we wont be out in the cold."
"I heartily agree with your Ford, Marvin? Could you start moving those rocks over there?"
"Ah, mindtaxing time again..."
"Oh please come on Marvin, you are a robot, and are the strongest of us."
"Oh ok, but Im not going to like it."

Soon enough, with Marvins strong, if depressed efforts, a simple rock shelter began to take shape.

For the first few nights they slept there.  Occasionally Ford and Aurthur scouted around the area, always on watch for anyone else who might show up, friend or foe... Trillan and Lintilla had begun to get along quite nicely digging out more storerooms into the hillside as Slartibartfast had slowly begun to enjoy having a quiet life for once.  Only Zaphod remained restless, itching for something more exciting. Eventually something more exciting did happen in the form of Arthur and Ford returning with some debris from the ship.
"Are you sure it isnt dangerous at all? The rest of the ship is full of radiation rigt now"
"I ran it through the scan-o-matic, its quite safe, seems it came off before the leak happend"
"But why bring it back? what use is it?"
"Thin metal tubing? Some copper pots and, most improbable of all, some unbroken glass jars? Zaphod, friend of friends, you and I both need something.. somethign we haven't got since we crashed here!"
Zaphods heads seemed to light up for a moment as he seized the long coiled tubing.
"Your right! I know what I need, I know what we BOTH need!"
A very Stiff  DRINK!

And so it was, that all too soon, the firs shelter, the place they could sleep and rest, was entirely given over to the fermentation of sugers...
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 06:59:08 pm by Crossroads Inc. »
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2009, 07:24:55 pm »

((cue music“Journey of the Sorcerer”))

As the days passed, the brave shipwrecked crew of the Heart of Gold slowly, albeit reluctantly, into a simpler existence with the universe... The wood was gathered up and placed in a newly dug stockpile.  The smells of fermented sugers filled the air as Zaphod labored away at the only thing he seemed to be good at, making alcohol...

Arthur and Trillian meanwhile had just finished stacking the last of the wood...
"Well I gues we wont be going cold when winter comes.. Still I don't know what else to do with the stuff."
"Nor I Aurthur, Shame theres not a Carpenter among us."
"I can do it..." sulked Marvin suddenly
"You? Since when you do you  know anythign about woodworking?"
"I have a Brain the size of a planet, I have data and instructions on how to construct virtually anything in existance."
"Goodness Marvin, why didnt you ever tell us!"
"You never asked..."

All too soon Marvin had picked up a bundle of wood, with the speed that only a Machine of infinite complexity could do, Marvins hands moved with a blur as in a matter of moments a barrel seemed to rize from the wood..
"Marvin! Thats incredable!"
"Its rubbish if you ask me... Of course no one ever dose, So  I dont know why I keep talking.. Oh god Im so depressed..."

Construction on woodworking

Meanwhile, Arthur had gone up to see Ford at a pond over looking the valley.

"Explain this to me again Ford?"
"Look, bad things always happen to us"
"That seems to go without saying"
"Exactly, and say, having this pond burst and flood the valley, would be a bad thing"
"Well yes, I wouldn't want it happening Ford"
"Precisely, which means sooner or later its bound to happen! Probably when we least need it. So the only thing to do is get it out of the way now when were ready for it!"
"but Im not ready- Ford what are you, ahhhhh!!!"

And down into the pond Arthur went, a few moments later it burst open, flooding the valley.

As the water, and incidentally Arthur dent came spilling out of the pond.. a small turtle bellow happened to look up...

"Oh no.. Not again" was curiously the only thing that went through its head before Aurthur landed on it with a wet Squish.

Several days latter.. as the valley was still drying out from Fords moment of inspiration... Lintilla and Trillian had, at last, dug a more permanent sleeping area for the castaways.  Seemingly since every building they had thus far constructed seemed to inexplicable get filled with work of some type.. Marvin had, still to the amazement of everyone except Zaphod Bebblebrox who had become obsessed with brewing everything possible under the sun, churned out all manor of wooden objects, Barrels, doors, bins, and, to the infinite comfort of Arthur, and everyone else..

"Good night Earthman"
"Good night Slarti old friend"

"Night Zaphod"
"Night Ford"

"Good night Trillian, always nice working with you"
"Night Lintilla, hope some day I meet some of your better halfs."
"Oh, I hope so too.."

And so, another day was passed...
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 07:41:26 pm by Crossroads Inc. »
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?

Randall Octagonapus

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2009, 07:47:26 pm »

so far I like it
would you like a slice of one humped camel cheese or two humped camel cheese on that elf burger?

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2009, 08:46:24 pm »

I've been doing this for a while and have more set up, but last time I only got about two comments,  I figured there would be more Hitchhiker fans who would want to see more, but I don't know how much more I'll post without responses.
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2009, 08:55:02 pm »

If you like doing it, don't worry about responses. 
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2009, 09:13:04 pm »

Ha, well I don't normally go for story threads, but I was already planning to write an enthusiatic kudos even before you asked for one.  You've started out strong, and if you even come close to keeping it up I'll keep reading.


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2009, 12:04:50 am »

I started reading because of the title, and was not disappointed. You have good writing, crossroads, keep up the good work.


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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2009, 06:40:39 am »

I just saw the thread, and couldn't stop reading until I'd read the whole thing. Keep it up!
Dwarven blood types are not A, B, AB, O but Ale, Wine, Beer, Rum, Whisky and so forth.
It's not an embark so much as seven dwarves having a simultaneous strange mood and going off to build an artifact fortress that menaces with spikes of awesome and hanging rings of death.

Shintaro Fago

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2009, 11:23:52 am »

Keep up the good work, bro!

Crossroads Inc.

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Re: The HitchHikers Guild to the Dwarfish Galaxy, Primary Phase
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2009, 12:09:41 pm »

thanks for all the feed back :) should have another post up soon.
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?
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