No, this is not fucking art. I hate the pretentiousness of modern 'art'.
Are all photos modern art to you? A quick opinion of that: even before the technology to develope the type of clear photos of what we have now a days. Would be to most people that the time of the photo's creation would not be "a long time ago." I'm not so sure about all of your opinions though, yes to me photos are not old enough to be considred non modern art.
Isn't every painting a representation of something that exist within the mind of creator, even if in an image or just a random mess of ideas? Think of lego blocks for this and how two or three pieces for children can be snapped together and can become a rocket ship. Than one thousand pieces for someone who was either really bored or just has too much time on thier hands work. One is simple the other is complex, one is crude the other is more impressive; but in the firm structure of their creators they're both rocket ships. Though maybe the kid's can be a submarine with just a flip of the perspective! Can one be more imaginative or just be easily manipulated? Yeah, go ahead answer that question before you call someone's work pretentious again.
(Though I certainly do think that they should have taken more pictures and that they can with out a doubt do *much* better. I'd say more but I just don't feel like it.)