(Short_dwarf's version)
Summer of 112Om Egaadis, Buisnessman
Diary Entry 16 Hematite 112:
We had a close call just recently. Just three days ago we heard the sounds of war horns. A sqaud of Orcs, both bare hand and axes, came were seen coming in below the cliff. Right away the orcs ran straight towards the alligator and torn it to shreds. I thought we were next but then the orcs rushed towards Sulsar. While the others who were watching were screaming that they were next, the adventurers were in cold sweat, the Optimists weren't no optimistic anymore. The Romantics somehow were still confident... the drunks on the other hand were still drunk. I watched as the orcs drew closer towards Sulsar.
Sulsar Vs. OrcsI smiled internally. That's my Sulsar.
Diary Entry 02 Malachite 112:
More immigrants came, strangely all of them were female. Probably unemployed people hoping for jobs here. You never know. An adventurer might want to have a little chat with some fine company before going off to kill themselves.
Diary Entry 15 Malachite 112:
A Peasant went beserk today. Out of nowhere she just snapped and started attacking people.

She wasn't a very smart cookie.
Diary Entry 20 Malachite 112:
Those Macaies again.... the Optismists and drunks decided handle it again. This time without a drunk falling into a pond. Though many of them tired out.
Diary Entry 02 Galena 112:
Those silly Romantics, after seeing those orcs die to Sulsar they believe that they are even stronger than orcs. Foolish, but what do I care, they are finally ready to die before Sulsars magnificant flames. They are making last minute preperations. They plan to leave as soon as Autumn arrives.
Diary Entry 13 Galena 112:
This is the first entry I have made in my brand new home. It's even bigger than the one I use to have. and more occupied to now that the lovely Laro has moved in with me.
Basement --------------Ground Floor ------Second Floor

Diary Entry 28 Galena 112:
Summer is coming to a close. I'v begun to take count of our stocks. We're also preparing for the departure of the Romantics. We will see if Autumn brings more propser to me and my lovely Laro.