Uggg. I spend more money each turn repairing armies then i usualy receive and am repeatedly pushed back to my capital where the militia help me out, allows me to rebuild a bit for my next campaign where exactly the same happens. You can't use a full stack to steamroll your way across several provinces at once anymore, after 1-2 battles your army is completely exhausted and can't win any fights on it's own anymore. Repairing is highly expensive, slow(3-4 turns, double that if short on cash) and unreliable. For the ammount it takes me to retrain a single unit of line infantry i could recruit 3 new ones on the other side of the world, if they ever get repaired at all that is. I own(and have owned for the last 40 turns) the netherlands, curaçao(why did we have to spell that with a letter we don't even have?), dutch guiana, sri lanka and the pirate islands. The americas are completely deadlocked by several huge french/spanish fleets, which declared war on me because i refused to give them one of my provinces, despite me actively trying to avoid said war. In europe i keep getting mobbed by france, spain, hannover, westphalia, wuttenburg and austria, which between them dump a full stack onto my land every single turn while i wrestle with the UI to give me my reinforcements. The militia is suprisingly competent behind walls and they automaticly replenish after sieges but having to defend exactly the same fort with exactly the same units(give or take a few line infantry dudes) against exactly the same army atleast once every turn for 40 turn straight gets REALY FUCKING TEDIOUS. Emphasis justified. Before you ask, despite 20+ save scumming attempts looses that battle every single time.
After the novalty of the time period wears out(which it does after the demo) and you realise that the only units you should care about is line infantry, it becomes a second job.
Advice: play demo, move on.