I think i'm set to upload V1 for material_properties.h
My current ideas for accessing the material system are somewhat developed, however, I have a vague idea of how I will sort them sorted.
possible Properties of Materials(most of which should be the same for items produced from it):
organization-types, weapon power, properties,
isflux=false //steel requires flux, iron, and carbon heat
isorganic=false //organic materials rot in their original form, well, eventually
isfood=false //food rots outside of containers, by default, well, eventually
traps=0 //deffered untill we think about traps
sharp=0 //obsidian is 1, most metals are 5+, allows shorter or longer blades of the given type- note that certain metals aren't suitable for greatswords irl
hard =0 //lead, and most materials can't make blunt weapons, stone is excluded for this and might allow the possiblity of crude hammers or maces,
protective =0 //0 means it makes no armour, 10 means it makes all? armour
boltsmade=0 //0 for false, if greater than 0 then you can make bolts, it's open to change if you're feeling a new system
burnsat= 500000
burnrate=0 (if the item releases heat, like wood)
meltingpoint= 500000 //some default values, note that melting points are the same as freezing points,
//and probably only adamantine, iron, steel, nickel, nickel silver, and platinum will resist melting.
vaporizepoint=600000 //the wood gets technical
//material->isore-<makes metal x>, metal per
//inheritance tree
//"Material_Type.h"-> Material_Type.c-> Material.c
//under this system, adamantine would obtain a really high melting point, and the easiest+,most effective way to define adamantine thread is from adamantium
//obsidian would gain the sharp property, allowing bladed weapons of obsidian
there will be alot of inheritance!
with that said, I will avoid setting damage properties (which may matter) untill wood, stone, ect.
because It requires research, therefore breaking my maximum standard for work.