And he goes there... Sure "some" RTS' like Starcraft are "management" oriented, but others aren't. Dawn of War II comes to mind in that there is no base building and no economy.
ANYWAY, back to the topic at hand. We've gotten rather far off tangent and I feel I should do my part as the inflammatory troll to bring us back to the topic at hand:
Does DF need to accurately model a global S/D economy:
You say yes (obviously)
I say "no", you can fake it by just making it random.
Here's my reason:
Given that the computer has complete control of everything outside of the player's realm, everything is still going to be randomized. If you do the global S/D model then either it will be predictably static (boring!) or there has to be some element of randomness.
Now, outside of the player's realm of vision, some randomness = total randomness. Whether a price goes up because of a RNG function or it goes up because a drought followed a war followed a horrible leader RNG function...the end is the same: It's random!
So again, instead of wasting months (yes! I again assertain that it would take months of tweaking code and testing enviornments repeatedly) to model things that the player won't be able to see anyway, why not just cut out the middle men.
So instead of
RANDOM -> EVENT -> EVENT -> EVENT -> Price Change -> Player Impact
Where each chain has to be modeled, controlled, and analyzed (and consume limited computer resources).
Why not shorten the chain: RANDOM -> Price Change -> Player Impact
You can even reverse the chain a bit so that you can have your "player impacting world". Again as soon as it goes off screen it disappears from system view, but basically you can do your market manipulations (dumping mass products, restricting rare products) and it'll have an Impact of X*RNG. So maybe you'll alter the market in a huge way, maybe nobody will even blink an eye.