Ahhh, I love a good war

*cracks knuckles*
I can't go into full details because I have to do "real" work sometime today, but we'll try and hit the high points.
1) dev_next/core38. Sorry, I didn't know you were referring to the actual page name, just thought you meant what's next for DF. There's a LOT of things listed there that chances are won't see the light of day because there's an entire lifetime's work buried in all the cores/bloats/ etc. When I look at what is actually coming for DF, I look for the "Future" thread that is updated as Toady does work.
2)Japanese: Predatory pricing:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predatory_pricingIt's a common belief that this is why Japan has completely overtaken US manufacturing, that Japanese corporations (with the help of their own government) have basically usurrped US markets by keeping prices artifically low despite outside fluctations in the market. HENCE why those "video games" and "cars" haven't jumped in price because the US dollar is tanking. In fact, despite the US dollar losing value, prices on the PS3 and WII are going down.
3) Internetz is serious business! Relax...it's just a thread...in a forum....about a game. I think we've established that "actual" economic models are complicated as sin and even the "experts" will bicker and argue. Heck, at first Greenspan was lauded as a hero for keeping interest rates low, but now people are cursing his name because of the recession. As Toady has proven to be brilliant at, if you can't model it acurately, fake it. Pathfinding "cheats" Fluid Dynamics "cheats"... why not the economy? Like I said, take a small slice of a macro model and you'll find that the prices and influences can be just as random as if they
were random (and I'm still not convinced that random chance doesn't apply to economics as well). There were millions of cuddly teddy bears, but none of them caused riots at shopping malls like beany babies and pokemon. You can say it's marketing, you can say it was product engineering and proper market targetting, but I respond saying "they were just really really lucky. Right place at the right time!" Random chance. Anyway, back to the model.
Take a town and slice it out of a macro model. It has it's products:
X for 10 units
Y for 20 units
Z for 30 units
So X is worth 10 "bucks" or whatever, I just use units.
Now you
could try and model out the entire world. So you have your computer simulate that a drought happens "off-screen" and a war happens "off-screen" and suddenly X is in high demand and Z is worthless. The prices fluctuate
X is worth 30
Y remains 20
Z is now only worth 10.
Great! You've got a S/D model that's taken you months/years to write!
Or you could just do the random model. The dice randomly determine that X price increases by 20, Z decreases by 20 and Y remains the same.
X is worth 30
Y remains 20
Z is now worth 10.
From the "players" perspective, there is no difference. Whether it was random chance, or a flood (which is just another word for random chance, really, who can predict floods?) the end result is that X > Y > Z instead of the other way around.
Now if you're a economics major who feels like they need to utilizae that 4-year education, you can come up with all sorts of imaginative justifications to explain the price fluctations, saying that suddenly X is in higher demand or the supply of Z was trippled overnight. Have fun! But it's very arrogant to demand a fully working economics model when games with fully staffed devs can barely get the model working. RTT was a great game, maybe, but it still wasn't accurate. The model couldn't adapt itself for random chance, fluke fluctations, and "butterfly effect" type disruptions.
But in the end it's just randomness with a slight degree of predicatbility. That's what is truly the gem of fun in this game. It doesn't try and balance, it doesn't allow itself to fit into rote molds like a typical MMO.
A war dog can take down a giant eagle, while a kobold thief can stab your Champion in the kidney and disable him for the rest of the game. You can't predict that, it's based off of that beautiful randomness that makes this game so much more real then any "accurate" model, because if you really look at life critically, it
is random. That's what makes it SO MUCH FUN!
Finally, if you think this is a brilliant idea that will get tons of fans foaming at the mouth, put your "money where your mouth is" and get it thrown up on the Eternal Suggestion page. See how it stacks up against Improved Hauling.