Yeah, it's great. Usually my fortresses are laggy from the beginning, because of my really, really bad video card (all of the other parts are ok). Anywho, update. I don't have any images this time. There's nothing to show you, really.
Ast's journal, 1st Hematite, 3003, early Summer:
I have begun to train with 3 of the other peasants; we'll have to fight back against the undead sometime. Our supplies are dwindling, but I'm fairly sure that we have enough plump helmets to fill our bellys and make wine with. We'll have to re-use the barrels, though, seeing as wood is a scarce resource around here, and the caravan isn't due to arrive until a bit before winter.
Ast's journal, 22nd Hematite, 3003, early Summer:
We ventured outside for the first time in months, just to get a pickaxe for one of the migrants. Thankfully, the muskox left us alone, and I also managed to dash outside and collect some steel chain armor.
Ast's journal, 26th Malachite, 3003, mid Summer:
The 3 peasants and myself have finally reached champion status. Admittedly, I am the only one trained in skills other than wrestling, and I'm fairly useless at that.
28th Malachite, 3003, mid Summer:
Our fortress attracted no new migrants this season. I can understand why. Production has been slow, mainly because of the lack of wood and our miner's terrible work rate.
Hey, Org. What would you like your military dude/dudette named? And if anyone else wants a dwarf, just ask. We are taking requests, aren't we, Toony?