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Author Topic: CWAL Succession Game  (Read 18571 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2009, 01:01:12 pm »

Sorry about making the rooms too big.  I usually play with rent turned off, so I am not a good judge of such things.

The V Man

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2009, 02:24:26 pm »

Sorry for taking so long - baby prep and all ;)

1st Granite, 203
Well, guess I'm in charge. Let's have a look around.

...Theres's too many damn Z levels here!

5th Granite
I've found 2 recruits and a champion unconcious in the barracks. The champion is armed only with sword, no armour.

Small wonder he's taking a nap while his arm grows back.

10 Granite
22 dwarves and virtually NO bedrooms. Who's  great idea was this? I'm ordering some beds to fix the issue and

carving out a few new rooms.

15th Granite
Hippies arrived, wanted to trade.

22nd Granite
Traded a few mechanisms for some wood, a few cages and some thread.
I've designed the new bedrooms. They're slightly more spacious than the previous holes in the walls

28th Granite

..and more migrants!

..and more migrants?!

Well, that puts the population up to 41!
New recruits conscripted. 'nuff said.

2nd Slate
Monom, an engraver, has been possessed.......and claimed a craftdwarf's workshop. This should be worthless.

8th Slate
Monom finished his obsidian crown. Functional.

15th Slate
To better improve our military presence, I have ordered additional armour and weapons made for our recuits.

10th Hematite
Humans arrived with a guild reprsentative. No idea what they want - we're all too busy doing THINGS.

13th Hematite
A kobold thief and some troglodytes! To Arms!
....nevermind. The troglodytes killed the kobold. They're no fun.

18th Hematite
With everyone moving goods to the trade depot, no one saw the ambush until it was too late...

And while our military slept and hit each other with whiffle bats, the traps did some work.

Two tame dogs died fighting at the entrance. They were HEROES.

20th Hematite
To help avoid any further fatal ambushes, I've ordered some slopes near our entrance to be removed.
Amusingly, with the ban on outdoor activity lifted, our illustrious clerk has decided to head out and pick up logs.

While this is entertaining, I've asked him not to anymore.

26th Hematite
I've designed the general tombs and ordered them to be dug out

Another ambush! Our woodcutter has been badly injured killed.

Once again before the military arrives, the traps take care of the problem.

3rd Malachite
A gem cutter withdrew from scoeity and wanted some rough gems...which we don't have.

8th Malachite
Still no gems, but the fort appears to have a monkey probelm..

...which our traps promptly solved.

11 Galena
We've finished work on the new statue garden. Let's hope our already dismal productivity doesn't take a further

nose dive.

16th Galena
The gem cutter is depressed at the lack of rough gems. How sad.

24th Galena
Consturction has begun on my grand project project: The Arena. Ok so it's just a room with a bridge and a cage and

some levers BUT it'll serve well fro training melee recruits in the same way that Legacy's firing squad/execution

room will for Marksdwarves.

20th Limestone
Another kobold thief tried to raid the halls........and had he not come in from the chasm side and ran into the

Ratmen, he might have had a chance to get crushed under a few tonnes of rock.

28th Limestone
Work on the tombs are finally progressing and the arena is nearly ready.
It seems I broke my sparring partner's arm. Oh bother.

13th Sandstone
Our depressed gem cutter died of thirst today. Good riddance.

20th Sandstone
My tomb is almost complete. Let's hope I never have need of it.
The public tomb is finished though. Let's start burying people. Well, not like intentionally.

27th Sandatone
More migrants! Fort population is up to 46.

9th Moonstone
Everyone has been assigned a room, though they're not all completely furnished.

21st Moonstone
Another ambush. A horse got killed just outside the trap line

Our recently healed champion is cutting through the goblins quickly... quickly that I couldn't finish typing before he kill them all. ALL OF THEM. Man he's badass.

...And the goblins are pissed off and ambushing again.
They killed a planter and threw him down the cliff before our champion could return the favour.
And he did, quite literally.

In honour of his invincibility (and the face he's listed and taking joy in slaughter and not caring about anything

anymore) I've named this champion The Byeard MAGGOTT.

26th Opal
Finding we have no butcher shops, I've set 2 up and taken an otherwise useless peasant and set him to Butchery. His friend, also a peasant, has been set as a janitor to help put a stop to the miasma issue we've developed, though he's also proven himself quite adept at getting rod of any stone you ask him to dump. This should make cleaning up decorated rooms much easier.
In addition I've setup a tannery and a leatherworker in the workshops since we'll have some hides to use - and sooner or later these dwarves are going to need pants. No new pants in 3 years? NO THANK YOU HAIRY LITTLE MEN.

5th Obsidian
Legacy has thrown a party in the Statue Garden. ..........And has invited mostly animals.

21st Obsidian
- Evidently I've been lonely. The sole healthy recruit in my squad has decided to take extra special care of my while I'm healing. She's very gentle ;)

1st Granite, 204
And with that Spring has Arrived and my reign as ruler ends. Best of luck to those who come after. These sods are the laziest group ever.

Note: There's an off duty squad of recruits that I was intending to train by using the caged goblins/toglodytes in the arena. Sadly only one is uninjured and I fear two won't ever recover.
My current dwarf *grumble* is wounded and hanging out in bed. Not sure what happened. I'd like him to stay as alive as possible and be a sworddwarf too.

And for anyone who'd like to see the fort in all it's glory - I added a map to the DF Map Archive.

And finally, the <a href="">save[/url].



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2009, 03:04:05 pm »

Nice turn...  Now Inconsequential Lurker can be added to the rotation if he still wants.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2009, 03:12:41 pm »

Nice turn.  Not too terribly much expansion, which is a good thing considering how damned much room we already have :o

It's good to see that more necessities are up and running now :)

The V Man

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2009, 03:17:51 pm »

Well, I KEPT as much running as I could for the most part. I think I must have spent the first half my turn getting oriented and figuring out what the hell was going on. The worse of it is trying to keep all those dwarves working. They like spontaneous breaks so you can't really reassign anyone without some in depth STALKING.

And frankly the things I did (military, graves, few workshops) were only the REALLY obvious things that I could think of since most others were covered (food, everything else).

And to be honest I don't know that I've ever had a fort I've played past the mid-point of year 2 without an implosion or abandoning it.

Inspiring, I know!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2009, 03:37:28 pm »

Considering the shape I left it in, having a graveyard and actual military is a hell of a step up ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2009, 05:52:09 pm »

I would like to join IF 40d9 is the only version permitted to be used, since all other 40d versions do not run successfully on my computer. And any computer with a graphics card like mine.

Sorry, I read the OP with some skimming-over and didn't notice the "cwaler" clause. Before now, I thought that part of the title was just a slightly unusual name.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 11:13:26 pm by Savok »
So sayeth the Wiki Loremaster!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2009, 06:23:07 pm »

I keep saying this over and over again.  You can use any 40.d version you want.  The saves are compatible with oneanother.  The only person that will know what 40.d version you are using is you.

You are welcome to play after Inconsequential Lurker, who is playing next.  He requested to play in this game on the cwal forums days ago.  There is only one catch.  You have to be a CWALer.  What alias are you on the CWAL forums?  I don't requinise you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2009, 11:11:04 pm »

(OCD gripe: it is NOT 40.d. The version thingy clearly states "40d")

Due to an annoying bug, worlds genned with a version earlier than one of the 40dx versions (I don't remember which) run haltingly, almost unplayably, on my graphics card. Even though the saves ARE compatible.
So sayeth the Wiki Loremaster!

The V Man

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2009, 07:52:39 am »

New save faile: Year1.rar

The problem was in the upload but I re-compressed it anyway, then tested it to be sure.



  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2009, 12:08:02 am »

Click on screenshots for full sized versions

I started out a bit confused over where to go, given how chaotic the entire area seems to be. Made it my first goal to tidy up a little, just as soon as I had dealt with the traders who sprung on me as soon as I opened the game. They didn't offer much, but they did have WOOD, which we were horribly short on, trading a vast quantity of narrow clothing from the goblins in return.

Before I could set about clearing out stone, I remember that the ambushes were pretty relentless here, and V had cleared off some slopes. I started digging a deep moat and a bridge to cover it for caravans, with two trap ladden narrow raised walkways for access and to make sure I'm not breaking the "no closing off the fort" rule. Some goblins showed up about halfway through to wish me well on my endeavor.

They fared poorly with the trap line.

Although their freinds had decided they could do much better, jumping on an unwary hunter, whom I quickly recuited and who held them off long enough for some traps to be reset and the wounded to be evacuated.

Unfortunately, they were mostly correct.

Which only encouraged more friends to show up, but these seemed to be the weaker of the lot and quickly succumbed.

Directly afterwards I turned my attention to the stocks and the constant cries that there was nothing to cook with. I changed the field rotation to Plump Helmets in Spring to provide a quick boost to production.

.... Which appeared to be a good move, after a wealth of immigrants, attracted by promise of dwarven riches, came and my population soared from its losses to a respectable 49. I quickly assigned them bedrooms and made good use of the coffers V man had left.

My first mood! Unfortunately, the foul air of the place had left him vulnerable to possession, and he quickly comandeered a workshop for his dark work.

Producing a profane, if rather valuable (48000☼!) idol.

To deter thieves and provide some extra time during goblin assaults, I assigned two war dogs to the upper walkways. who managed to kill a wounded straggler wandering back up the hill he had been kicked down for some more punishment all on their own.

Soon we were rewarded with a visit from the dwarven caravan. Though it was rather lightly loaded, it carried various bars and cloth, as well as several pieces of steel plate, which I again traded for looted goblin clothing.

The dwarves were so happy, they just had to celebrate.

And their momentary rest from organizing all the clothing gave us a proper chance to organize the stockpiles and tidy a bit of the loose stone.

Although we were not to be without peacetime accidents, claiming the life of a clumsy miner.


I wouldn't be suprised if the next year was really fun.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 12:45:44 am by ilurker »

The V Man

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2009, 02:11:06 pm »

Oooo good turn there. Huzzah!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2009, 10:46:43 pm »

Yeah great job... I am going to make all 3 of you scrub the halls with your tooth brushes!!!

The V Man

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2009, 07:32:14 am »

Well if you can reanimate my smashed corpse it would at least be useful for *something*.

I think, perhaps, my next dwarf will be cross trained so by the time he actually sees combat he'll be some type of demi-god.

..third dwarf's a charm?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CWAL Succession Game
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2009, 10:39:38 am »

Yeah great job... I am going to make all 3 of you scrub the halls with your tooth brushes!!!
Dwarves have toothbrushes?
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