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Author Topic: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]  (Read 12080 times)


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #45 on: March 09, 2009, 09:30:50 pm »

Journal of Overseer Fugue,
Old Friends and New Enemies, Early Autumn, 140

It has been an eventful day, but I will try to record every detail as best I can remember.

While Cirino was out trapping animals, he spied a cloud of dust rising from the southern horizon. Fearing the worst, everyone rushed to gather weapons and armor, and took up positions crouched atop the mesa, hoping to catch whatever enemy may be approaching by surprise. It was to my chagrin, however, to see that it was nothing more than a caravan, and one flying the flag of the Mountain Home!

Once the caravaners arrived, with two wagons, and several laden camels worth of goods in tow, we exchanged hearty greetings. They were a group of merchants calling themselves "The Reclaimers," and inspired by our expedition have ventured forth from hiding, not to form a settlement, but to maintain connections between our scattered kinsmen, trading goods and information. They brought with them goods, both recovered from the ruins of Distantrope, and made by the small clans living among the elves. In addition, they carried letters from our kin and families, as well as a special message for all of us, written by the young Queen herself. I don't have time enough to record all of what has been written, but suffice it to say that she offered us and our expedition her best wishes, and the blessings of the High Rune-Priest, and the seven gods.

After celebrating The Reclaimers' arrival with a toast, and showing them what we have made of the place thus far (they seemed very impressed by the Great Hall), we got to the business of trade. They offered over 140☼ for the Bone Scepter of Blacksun (my gift from Tamunshin), and though it was a tempting offer, I couldn't bear to part with it. Instead, I offered some of Libash's inferior iron smithing, a few barrels of plump helmet biscuits made from our first mushroom crop, and what odds and ends had been crafted by Tamunshin in his spare time. In exchange, we received a breeding pair of cattle, barrels upon barrels of food and drink, and a bin of leather and spider chitin.

As we carried out the business of trade, a marksdwarf of the caravan guards spied a kobold slinking around one of the wagons. He sounded a warning cry just as Grimes, woodcutters axe in hand and dogs in tow, charged him. The kobold scurried across the sands, and looked as though he would escape, just as a steel bolt came sailing from the marksdwarf, striking it in the back. It immediately collapsed, allowing Grimes to close on him, and deliver the finishing strike.

Thinking the threat gone, we returned to the marketplace within the watchtower, just as two more kobolds emerged from it, arms full of trinkets. The Reclaimers dealt with them before they could escape, and I am thankful for their quick action and sure aim. Still, disturbed by what was obviously an organized raid by the kobolds, we searched their bodies extensively.

Most of what the three had were primitive objects... crudely-worked copper daggers, corse-sewn animal skins for clothing, and a simple pendant made from a dog tooth. However, the first and largest of them carried with it something very unusual... a crudely scrawled map of the region, done in charcoal on animal hide. There were several markings on it, which appear to indicate both our current location, as well as a cave far to the southwest. The kobolds know of our expedition already!

As though that was not enough to worry about, the mountains in which Distantrope once sat also have symbols on them- one clearly marking the ruins, likely for raiding purposes- but another on the opposite side of the mountains, which looked very much like the black towers of the goblins. I asked the merchants if they had seen a goblin settlement near the ruins of the old halls, but they had not been that far into the mountains, and admittedly only made a brief stop. Nevertheless, the thought of the goblins encroaching on the old halls would mean that they were expanding their empire... a thought I do not relish.

At any rate, The Reclaimers offered to stay through the night, to help the militia keep an eye out for any more kobolds brave or foolish enough to attempt another theft. I extended an offer to let them to stay longer, or even to consider settling in Blacksun, but for the sake of their duty to the scattered peoples of our fallen hall, they declined the offer. I was glad to have their company though, even if just for a brief time.


(The Reclaimers' caravan being guided into the trade tower)

(Other visitors find the dwarves of Blacksun less-than-hospitable)


It seems as though we get a Dwarven caravan, but no Outpost Liason. Interesting.

In other news, the first post has been updated to include the waiting list, and links to each Journal Entry.

Oh, and as I wrap up the fall season story-wise, here's one of the funnier moments:
Grimes having a bit of camel-related difficulties.

(Due to compression issues, it looks best in fullscreen mode. I'm going to have to fiddle with that Windows Movie Maker next time I try Hypercam Videos.)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 03:35:31 am by Solifuge »


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2009, 03:22:21 pm »

Why hypercam?  DF includes a video recorder and you can upload it to the Dwarf Fortress Map Archive too...


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #47 on: March 10, 2009, 03:45:45 pm »

Mostly because I modded the display window to show a larger area, but the built-in recorder bugs out because of it.

Well, that and with Grimes chasing the camel all over the desert, it seriously needed some Benny Hill in the background.


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2009, 04:19:16 pm »

It should only bug out if you have partial print on.  On the DFMA, videos from bigger screens work fine.  Also, Yay!  We're gonna get migrants!!
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #49 on: March 12, 2009, 08:27:39 pm »

lol poor grimes rofl


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #50 on: March 15, 2009, 05:26:59 pm »

Journal of Overseer Fugue,
The Wandering Lord (Part 1), Mid Autumn, 140

Not but 5 days since the caravan of the Reclaimers had left us, a small group of travel-warn dwarves arrived here, apparently following the merchant's wagon-trail. The 9 of them were exiles of Distantrope living in the wilds as we had been, each rag-clothed and near exhaustion. They were invited into the great hall below, where we celebrated their arrival with some smoked camel meat which was quite difficult to procure, and a cask of one of the finest vintages of mushroom wine the Reclaimers had brought. The leader of the group introduced himself to us as Legon, the Wandering Lord, and after our small feast shared his story with us:

"It was decades ago, back in the year 106, that I and several others managed to escape the fall of the mountain homes, and the goblin assault on the day of Shadow-Sun. As the 3rd son of the late Baron, and the last surviving dwarf of noble blood, I lead a small band of our brothers and sisters to found a new settlement away from the carnage that was all too fresh in our memories. Lacking time to prepare, we embarked with little more than what tools we had been carrying, a few pack animals, food, and drink.

After months of travel, we founded a small community in the copper-rich hills to the south of this desert. At first, we had no proper mining tools or weapons, and were left crafting crude implements of stone and wood. Our homes were built strictly aboveground, as our mining was limited to piercing soil in hopes of striking copper. With steadfast labor came prosperity, though, and after decades of toil, our settlmenet had grown in size and prosperity, protected by stout stone fortifications and wooden spikes. We had a strong copper and bronze industry, ranches of muskoxen, and acres of farmland growing what crops we could on the surface. However, these all paled in comparison to our crowning achievement; a beautiful spiral tower made of polished copper, which gleamed brilliantly in the sun as a becon to all other wayward dwarves.

Sadly, it was this symbol of our people's salvation that also brought us the means of our damnation. During nights, guards began to report shadowy figures stalking around the outskirts of the settlement. We found no evidence of these visitors at first, and the sightings were dismissed as visions brought by too much rotgut and sewer brew. After several months passed, though, the sightings returned with increased frequency. Livestock began dissapearing, our children went missing in the night, and some guards and scouts claimed to see these shadowey figures stalking the city streets, leaping over the walls and into the woods before anyone could draw near. We drafted guards to patrol the city at night, while able-bodied citizens proweled the forests, but none who ventured out saw anything.... at least those who returned. Except for the dissaperances, we had no idea what was truely going on... at least not until a party happened upon the shallow ditch filled with blood-stained leaves where we found poor Katsuun..."

At this, Legon indicated a dwarf at the table, who continued to staring at her empty plate with a blank expression, before he continued.

"She was bloodied, and just barely alive, having concealed herself in a leaf-filled ditch before losing consciousness. Her body looked as though it had been mauled by beasts, covered in deep gouges and claw marks as it was. We brought her back to the settlement, and treated her until she regained consciousness. For days on end, she babbled on and on about malevolent spirits, the "Fangs of the Old Forest", who had stolen her comrades away. Her mad ravings continued on and on about these shadowy spirits, and her condition worsened for it... luckily Grinfeldon, an old Court Alchymist, was able to give Katsuun a concoction which helped her forget whatever horrible things she had seen. Even though the memories are gone, the scars on her mind still persist..."

He paused there, as a dwarf woman surrounded by two children, whom I assume to be Lady Legon, put a hand on his shoulder. He nodded, and looked back to me.

"I wish to share the rest of our story with you, but my companions and I are very travel-worn... and the memories of these events still hang heavily on our hearts and minds. I ask you to let us rest now, and I will resume the tale come morning."

We lead the dwarves to the rough bedchambers that had been carved, and supplied them with makeshift cots. Although Legon's claim to nobility is somewhat dubious at best (every noble house was tortured and slain by the Demoness, to our knowledge), with Grime's claim of shadowy figures lurking around our settlement, receiving word of these "Fangs of the Old Forest" is troubling to say the least.


Part 2 is forthcoming, along with our first wave of Immigrants! Huzzah!

P.S. I only got 1 male in the immigrant wave, and they were married with kids. I slotted that one to Lord Legon, and added the rest as whatever dwarf had the most appropriate skillset or personality. If anyone has an issue with having a she-dwarf, let me know so I can retcon them out, and wait for the next immigrant wave to add your character in.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2009, 07:38:42 pm by Solifuge »


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #51 on: March 15, 2009, 05:32:26 pm »

Thanks!  This is looking very good so far.
"Oh look there is a dragon my clothes might burn let me take them off and only wear steel plate."
And this is how tinned food was invented.
Alternately: The Brick Testament. It's a really fun look at what the bible would look like if interpreted literally. With Legos.
Just so I remember


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2009, 06:04:53 am »

I dont mind being a female, so go ahead.
how would a Fortress based curse work?

Rocks fall, everyone dies.

Sans context.


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2009, 09:24:08 am »

Nice one. Can I get a dwarf too?
Nickname: Diggle
Occupation: Child (any will do, but best if s/he likes dogs)
Quirks: Very curious, but a bit cowardly for a young dwarf. Is fascinated with dogs and, to lesser extent, marksdwarfship.
Goals: Grow up (how obvious). Become an animal trainer. Train dogs and make bolts.


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #54 on: March 17, 2009, 07:56:11 pm »

Wooo the plot thickens...
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #55 on: March 17, 2009, 10:17:29 pm »

Wooo the plot thickens...

By the time I'm done with it, this plot will be as thick as a peanut butter and honey sandwich.

Oh, and Murphy, Legon immigrated with 2 children, so as long as you don't mind being related to that schmuck, Diggle ought to fit into the family well. :P

In other news, I'm currently getting some pretty epic ideas for this site. I happened to start the fortress at a VERY lucky location, as there are signs of many sorts of Fun to be had. Also, judging by a brief peek into the Legends stuff, sieges from Omoaxu and company are going to rock so hard.

I appreciate the reactions and feedback too, guys. It's a good motivator for keeping up steady progress on this thing.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 10:21:05 pm by Solifuge »


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #56 on: March 17, 2009, 10:24:44 pm »

I wonder how I am doing, do I have any grudges with anyone? ^_^
Courage. Do one brave thing today, then run like H#ll.
Insanity: What others call geniuses when they are jealous and/or unable to comprehend the ideas/inventions of amazing/epic proportions of the one being called insane.


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #57 on: March 17, 2009, 11:36:16 pm »

I wonder how I am doing, do I have any grudges with anyone? ^_^

Actually, everyone's been getting along well with everyone else... though Fugue isn't making friends with anyone but Tamunshin.
Also, Grimes looks like he's starting to lose it... I saw a worrysome new addition to his personality just now.

While I'm assembling part 2, and the immigrants, here's a brief update on the current in-game state of the seven founders:

Spoiler: Fugue, Overseer (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Short Dwarf, Architect (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Grimes, Ranger (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Fireheart, Miner (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Cirino, Farmer (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Libash, Smith (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tamunshin, Crafter (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 09:20:24 pm by Solifuge »


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2009, 01:28:36 am »

Quote from: Solifuge
Oh, and Murphy, Legon immigrated with 2 children, so as long as you don't mind being related to that schmuck, Diggle ought to fit into the family well. :P
Sure :)


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Re: Blacksun: The Dwarves' Last Stand [Community Fortress]
« Reply #59 on: March 18, 2009, 10:38:51 am »

Actually, everyone's been getting along well with everyone else... though Fugue isn't making friends with anyone but Tamunshin.
Also, Grimes looks like he's starting to lose it... I saw a worrysome new addition to his personality just now.

Spoiler: Grimes, Ranger (click to show/hide)

Actually, that means he doesn't get as depressed as he would normally when his mates/pets die.
But then, life was also easier when I was running around here pretending to be a man, so I guess I should just "man up" and get back to work.
This is mz poetrz, it is mz puyyle.
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