- erratic boulder (multitile tiles)
- Rockneedles (like these:
2 ) and Karst topologics
- realistic Waterfalls (with microbiomes, noise, plungpool and undercutting.)
- Katarakts (ramps instead of a one-tile fall)
- Fords
- glacerical valleys
- ice-dams
- Mosses and lichens
- in mountains thin soilcovering with grasses (depending on weather and hight) - works only once for farming(?)
- realistic riverbiomes, waterplants, reeds, ducks, otters. + not so straight shores and Floodplains with floodplain-forrests.
- cliff-biomes - plants and animals (eagles f.e.) lifing in cliffs and rockfaces
- brack-water biomes (Zone at a rivers mouth)
- Ravine forests
- Windbreaks + storm wood
- different growthrates for trees
- shrooms etc. on trees
- heathland
- realistic buildings and different styles. Human timbercabins were a exception in history. timber-frames, and
cob buildings as well as other building materials.
- castles, Strongholds, forts, watchtowers (lifing and ruins) at important/tactical valueable sites.
- Monasterys
- Cult-places and objects ( Menhirs, wells, fireplaces, Altars )
- Human-mines and stripmines
- Fences and high seats (herding/hunt)
- Mailstations/Inns
Ok this should cover most of the things i miss and yes i know that some of the stuff is in the dev-list but i dont have the time for checking each point.