How can the PS3 have free internet? It must be on some sort of network. Somebody pays for that network.
Well the Network isn't all that expencive anyhow and isn't overpriced like the Xbox360s network... and isn't total Garbage like the Wiis is.
-Honestly Wii... Didn't you take enough flak for being the kiddy console without downright admiting you believe that is your sole audiance?
The PS3 probably should have done what the 360 and Wii did and disguised the actual price of the console by making other related products more expencive. The 360 cheapened its price by charging for internet usage... The Wii disguised its price by increasing the price of its controllers.
I mean... The 360 owners for the longest time believed that their internet was better because they paid for it, not knowing that they didn't offer anything different... Microsoft was just making the 360 seem cheaper so more people would buy it. (which is a perfectly viable marketing strategy)
Actually does anyone know what you call it when a product is made cheaper by adding hidden costs that make up for the price drop? For example Phones are sometimes sold for free to make them seem cheap but include EXPENCIVE phone service start up packages.
Anyhow as for more PS3 games I am mostly waiting for the PS3 to get some of the better games from the PS2 Era in sequel form.
-Fatal Frame
-Monster Rancher
-Magic Pengel / Graffiti Kingdom
Honestly I am still waiting... ESPECIALLY for Magic Pengel / Graffiti Kingdom 3 which has yet to even be announced.