Hold the Austrailium
Two teams, one bar of Austrailium. Sharing is a lost art.
In this game mode, a special item- the titular Bar of Pure Austrailium- is placed on the map. It may be in a specific central location, or else in some random place along the middle.
If you pick up the Bar, it replaces your weapons and items for as long as you carry it. Class abilities, such as medic regeneration and double jumping, still work, but active abilities, like demo charges and detonations or spy cloaking, do not. Additionally, you are slowed by a small margin (5%?).
It is possible to swing the bar as a melee weapon (some classes swing faster or do more damage with it than others, and it causes the "midas" effect), and right-clicking causes you to throw the bar. Scouts can barely toss it; heavies can hurl it a significant distance (hold right to charge). This is used to pass the bar to a teammate, or at least to get your hands free to use your gun.
Pure Austrailium reacts poorly to ubercharges. The Medigun's built-in safeguards* prevent you from ubering Bar carriers. Perhaps the Kritz works normally; after all, running around criting everyone in the vicinity into solid gold would be interesting to say the least.
There is one last thing about the Bar; holding it will gradually turn you into solid gold. You must drop or throw it to a teammate within thirty seconds or else suffer goldification yourself.
Here our options vary:
Variation 1:
Your goal is to carry the Bar to a single, central "forge" and stand in front of it for 30-60 seconds without dying; throwing the bar to a teammate does not reset the counter. The central forge is some distance from the similarly central starting point of the Bar. Map design will have to be somewhat elaborate.
Pros: Hard to fortify the forge AND grab the Bar
Cons: If one side gets the bar and the other camps the forge, the game could drag on
Variation 2:
Your goal is to carry the Bar back to your team's "forge" and stand in front of it for 30-60 seconds without dying; throwing the bar to a teammate** does not reset the counter.
Pros: Nigh-impossible to camp the Bar or the Forge, games are fast
Cons: Game will most likely be decided by a medic/scout rush.
Variation 3:
As long as someone on your team is holding the bar, your teams three-minute timer counts down. First team to reach 0 wins.
Pros: Game is focused on the bar, nothing else. Maximum duration is capped at an action-packed 6 minutes.
Cons: Possible, with poor map design, for a scout or other mobile class to grab the bar and hide somewhere innaccessable.
Variation 4: As long as anyone is holding the bar, a five-minute timer counts down. Whatever team holds the bar at THAT MOMENT wins.
Pros: As V3.
Cons: Much like V3. Possible that the longer game time may allow the losing team a better chance to find and eliminate the hiding scout.
**While there is a 1~2-second delay during which only allies may pick up the bar, disguised spies can intercept it. This drops their disguise, naturally.
PPS: Engies may not use the bar to repair. That said, a solid gold sentry has to be worth somethin'.