I'm kinda bummed since I found out that you can only get a certain number of random free rewards every week, somewhere around 6-8 IIRC, and then you gotta wait before you can get any more. I suppose it discourages obsessive farmers at the very least, which is a good thing in my book.
I was getting kinda bored with how people just ragequit when they lose, or just quit for no reason, and leaves the rest of the team high and dry, at the mercy of the matchmaker. I was getting so frustrated with it that I was thinking of just quitting.
Then I got a really awesome team on an advanced difficulty (not sure which one) on Mannworks. I've been getting the most practice in with Pyro so that's what I went with, because nobody seems to approach bomb resetting and airblasting as seriously as I do, which is super important to keeping the bots preoccupied so your team can slowly strangle the life out of the relentless robot army. And man, I must have reset the bomb 30 or 40 times when everything was said and done.
But my teammates were really great, able to handle their own as we slogged through the advanced difficulty waves one after the other. I think after many missions I've finally found what my ideal Pyro build is: being a fast (all speed) airblasty (all airblast) type of hit and run pyro that relies on strategic ambushes as the bots are distracted to deal significant damage, quickly running away to recoup, airblasting to keep the bots eternally preoccupied, and only running in where there's little risk. Canteen = ubercharges for desperate last second pushbacks when things go awry, as their wanton to do.
It was the first time I've ever completed an advanced difficulty mission, and not only that, I got the Engine Block achievement since the bomb never reached the hatch area once! I was super hyped about that.