I shall attempt to provide info on the winners for those who can't even view the opening image on the announcing page.:
Soldier gets a pack, unsure of the items.
Scout gets a pack, milkman themed (which, yes, means we get a third version of his drinks).
Pyro gets a pack, gasman themed.
Spy gets a pack, Saharan themed (with, as I edited into my last post, a knife replacement, which we didn't get with the Spyper update a year ago).
Sniper gets a pack, croc themed. Crocskin shield, crochead hat, dart gun, and darts as a Misc item for his pocket (
if that item gets put in by Valve).
I think this might actually be next week's Community update. Maybe. We shall see. I say next week's because the first two Community updates were about two months apart, and if Valve continues that trend (it's possible), we should have a Community update next week. However, I'm not sure if Valve will release more new stuff so close to the Engineer update. It would hopefully get rid of any remaining Engy spam, but it would also be like stealing their own thunder.
And Soulwynd, I'm sorry, but there's no buildings that won the Polypack contest. It's always possible they'll be in future Community updates, though, especially with this part in the winner announcement:
Out of the 70 or so entries that Valve received, Robin tells me that nearly half of the entries are of a high enough quality to be shipped in future updates without much work needed on Valve side. So, if you did not win this time around you can be confident that your items will one day find there way in to Team Fortress 2.
It's interesting to note that this update guarantees that there will be at least 2 weapons that have 2 Contributed in-game versions: the Kukri and Bonk!. The Pyro has 2 official melee weapons, but they're pretty similar, so I suppose the Gasman's melee and Homewrecker could count towards that too.
[PPE:] Same here, OJ. Especially the Sniper pack with the dart gun. It will be interesting to see if Valve keeps headshots for that (likely, but possibly in some new way, like headshots may give slowdown to the target or something), and what kind of arc the darts will have (will they be like the Medic's syringe gun or more like a Huntsman arrow?).