I'm usually a scout in MvM, too. Mark 'em, milk 'em, grab the money, and stay out of the way.
* tahujdt turns into a weird hybrid of C-3P0 and Lt. Data
Drop chance of an australium weapon is around 3 or 4%, according to some figures. If everyone uses a squad surplus voucher, that's 7 random drops per player, per game, meaning 42 random drops total. This will not affect the australium drop chance (I think) because australium weapons are end-of-tour random rewards. However, that many random drops will definitely have some good stuff in it. 6 SSVs costs 12USD or around 24 ref. The sale of 42 random drops, some of them rare cosmetics, would probably be worth more than the cost of the vouchers. Should we go that route, more investigation would be in order.
A ticket plus a voucher is 3USD per player per game, so 18USD total per game, or 12USD per tour per player, 72USD per group tour. With just tickets, it's 1USD per player per game, 6USD per group game, 4USD per individual tour, and 24USD per group tour. Australium weapon prices are in the dozens of keys range.
Should we consider the drop-sharing plan I suggested, please also consider that it's the sort of system that everyone likes until they get the drop. So, if we were to pursue that, we would have to be more selective about who we include. And if we find a frying pan, *well*...
If I wouldn't think less of myself afterwards, if I only cared about the money, I'd ditch any online community in a heartbeat for something worth thousands of dollars. Even you guys, sorry. College is coming up pretty quickly for me.