Obviously I don't speak for Wyrm here (your chemistry is.. impressive, by the way. Armok help us if alchemy ever gets that realistic), but personally I'd give up some chemical realism if it made alchemy more usable. The end results are certainly worthwhile, but there are two barriers to actually getting alchemy to work:
-It's difficult to get all the necessary ingredients in a single embark, particularly with the 31.19+ changes; there tends to be less variety now, you have a
lot of a few types of mineral/other rare stone and none of anything else. Your chances of having all the necessary ingredients to, say, make mithril on a given embark are slim; it takes some looking just to find an embark where you can make steel, which is about half as complicated as mithril. Alchemy needs to be less dependent on certain key materials: for example needing the (in my experience) relatively rare chalcanthite or melanerite to make Emen Aren, which is required for most of alchemy. Can these minerals be made more common, or a third alternative provided, or what if you got a
lot more Emen Aren from each reaction (or used less of it) such that importing or embarking with a few melanerite boulders was all you needed? I feel like finding the actual truesilver/elemental crystal should be the difficult part, yet being able to make enough Emen Aren is the harsher restriction in my experience, and you need this stuff for practically everything.
-It's difficult to figure out how the system works; too many reactions, ingredients, buildings. I say this as someone who scaled vanilla DF's patented Learning Cliff of Doom
TM and decided it just wasn't complicated enough, so I downloaded CivForge - anyone who gets this far is a gamer not scared off by a little complexity.
Anyway I spent quite some time pouring over the alchemy basics txt and the wonderful
alchemy flowchart (which should be linked in the first post!), and abusing dfprospector to try and find an embark that actually had the ingredients I needed to get some alchemy going - ultimately the best site I could find had tons of truesilver, a little chalcanthite hidden somewhere, everything else I needed, except.. no saltpeter, so I gave up. Weeks later I accidentally stumbled across the building that makes saltpeter from potash, I hadn't realized I didn't even need natural saltpeter. The documentation is good, the information's all there, there's just
too much of it - with so many steps and buildings and ingredients involved, it's easy to miss a crucial little thing like the saltpeter beds. If it were up to me I'd merge some of the building functions (4 separate buildings to make mithril bars, including saltpeter beds and jarmaker's shop, is a little much), and abstract out a few unneeded intermediate reactions, i.e. use chalcanthite directly for Emen Aren instead of turning it into blue vitriol first.
Not that I'm complaining; if I can continue fending off of half a dozen hostile races with crucible steel while ignoring that whole 'alchemy' system, I'll still enjoy the mod. Just saying if you wanted more folks like me to actually use alchemy, addressing the above issues would help.