yeah, few bugs/problems/suggestions:
I'm finding most of the elemental crystals to be too inconsistent their rarity. Frost crystal, like microcline, is basically everywhere, and there are *some* firehearts in granite layers, but ward and storm crystals just don't seem to exist anywhere (and i'm looking around with reveal and dfprospector on maps with lots of granite/marble). It might be worthwhile to add firehearts, ward crystals, and storm crystals to common types of non-mineral layer stones (orthoclase, olivine, alunite, verdenite, etc) instead of directly to the layer to ensure somewhat of a uniform rarity
The tannable chitin stuff was (accidentally?) removed i think in the second test set, probably because of the material_template_default changes
I have a dwarf who currently likes 'alum filled alchemical'; i don't really know if that's fixable given the workarounds necessary.
Unless it's necessary for the workings of the mod, imho i would remove the various glass-material jars and try to stick to one, a special type of generic alchemical glass, or just plain green glass, or something along those lines. I think it clutters up things like the jobs and managers screens to have all the various material reactions for all the various jar types and stuff