Probably, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I don't know if the merchant nobility of the humans is generated or taken from historical figures. My guess would be that they're historical, so you'd need to gen a new world.
Did a ton of testing last night. I think I'll definitely do candles. The ability to do wax or tallow should make them pretty easy to make.
I did notice that I needed an insane amount of glue to do anything with my current reactions, though. So I might change that somehow. Maybe make it so you get more than 1 glob of glue per reaction. Right now you need 1 glue to make the ink and another to make the book. That means a single library section needs you to render 10 glue globs. That's a lot of hides or hooves to render down, and then you still need 5 leather to bind the book in. Not to mention the parchment or paper. In fact, if all you have is skin available you could end up using 4 skins for a single book. I really wish skins had some sort of size property to them. Kinda silly that you get the same amount from a cow as you do a cat.
All told, a single book right now (assuming you use the basic carbon ink) takes Ash, 2 glue, 1 leather, and parchment/paper/papyrus. It's a fair investment of resources, although books are worth quite a bit. And the training ability is pretty powerful.
I've also decided to switch Giant Beetles over to being carnivores. They eat too much right now to really be viable as herbivores. I had one female starve herself to death raising a clutch of eggs. She managed to get them to hatch, but starved to death shortly afterwards following around the dwarf that trained her.