My phrasing up there might be a bit hyperbolic, due to the vicodin in my system when I wrote it, but the idea is still easily extractable.
I apologize for using a specific example. It would have been better not to name names, as that puts people on the defensive. Please, check your ego and your temper at the door; they will be liabilities here.
What I see in that thread is someone posting a very common suggestion, which would've been avoided if he'd searched.
And then Foa tells him to do so in the future.
And then I post saying "Man, people are still suggesting this? It's such a blatantly obvious thing to suggest that it should be taken for granted it's been suggested.", and then asserting that future thread ventures should be prefaced by searching.
Foa could have done his part without flaming the newbie, and there was absolutely no reason for you to bump this thread, just to voice your agreement.
Also, the OP didn't 'swear to never return to the elitist forum', if anything he seemed to imply he'll lurk for a while before posting.
I wasn't referring to this example, but rather the first one I saw. I'd search it out, but I can't remember what idea he was getting flamed over, and there would naturally be a billion, nearly identical search hits.
We didn't publicly crucify anyone, there was no ill will, etc. You implying that I'm a wannabe mod and a vigilante flamer is more offensive than anything in that thread.
Once again, I apologize for calling you out. Replace "vigilante flamers" with "unduly aggressive social activist."
I'll note that I do usually leave a link to previous threads, but even that has been decried as 'rude' and unhelpful. There's really no pleasing everyone on this issue.
If this suggestion is made a rule, no one will be able to tell you not to post a link, since the law will be on your side. That's the real reason I suggested that part, as it gives activists something to do, that doesn't make things worse.
Useful links and helpful advice are all well and good, but neither of them does any good if it comes with an insult. Was the purpose of your post to express some useful input on the situation, or just to vent your frustration over the plethora of redundant posts. You're effectively bumping with, "I agree with Foa!"
People who are so exuberant and egotistical, as to think that getting their idea posted thirty seconds sooner is worth not reading the rules, are a serious problem. However, changing the rules to directly impact their behavior, is not going to work, as they haven't read them, yet. Thus, the burden of stopping these pointless confrontations must fall on the shoulders of people who have read the rules.
I'm asking all of you to have the courage and self control to be the better man, better woman, or better dwarf.
If you can't be polite, at least refrain from bumping the thread. Not bumping these things is the most important part of getting rid of them.
It might also be a good idea to sticky the topics that inevitably get posted every week. Mine cars, in particular, show up every Thursday, like clockwork.