WorkerDrones Progress on latest (Fifth...on beginner...all of them...I suck. But I'm getting better.):
I have 1 base, and 15 X-COM ops, armed with Heavy Plasma, and I'm working on getting all, and not just half in heavier armour. But so far, I've managed to atleast get them the much needed personal armour. And for once, I have excess Alloys. Which used to be a problem. Working on getting lots of Elerium now, so I can make Plasma weapons for better interceptors. I'll have to get more bases at somepoint, as I'm going to need more room for the special quads and hangers for Firestorms and Avengers. Like everyone, I have chosen to completely ignore the Lightnings. But I will not forsake the Interceptors armed with Plasma Beams, as they have longer ranges then Firestorms, though they are weaker.
My progress, alienwise, is slow. But tech wise, I am more then a match for what they can dish out to me, I'm just short of Elerium to produce heavy hardware, and to use as fuel and craft items for Craft and equipment. Otherwise, I might have Hovertanks, excess in weaponry and ammo, and a powerful fleet of alien interceptors, all out of reverse engineering.
And yet, further on, a crash keeps me from progressing as much as I'd like to, so much of my progress is lost when I don't save progressively. None the less, I am so addicted to this game that I keep playing it. And closer and closer I seem to edge to the Cydonia Mensae.
And once I beat this game, I shall lock it away in the deepest confines of my files, and prepare never to open this pain in the ass again.
And of course, five seconds later, get addicted to someother game.