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Author Topic: Nokzamkulal: Year 2, Migrant Mayhem (Community Fortress)  (Read 4196 times)


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Nokzamkulal: Year 2, Migrant Mayhem (Community Fortress)
« on: February 03, 2009, 04:31:46 pm »

Nokzamkulal: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (YetAnotherCommunityFortress)
Or 'Come for the acronym, stay for the train wreck fiction.' If you prefer.

My head hurt.


And there was this annoying noise in my room.


Upon opening my eyes I discovered I wasn’t in the filthy hovel of a home provided for me. It was some place worse. Outside.


“Why the nashon shash am I outside?” I muttered

“Beats me” came a gravelly voice frighteningly close to me.  I bolt up and am suddenly stopped by a wave of nausea. I have to close my eyes if I don’t want to spit up whatever it was I was drinking last night.


Once the moment passes I let my eyelids slowly open. Before me I saw the sun rising over a mountain peak  across a valley from where I sat. The sky was mercilessly clear and bright to my sore eyes. The peaks across the valley began to sink into the earth as the bed I lay on began to shift. Soon only clear blue sky filled my vision as I felt myself falling back into bed.

“Ah, now you done it.” came that gravelly voice again.


The world began to shake and move. “Cave In!” I yelled wondering if the sky could fall and crush you the way mother claimed it would.
“It’s not a cave in ya daft shimbîl. It’s the ground not the sky.”   With that a pair of large hands, hard and cracked from years of labor appeared before me. My arms won’t respond fast enough as those hard cracked hands move towards my neck. Instead of crushing the life from me though, they settled on my tunic and pulled me up and around. The sight greeting me did nothing for soothing my nausea. My bed was filled with filthy dwarves and jostling barrels. Most disconcerting of all though was how my bed was not only outside but rushing down the a rocky slope.

“Perhaps we should do something about that.” I offered, my mind finally honing in on the important piece of information regarding my survival.

“Well aren’t you a fountain of ideas” Gravel voice muttered, dropping me back down and making his way forward over my bed. Not bed, wagon, it must be a wagon I decided. “I’ll try to get this mangy ass to slow down, you see if you can’t make yourself useful by slowing the wheels.”

There was all manner of junk in the wagon before me. Barrels bounced against each other threatening to break loose from where they were bound to the wagon rails an anvil lay beneath a dwarf holding on as if it were the only sure thing in this suddenly uncertain world. A sudden bump and I’m in the air, hands desperately grasping for purchase. They latch onto a stalk of tower cap wood just as a second bump causes a dwarf seated on a nearby barrel to fly off into a problem that at least excludes wagons.  A second glance around shows me that we’ve still got four dwarves clinging to supplies with white knuckles and green faces.
“Woah! Woah you nashon zagith.” Gravel Voice bellowed, in a roar that became nearly indistinct from the rattle of the rocks collapsing down the slope with us.
My hands, tightly wrapped around the wood log began to burn from the vibration of sliding across the unsmoothed stalk. Ah blessed discomfort, ever the incentive and the muse. I turned to the dwarf clutching the anvil. “Anvilhands, come here and help me stop this disaster.” Anvilhands moved up off the anchor and over to me. A few moments instructing him of our plan followed by more cursing from G.V. and soon we were in position.
With my signal we both pushed a log down between the wheels and the wagon walls. The first time the log nearly jerked out of my hands but I hastily pushed it back between the wheels creating as much frictionas possible. For that I was rewarded with a face full of smoke from the now smouldering wheel and the cries of dismay from some dwarf behind me. Before a wheel could break or a serious fire could begin I feel the wagon turn and come to a jarring stop, sending me head over heels out of the wagon.
A cloud of silty dust fills my vision and the coughing and hacking dwarves my ears, welcoming sensations compared to moments earlier.
“Here now, no sense in laying in the dirt just because you’ve lost your seat” stated a dwarf picking me up by my shoulders. “Well aren’t you’re a light one.” I could hear him say as he set me back on my feet. No need to remark on the comment though, this morning’s events will be all anyone thinks about not my seemingly light stature. Turning around to flash a grin of thanks at Mr. Helpful is all the response I give as I dust myself off. The rest of the dwarves do similar followed shortly by the immediate need of all dwarves. The collection of goods and assets. A bar of iron is pulled out from under a set of tanned hides, along with a pair of copper picks. Anvilhands is dusting the recently used anchor and examining it for scratches, as if that were somehow to impede its usefulness. Another collects a hammer and chisel tucking the masons tools into their belt. It seems I alone notice the paper roll nailed to the underside of the wagon. Not having a trade of my own and no need to jealously hang on to the log that had so recently been our acting savior I curiously pick up and open the Scroll.

   Dearest Lęgan

Ok, well it looks like someone knows why I’m here.

“No doubt you’re the only one who’s noticed my scroll where the others are thinking of doing some actual work to resolve the situation. So consider yourself summarily promoted to leader. Now before you think of a clever method of getting out of your new role I suggest you start a camp in the valley to the east of the mountain you’re resting on before you’re spotted by the-

“Giant!” urged a dwarf who’d been resting atop a barrel and surveying the area.
There it was sitting on a boulder kickking a dead hoary marmot. It looked up and held me frozen as I realized it not only saw me but that it had only one eye. “That’s no giant, it’s a Cyclops.” I whispered to my now suddenly important fellow dwarves in trouble.
“Yes well we best do something before the rest spot us.”  Gravel Voice stated leaning against the wagon.
“Rest? What do yo-“ A dwarf who I hadn’t really noticed said with a straw of cave wheat he’d found amongst the supplies tucked between his teeth. I wasn’t really concerned with his hygiene of resourcefulness as I now saw that there was not one but five cyclopes lounging about in the field below us, kicking about a hoary marmot corpse in some twisted version of kick-ore.
Through gritted teeth I gave the order “Everyone, grab what you can and head up and over the mountain, we’re digging in and not dallying about.”

“Not that I care to hang about” Gravel Voice said, moving from his position with the easy confidence of someone used to correcting others “and see if we’re of anymore interest to that band of one eyed bastards than their bunsoth game of kick the corpse but you’re the one who sent us careening down this nashon hill already and whats ta say their aint something even worse on the other side.  I say-“ He was getting into his speech to point out how he’d be a much safer fellow to follow and while normally I’d care less, leadership brings too much work and worse responsibility than I was comfortable with. However, it seems the Baron, and who else could’ve left that note but the Baron? Had some information on where we were and more importantly what we faced than any of us did and damned if I was going to let go of that precious information to a codgy old dwarf more concerned with a crusty title or acknowledgement of authority than my immediate safety.

“Shut up boulder breath” I seethed at him, catching him off guard with my sudden intensity. “I’ve got the supply and support orders here” I shoved the scroll I’d been reading, now wound back up into a n imposing bundle up under his nose, “our safety and survival hinges on a secure operation well clear of our current position.” At least I hope it would. Now to direct the blame back on him before he can question me. “If you had secured the wagon instead of pondering your belly button lint we wouldn’t be a cliff’s edge away from some Cycolops’ stew.”  Now I need to give him something he wants. “So organize the removal of goods from the wagon and start hauling it over that peak.” Gravel Voice was nearly purple with frustration but all the wind blew from his sails when I gave him that last bit of authority. Now I just need to make clear sure that I don't leave him alone with everyone.

“You there, with the pick in your hands” I pointed with one hand while turning around. "Come with me"

"Where are we going?"The miner responded while hefting his pick onto his shoulder.

"You’re going to save our beards.”

This little community fortress will be using Cpt. Mayday's Legendary Lands mod so there will be deaths once things get up and running and the full purpose of fortress begins. It won't all be done in 1st person but thought I'd try it out.

Embark map coming soon, along with some personality profiles of the available dwarves. Only Lęgan is needed so the other 6 will be available. Plenty of room for additional background story on the other dwarves, including the so far unnamed Gravel Voice, Murdergrin and Hayseed, lots of immigrants. Let me know if there are labor\sex preferences.

Oh and please add any critiques or comments.

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The Characters So Far:
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The Characters yet to be claimed. (All commments can\will be adjusted to fit profiles requested but the below comments hint at who or what else they are.)

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« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 12:33:37 pm by TheMirth »


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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2009, 05:33:41 pm »

I request one.

Name: BTI Investor
Gender: Any
Job: Any
Description: BTI shares interests in outposts across the globe. BTI, wave of the future.
BTI values all of it's employees. BTI, wave of the future.

(warning: being a BTI employee is the equivalent of dying by fire, slowly.)

Have a nice day!


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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2009, 06:25:43 pm »

I'll take the unnamed Anvilhands

Name: Crispin
Job: Weapon/Armor smithing


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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2009, 11:32:51 pm »

I'll sign up for Edem the miner. Rename her Betsy.

On the way to the fortress she picked up a pick and offered to mine, but her true profession is an inexperienced cook. And while she may not have done much actual cooking, she sure has done her share of eating. Her enormous size gives her a reason to think just about everyone is else is skinny, and like the bubbly young dwarf next door, is always offering snacks from the various pouches she has sewn into her bright and baggy dress.

Some dwarfs are tempted to remark about her size, but while she may be overweight, one mention of it will bring her down on you like a fire imp who's just been pelted with ice cubes. Arms that are tempered diging stone for a hobby, wield a cleaver with extreme accuracy
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2009, 11:48:37 pm »

I'll sign up for Edem the miner. Rename her Betsy.

On the way to the fortress she picked up a pick and offered to mine, but her true profession is an inexperienced cook. And while she may not have done much actual cooking, she sure has done her share of eating. Her enormous size gives her a reason to think just about everyone is else is skinny, and like the bubbly young dwarf next door, is always offering snacks from the various pouches she has sewn into her bright and baggy dress.

Some dwarfs are tempted to remark about her size, but while she may be overweight, one mention of it will bring her down on you like a fire imp who's just been pelted with ice cubes. Arms that are tempered diging stone for a hobby, wield a cleaver with extreme accuracy

Done and updated.

Due to the clear mission of the BTI investor they will approach the future fort once word of the site's existence reaches BTI (which no doubt will be shortly, they have investors everywhere after all).

« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 11:51:22 pm by TheMirth »


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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2009, 11:54:06 pm »

One of us. One of us.

I mean, thank you for choosing BTI. BTI, wave of the future.
BTI values all of it's employees. BTI, wave of the future.

(warning: being a BTI employee is the equivalent of dying by fire, slowly.)

Have a nice day!


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Re: Nokzamkulal: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2009, 01:24:47 am »

Tired. My arms ache. My legs ache. My back aches, oh god, I never knew a back could ache so much. Poppop said this'd be what it felt like when you do actual labor. Well wasn't he just a ziril agak for being right. The others seem unaware of how wretched it is to carry a barrel full of ale up one side of the mountain and then down the other knowing full well you're only going to have to do it all over again.

The paper in my hands is still waiting for me to read it. The fact the baron sent me here means my protection is gone. Whether I've lost Royal favor or not, I've lost the Baron's protection which means I'd have to find a new benefactor. The throb in my head hasn't let up since we've gotten here. The cool and rough cavern walls feel good against it though. I've never been so grateful to sleep on a dirty floor before.

The papers are still waiting for me to finish reading. With the others resting where they could, Crispin even collapsing in the grass where he had rested a barrel of fish for a moment to catch his breath. I didn't have the strength to drag him inside and neither did anyone else. The chittering of Betsy echoing down the hall has become a comfort, even if her cheerful demeanor is about as well founded as expecting a bunch of haggard unfamiliar dwarves to cobble together a solid defense against a near half dozen cyclopes.

The paper feels like lead in my hand.


Best to find out what your master wants of you Lęgan.

"- Cyclopes. I'd also recommend you don't do anything rash and attempt to engage them once or perhaps if you manage to carve out a safe enough hovel to hide in.

Now Hopefully if you're reading this far you've gotten yourself someplace safe and will be able to take the full weight of what I'm telling you. You've proven yourself very clever Lęgan, very clever indeed. While it's no good to have you flaunting it around the mountainhome I pride myself on finding the right task for the right person. You are just the sort of dwarf who knows how to make the impossible possible. Now I think we both know that it's in your best interest to keep me happy so I expect you'll give this your all,like you used to when you first arrived at the mountain home. Enough of that though. For now simply stay alive and begin thinking about building up your current predicament. IF you survive the year I'll give you a better idea of how you can please me.

Those fellow dwarves you've woken with should have all the appropriate skills necessary to get things rolling. There may be a few folk I may find convenient to send your way if you've lost one of your fellows all ready. But please take care of Betsy will you? She's something of a favor I've promised someone, if you can find enough to feed her she'll no doubt help as she's nearly as strong as she is wide.

What could he mean about the impossible possible? Well short of making a home out of a nest of Cyclopes but I doubt I'm the dwarf for that. The uthgůr has something more foolhardy for me to do no less. Probably to open a cyclops eye soup kitchen or some such. Whatever he's promising it'd be to the king no doubt, he's been working the royalty over for a countship for some time now.

Hrmm, that seems to be the only letter amongst the papers. The rest look like pages torn from old books and reports to the Baron. Hrmm...these sketches look like they matching up identifying marks between the torn pages and the reports. I think they're a list of records of Cyclopes. I skim the first one I come across. "Akortęz, Controlivory the Bejweled Cave" Doesn't sound so bad, a little flamboyant perhaps but not too terrifying. definitely Akoręz. He practically announces it to the rocks and trees when he comes across them.

 Hrmmm, some one's sketched a picture the beast here.
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That's quite the physique he's got there. Looks like another set of pages about this one, it seems to be an archival record. They're all just names and dates though.
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Hrmm, the last page has someone else's handwriting in the margin.

....100 total confirmed. Thirty six identified


I wonder if the others would think it amiss if I ordered up a few rock coffins.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 12:51:45 pm by TheMirth »


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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2009, 03:30:26 am »

Dear Diary,

I've started enjoying my new home with these dwarves, even if they are all so skinny. The ones outside in the valley seem to at least have more meat on their bones, but Legan said I shouldn't offer them any snacks. Something about cheering them up, but making everyone else sad. Oh well, she's such a dear that skinny dwarf. Some of the others doubt her, but she is so cute carrying that scroll around like a security blanket.

I think I'll bake her some cookies, she mentioned caskets to herself a little while ago, so that will be my theme! Like hallows eve, little vampire dwarfs half out of coffins. They will be so cute, she will perk right up.

I wonder if we have any vanilla...

edit: why did no one tell me Legan was female, *feels foolish*
« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 11:17:19 pm by Haika »
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2009, 01:26:13 pm »

I'll take Imush Helmtops.
Call him Thjald.
He's a truly ancient miner, probably well into his second century.
There's little he doesn't know about the underground.
He is, however, fiercely conservative and taciturn.
He is quite bald, and has an enormous white beard.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: Nokzamkulal: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2009, 03:39:50 pm »

Lęgan 1st Hematite, Our First year.

I'm writing this down as something of a method for keeping my thoughts straight. It's been three months now since my world came down with a crash, literally. (note: write down the events of that day, should be amusing in a few years). As for Why I'm only just writing this now, the past few months have been pushing all of us here at Nokzamkulal to the brink, every moment wondering if it'd be our last. The logs we drug from our crash site we constructed into a few beds. It was this defining moment that shifted the mood here. It seems that the last rest one gets as a dwarf has a significant impact on our moods.

Betsy and Thjald were re-energized in their digging efforts when it came time to carve out a few bed rooms. Watching them work in tandem is an amusing sight. Where Betsy puts her all into every swing, lopping great chunks of stone out at a time, Thjald will make several quick strikes followed by one mighty one, sending a whole layer of stone crashing to the ground.
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Crispin, without a forge constructed for his anvil has been making himself useful as a valet of sorts. He takes the best care when sorting and storing so I admit I've been at fault for delaying the construction of his forge but the harvesting of wood to fuel it is a problem I haven't quite tackled. Our farmer's skin is returning to a more natural dwarfish color now that she's spent the past three month tending our crops. Hopefully enough to keep our ale in good supply.
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Our gravel voiced mason has been much more sedate since we've managed inside. It appears that the day to day efforts of manual labor seep away the confidence in disaster he showed the day of our arrival. He's been no more agreeable though. And this is most troubling as he's the dwarf I've come to work with the most. Betsy's implied over sweetbreads that we must be in love but a quick redirection about needing a clothier so that we could maybe get her a larger and more comfortable fitting miner's cloak shut that down. Harsh but the man does put me in a sour mood. Once gravel voice and I finished the bridge I ordered him to make thirty doors just to shut him up about all the rock laying about going to waste. The bastard finished it faster than I thought and asked just what the hell I planned to do with him. I just gave him orders for tables and whatever baubles he saw fit to make. the logistics of running a fort is something you don't train for when lounging about the cafčs of the Mountainhome. It's jewels this and spectacles that.
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For myself I've been making mechanisms. It's the closest thing to a trade I've ever learned and has come in handy a few times in the past. For now I do it mostly to be alone and think.

I've read through the papers the Baron left for me several times now. They included a letter to me, some historical records relating the deaths of elves, goblins, humans and stranger creatures. Most at the hands of what lays outside. The documents seem to match up with the descriptions of the beasts which guard our new home (tomb?). Their also includes some papers that look like scouting reports. None of which are overly interesting but the last.

There's something else in this valley. I haven't seen it but I've come across its leavings. Desiccated corpses, drained of the flui-

The rest is unintelligible as waxy black coating covers what's left of the torn page. Perhaps the Baron spilled some longland beer on this one. Whatever plans the Baron has for me, us or this location won't matter if we don't make it.

If you find this, know that I'm living up to my end of the bargain Baron.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 12:52:39 pm by TheMirth »

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2009, 03:56:07 pm »

Are we allowed to have character diaries, or do you prefer writing on your own?
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: Nokzamkulal: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2009, 04:03:43 pm »

Feel free, the only thing I ask is that you keep in mind that everyone on that wagon was put there by the Baron for one reason or another. In some cases this could be a way of getting rid of a dwarf garnering too much support in the mountain homes or perhaps a dwarf desperate for someone to help pay for the care of his elderly parents. Whetever the reason the Baron made someone, somewhere an offer they couldn't refuse and that has, in some way, led to each of the dwarves so far being stranded in Nokzamkulal under the leadership of the recently ousted philosopher Lęgan.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 12:52:57 pm by TheMirth »


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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2009, 05:13:38 pm »

Sorry about that, I just felt the urge to post in Betsy-speak. Figured as long as I use what was written so far, and not really impact the story, it couldn't hurt. :)

I may do more later if I get the time and the urge.
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


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Re: Nokzamanur: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2009, 05:21:01 pm »

Sorry about that, I just felt the urge to post in Betsy-speak. Figured as long as I use what was written so far, and not really impact the story, it couldn't hurt. :)

I may do more later if I get the time and the urge.

No worries, I'm allready incorporating Betsy's story. I just didn't want all the starting seven to be outside my original scope.



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Re: Nokzamkulal: The reluctant origin of Lęgankordam (Y.A.C.F.)
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2009, 10:38:14 pm »

Galena, the first year of Nokzamkulal, Nokzamkulal hallways.

Urff. I'd kiss the feet of the first dwarf who figured out how to make a working set of gears and mechanisms from metal instead of stone. I fee-

All thought but one left my mind. There was only one word echoing in my head. Intruder!

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Things were beginning to settle here. This was good. Patterns were emerging. With chaos there's too much unknown, like a hunk of unsmelted ore. But once that ore was processed, filtered down to just the pure ore, the substance of things. Then a clearer picture could be made. First was that no one here wanted to be here. There seemed to be an unstated lie that everyone had signed on to this expedition willingly but no one knew much of where we were nor were they too pleased about the...indigenous wildlife. The final assurance that this expedition was a farce was Lęgan. The dwarf had no real applicable skills to speak of and had soft enough to be an elf. Well at least they had been. She'd made herself useful by constructing stone mechanisms for the past month.  A stack of them lay in the corner where our supposed 'fisherdwarf' was working now. For now, with no ore to work with and no axe to chop wood for fuel I've contented myself to wait. Soon enough these things will come and then.

A sudden clatter makes me look back towards our fisherdwarf. A diorite table lays on the ground next to some toppled gravel. Two kobold were standing on either side of him, glinting daggers in hand.
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My legs start to move, the call to arms hangs in my throat as I see the murderous grin on the fisherdwarf's face. With a mighty bellow he lunges at one knocking it over and stunning it. The second kobold leaps on his back trying to bring the pointed end of its crude weapon into Murdergrin's neck. Murdergrin grabs the wrist in his hand and slams his back into the wall and I can see the kobold's eyes bulge from the impact.


My legs had a mind of their own, onwards they pushed after the menace. I barely registered what I had just done. With no one in sight I dropped my precious materials and come like a possessed dwarf attacking the feral creature. It squealed in surprise as I began to raise and lower my fists like hammers onto it. I had flailed and had no skill at aiming but with power I had smashed both arms and shoulder. A splash of blood spread across the wall when I connected with its snout. At that moment I had come out of my reverie. I panicked and ran from the beast but it had become even more terrified of me than I had of myself as it ran up my back and leaped over my head, causing me to stumble and fall. It could be telling others I thought and ran after it. My legs having grown stronger over the past months I didn't tire but they wouldn't let me outpace the dog like intruder. That's how I ended up here, running downhill after some mangy dog like thing right into the valley of the Cylops. With that final realization my legs began to slow, stop, turn and then run again, whatever that filth's plans were they'll take longer to kill me than a brush with one of those monsters.

  The sound of cracking bones. That's a good sound I thought as I felt twisted the beasts ankle in my arm.
  "Alirlek!" it's crying. I can feel movement and release the ankle and roll myself over and up.
  Sound of metal rings out from my spot on the floor.
  The creature's eyes stared at me, the thing's snout curled up in a snarl.
 "Lekpum, -"
  "Save your begging for your judgement god, kobold." I shove my boot on to its neck and I'm rewarded with the feel and sound of it break.
  I can't see any evidence of his friend, a shame I was just getting warmed up.
    My ears caught to hint of the thundering sound of a cyclops behind me and I let up on my running. I've never raised my hands to another creature before. Well not with serious intent anyhow, maybe a little cuff to let a bloke know he's overreaching or to put a little fear in him but whenever the heavy lifting was needed, it was always to another dwarf I'd turn. I looked at my right hand where the thing's blood still covered my hand. I barely notice I'm on the bridge into my new home when I hear the scuttle of more feet.
"I'm ok, I just ran into OOF" I can't breath.
      Another one of those things was on me. The moment I can breath again I regret it. The creature's stench is awful, as if it had been hiding in our old fish barrels. My left hand is wrapped around its right, wrestling for control of the long dagger it's holding. Maybe if I can roll. "Hergh". It lays beneath and I can now use my slight weight advantage over it. I thrust a thumb into its eye and curl my fingers around hair and ear.
"URA!" I can't stand the sound of it's pleading and begin to hammer the creature's head into the rock bridge beneath us.

Blood. More blood.

Lęgan 1st Limestone, Our First Year

Well, this place hasn't killed me yet. Although it seems that we've begun to attract some attention. I came across what I now know to be a kobold. I'd only really seen engravings and heard descriptions of them before. The sketchings don't do justice to how wretched they truly are. Although I had become certain the things were terrible beasts when I first came across one. When the crushed and mangled form of one lay beneath me it looked sad. Its clothes were tattered and what I had taken for a brutal weapon looked more like a piece of scrap metal sharpened to a point and tied to a piece of polished wood for a handle.

More dangerous was how I allowed myself to get swept up in the moment and nearly run into one of our prison guards. Hopefully I'll keep better control of myself next time.

Crispin's taken to calling our fisherdwarf and sometimes carpenter Murdergrin after his apparent run in with some of the other kobolds. We'll see if it catches on but so far 'Murdergrin' hasn't corrected anyone on the matter.

Beyond that bit of excitement, I put together a crude alarm system that will drop a stone whomever wanders into the fort without first knocking. We'll see if I set it correctly or if it comes crashing down on our heads by accident.

We've got the bedrooms mostly dug and I had the doors ordered previously affixed to the entrances as a bit of 'luxury' until we have time to clean out the rubble stone still filling them. More importantly though we have the beginnings of our dining hall.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And a room was opened with a trade depot for when the Baron sends us a resupply outfit next year.

Final note. It seems I've become somewhat more acceptable after the blood I shed for the fort (as well as my own life). Not just the forced manager set upon them, nor the quick tongued mistress but a fellow dwarf. If I weren't so busy trying to figure things out I'd try and get a game of etched pebbles in the dining room, like I'd do at the mountain home. Perhaps when there's word that I'm doing as asked I'll let up a bit.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 12:54:53 pm by TheMirth »
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