This is more like it. Opinions, activities, etc...

Cheetar: (wehtamjd92)
Penguinofhonor: (Cheetar)
wehtamjd92: (WorkerDrone,A_Fey_Dwarf)
Well... to be honest I'm a bit scared right now... Seeing that everyone is, not without reasons, forseeing my death...
Maybe we should see other people promote for daimyo for tomorrow... Because ballots are secret they wont know who the future daimyo is. Strike that. he... no... We should vote (secretly) for whoever we think is not ninja for daimyo, period. So ninjas do not have a serious target.
I will also vote for wehtamjd92 as I feel that penguin was truly inactive over the last couple of turns as he missed two turns of my forum game around the same time as him missing the action here.
Yeah... but that doesn't really rule him out. He Should at least make an appearance because I have seen his posts yesterday, so he shouldve noticed this.
Wehtamj92 has however been acting strangely since the beginning of the game so I believe he is the most likely to be a ninja.
true. He still doesn't explain his actions. Although I'm a bit wary of voting him based on my theory Shades vs Wehtam (one must be innocent one not). Of course Shades couldve been innocent but I doubt it.
I talk. I'm not dead. Surprisingly. On the basis of that evidence, I should accuse myself of being a ninja, but allas, I have stone-cold proof that I am not... unless I have multiple personality syndrome... That would be awesome
They can only kill so many people Nuke.
If I'm correct, we have killed at least one ninja; either last night, or this night. What with the many killings, the whole bodyguard/coward thing has definetly occured.
I concur. probably 1 or 2 ninja left. But we must base our case assuming that there's 2 (or more? argghhh

Fearing Attempts against his life, Alexhans decides to NOT promote himself as daimyo leaving space for another humble ninja-figther.