I'd work off Cataclysm's style, which I understand many emulate. The game has two units of time, "turns" and "movement points". Your speed determines your MP. You get MP per turn. For instance a human gets a standard 100 speed, and a shambler zombie gets 70. Also for instance, walking over grass takes 100 points. So the game starts, the first turn starts, and the human gets 100 points and the zombie gets 70 points. Since both have positive numbers, they both get to move, player first because why not. Player walks over grass, spends 100 points, and has 0, so the player's turn is over. Zombie moves, consumes 100 points, and is left with -30. All actors have 0 or less, so the next turn happens. Player gets +100, zombie gets +70, for totals of 100 and 40. They both move, so it's 0 and -60. Another turn, so 100 and 10. The both move, so 0 and -90. Now, the turn happens, and the human gets 100 and the zombie gets -20. The player has positive movement points, so the player moves. The zombie owes points, so the zombie skips his turn and doesn't move. The player moves and gets 0, the zombie doesn't move, and stays at -20. The turn happens, and the human gets 100 and the zombie goes to 50.
A little long-winded of an example, but this is a solid way to handle long-term actions. Like attacking with fists could take 50 turns, making it quicker than walking, while swinging a sledgehammer could take 250 turns, inuring a heavy delay. Speed can also be affected by things, like in Cataclysm if you're hurt, your speed goes from 100 to 90, so instead of getting +100 per turn, you only get +90, so you've been slowed down and will skip 1 turn out of 10. Not to mention this also meshes well with different tile types, like if stone floor is smooth and quick, so it's 80 cost, but a fence is actively in the way so it's 200.