Of course, but what about during world gen? Will it regard age based size? :D
I think my sense of humor is getting really bad.
Haha, I saw that first sentence and was ready to go off on you. I still can't see anything unambiguous about this answer, unless the terminology confused people or something.
The answer is yes, the game will compute the right body size (respecting caste, age, body size nodes, etc.) for your creature in both worldgen and gameplay, and that size will have an impact on combat calculations. Unless there's a bug, of course, but that disclaimer should hardly need to be stated.
I think I have even asked them before, but since the forum search function can only return one result within a thread, between this and the old New Future of the Fortress it would take days to even look.
You can get more than one result from a thread if you open the thread and then use the search bar in the top right. It sucks ass in its own special ways though. You can't restrict by the poster's name, it returns entire posts instead of relevant excerpts (have fun scrolling), and it returns 30 results max.
Will the fishing mechanic still only allow dwarves to catch "vermin" type fish, or will they now be able to catch fish with distinct body plans?
I don't think Toady's mentioned it, so I'm 99.99% sure that it hasn't changed at all. It would have been a significant task, since it wouldn't make sense without wrestling-type calculations to determine whether the fisherdwarf can muscle that giant squid (or great white shark or whatever) out of the water. Also there'd have to be new AI for creature fish getting attracted to a lure, and so on (since they can't pop out of nowhere, unlike vermin). For reference, here are the fishing-related
dev items:# Req326, HARDER FISHING, (Future): Fishing is a little too easy, maybe.
# Req482, FISH CLEANING IMPROVEMENTS, (Future): You should be able to remove relevant portions (shell/bones) of fish during cleaning.
# Bloat47, POND FISHING, (Future): Cats should fish things out of your ponds.
# Bloat356, IMPROVED FISHING, (Future): Dwarves should be able to fish for certain unit-sized creatures. Fish should be visible all over the place and dwarves should possibly have to catch them, depending on how the AI works out.
On a subtler note, the next version
does allow vermin to have distinct body plans, as you can see in the raws for the
revamped fluffy wambler. They'll generally go unused, but will come in handy if worldgen drops a Fluffy Wambler Titan on you.
If the fortress-playable race includes castes which are wildly different sizes, will the player still be able to make appropriately sized clothing for all of them? Or is clothing universalized or some other temporary solution?
On this, I have no idea. The relevant List item was "Issue with stout creatures vs. items" under the "Unfinished business" section, which has been checked off. I don't think we heard what the solution was.