It is one of the major differences between current and modern audiances that certain things needed to be explained. Which in many ways killed the magic of many settings turning what is often the mechanics of the world into some sort of scientific reasoning.
In a way it is the death of mystery but it is also the death of symbolism as active participants in the story in the best way I can explain it.
For example, why do ghosts need to be explained? Even if they are explained why should it be anything then explaining that in this world people often become ghosts and that ghosts self-propigate as a implied but never stated addition (as in, the more ghosts that are around the more likely it is to have more ghosts).
Though I know this isn't really the area I should be discussing. It is just musing.
I realise that the reason isn't so much that it needs to be explained away, though seeing how people often take sci-fi now adays, but that the game needs to understand the mechanics.
I often wonder if there will be ways in which the game generates sort of non-earth laws for how things react. Where being a canible turns you into a literal monster, or where having an improper burial makes you a ghost, or even where simple trinkets harm supernatural creatures that in other games do not share that weakness... all this without even touching "it is magic/Spheres" because it isn't magic it is "How the world works".
It won't but it is always interesting to think in such ways.