*starts getting all the japanese characters for everything*
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man%27y%C5%8Dganahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katakanahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiraganaas for the romanic letters, i am not sure if it is modern or classical (if it includes j, u, or w it is modern, also not sure if it uses lower case), and the arabic numerals (english numbers) are both normal and flipped.
619 Man'yōgana
68 katakana (only single characters)
75 hiragana (only single characters)
18 arabic numerals (8 and 0 flipped are the same)
37 (41) roman letters, a, h, i, m, o, t, v, x, y are the same when flipped (english letters, u and w are the same when flipped)
39 (44) lower case roman letters, i, l, o, p, q, v, x have issues when flipped (english letters, w is the same when flipped)
with 865 different characters and the green colors EBFFEB, 00FF00, 006400, and the yellow colors FFFFEB, FFFF64, AAAA00, you can make a
very comprehensive display, even if you tripled up on the letters and had an icon shift from bright to dim with the yellow only for elites. as a comparison DF currently only has 256 tiles, so with the new support for making a tile for each object (if i remember correctly), also assuming tiles can be animated (to get the cycle from bright to dim). i wonder if there is any plans for allowing a different tile being shown for a different task, which would allow dwarves to look like they are mining, or chopping down trees, and if the tiles change based on what is equipped then you can have various armored and shielded dwarf tiles to see generally how you dwraves are equipped (more so than axe dwarf or marks dwarf).