when can we mod the objects so that they are not using letters/ASCII characters, example the pillar is reusing the O, the armor & clothes all use the [, etc. basically, have the same system as creatures, but for objects. We would then identify a plate mail from a silk shirt visually (and yes I'm into that...).
This is a
dev item:# Core50, TILESET SUPPORT, (Future): Allow graphical tiles to be used for all game objects.
If your question is "when," there's no definite timeline, but "Full graphics support" is #7 on
ESV, so there's a good chance Toady will work on it in the near future.
This is giving me an idea. Is [POWER] a caste level tag? Does that mean I could give all the races an "evil overlord" caste that would take over civs that respect [ANY_SUITABLE_POWER]?
Looks like POWER is caste-level, yes:
The number of tokens that are creature rather than caste specific is very small. Creatures handle the overall name, biome, whether the creature is considered fanciful/doesn't exist (for art), vermin information (so, no, Fault, sorry!... too much depends on that right now), whether groups hang together closely, whether it is mundane (from real Earth for age name purposes), population information including good/evil/savage, if it is equipment, sphere information (not sure how long that'll last, but there were annoyances), and that looks like it (they also have some general categories that have caste overrides, like child names and speeches for adv mode). Everything else, including body information, is held in the castes.
At what version, if any, will multi tiles monsters come into play? Like wagons but bosses where each part is different.
Nobody knows when that'll happen, not even Toady.
It's a popular suggestion, but a difficult one to implement.
I just wanted to know if we could copy random creatures that we liked to be added to another world. I'm pretty sure some new mythological beasts of earth myth "quality" will be generated. I'm quite glad.
From the sounds of things, no, you can't. They seem to be squirreled away in the save files.
On the topic of castes in the next version, will it be possible to have wild and domesticated versions of the same creature as different castes, with possible differences in size, demeanor, or abilities (such as presence of poison glands)?
If yes, will the domesticated and wild castes be able to interbreed?
Yes except for the domestication part. If it's been sent through the kennel then it's offspring are going to be friendly and if it hasn't they'll be hostile.
They can't stop giving birth to every available caste though so you'd have the floppy ears and friendly attitude version running around with the venomous one out in the wild.
Yeah, Shoku is correct.
I'm just wondering. If some poison somehow ends up in a tile of water, would the water be tainted?
Not yet, no. Flow contaminants are a CPU hog, so for now it just tracks salinity and nastiness.
I'd like to know if our dwarves are going to keep trying to bury enemy dwarves in coffins in the next version. It's really annoying to have to dump those coffins and forbid the remains. Sorry if that's been answered already.
Turn on auto-forbid for enemy corpses in the (o)rders menu.With more detailed body sizes and relative bodypart sizes introduced, as well as attack sizes and areas and stuff, will it be possible (anytime soon) to have items that aren't one-size-fits-all? Weapons, specifically. Since we can now determine the grasp size of a creature, approximately, we could afford to have weapons that no longer need tags to determine what size a creature must be to wield them one- or two-handed.
We were discussing this earlier in the thread, although I don't think Toady commented.
Also, since we'll be essentially able to determine the in-game size of the weapon, will there be additional effects for drastic size differences? A human attacking a dragon with a dagger, for example, will never be able to do much against it (I suspect this is already possible due to penetration depth values), but, for example, to a pixie, an arrow would be like a ballista bolt, with appropriate results upon impact.
There aren't "additional effects" per se -- size plays a role in all combat calculations. But yes, they'll behave in the way you're describing.
I just realized something - do helms protect faces? Are they like greathelms?
Because in the new version, if you have a full adamantine plate armoured knight, that absolutely nothing can penetrate, will a lucky swipe or stab be able to poke through the eye into the brain, or cut the neck/throat, rendering armor useless (if it happens)?
Orkel, there's got to be a way in, or else your dwarves can't breathe or see. There will always be the chance of a lucky blow.
Yeah, "armor that absolutely nothing can penetrate" doesn't exist in the game. And Toady mentioned that breastplates have less coverage now.
I probably should have green-out this question before, cause it kind of went unanswered...
can you just tag creatures with [POWER] in their raws or do they have to obtain power through action during world-gen?
Its tag before world gen.
Yup. POWER means that they're
capable of taking power during worldgen, not that they already have power.
Oooh a question for Toady that MAY or may not be a spoiler answer.
Toady I know that you are not going to run entity for every single being in a population because it would be too slow so your reserving it for important individuals. Is there any thought of allowing large groups of people to have decision power? How will these groups be seperated if they exist at all?
What does "run entity for every single being" mean? With "allowing large groups of people to have decision power," do you mean that in a democratic sense or something else? I don't get what you mean about separating groups -- are you asking what will cause people to join different factions within a society?
Can we set the level of the water in the Arena mode?
Good news: http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/imgs/arena4.png I misremembered.
I don't know if you can change the depth, but you can at least place it.
I knew that.
If you were asking whether you can change the water depth in some other way, no, you can't.