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Author Topic: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items  (Read 3631169 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12990 on: February 22, 2010, 08:02:50 pm »

It's a kind of lizard that squirts eye-blood, not snakes.

Unless the snakes have secretly been learning from the lizards.
The World Without Knifebear — A much safer world indeed.
regardless, the slime shooter will be completed, come hell or high water, which are both entirely plausible setbacks at this point.

Toady One

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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12991 on: February 22, 2010, 09:18:54 pm »

color of the remaining items

Considering the stuff that was written down in the "remaining tests" section when I got done with the other parts higher up, that section has had some things finished.  But overall, subsequent work by testers has made the issue list grow larger than it was originally.  Then again, there are fewer crashes and major issues than there were when I started this phase.  And on top of that, I'm not sure what else will be found.  At this point, it's just difficult to estimate where things are.  All I can do is keep fixing things.  The color of the remaining tests item may never change, but it doesn't mean I'm not making progress.  I'd probably have a release date if I knew what color it should be.

Quote from: CobaltKobold
On that note, do birdbones have something indicating structural strength other than material?

I've done very little with structure beyond materials.  It looks at woven items and items made from rings, but those are just special cases for combat.  As things become necessary or oft-requested, I'll start moving them in.

Quote from: JoshuaFH
In the future, will it be possible to create creatures that 'transform' upon receiving certain stimuli, or after meeting some condition? Like, a snake that transforms into a bird and back? Or a caterpillar that undergoes the various stages of cacoon to a butterfly?

There are a boatload of problems that I think were brought up, but it's something that'll likely happen as we move toward magic and also work out how things like metamorphosis and eggs and all that work out.

Quote from: Aqizzar
If the engine can already tell whether there's magma underneath a workshop for forges and smelters, what would it take to make another tag that does the same for water?

It wouldn't take that much.  There are a few places where it does the detection that would need to be updated, and it would need to be handled in raw loading and in the building placement interface.  I have a few things like this written down that people have requested.  If they don't go in now, as the first building raws starting springing up, there will probably be enough support to get them in fairly quickly.

Quote from: Misterstone
Are there any crafts that can only be created using horns or teeth in this version (I'm talking about vanilla here, I am sure it could be modded as a custom reaction)?  Specifically, I am thinking of drinking horns.

Nothing specific, no.  I think it would be cool though.

Quote from: Heph
Well iir you can use amber and sea-foam now too?

Any new Buildings / Building-templates for NPC towns to get more diversity?

Amber should be used by some humans again, but it doesn't exist yet.  I haven't done anything notable with NPC towns that I can think of.

Quote from: Retro
if a non-player settlement (let's say human) is right on an opening to the new underground, will it affect the town during worldgen? Also, assuming NPC dwarf fortresses are created in worldgen by having a big cube of land removed and then a few maze-like rooms randomly added to end up with what adventurers find, could these forts potentially be built through the underground?

Nah, they don't care during world gen, and they avoid placing their towns on such places in the first place.  It's possible that there could be some trouble with the underground and the dwarf underground, yeah.  It's probably common.

Quote from: madjoe5
How exactly will priesthood be handled? Will Urist be angry if his religion isn't represented by any parishioner, but I have a different God being worshiped en masse? Is mass/ceremony implemented at all? Are priests like nobles in any way?

There isn't anything like that yet.  I still haven't touched religion in dwarf mode.  I'm not sure how it will be, but I think there are various dev notes about it.

Quote from: Dwarfu
Does this mean that the fortress guard and royal guard will only have 10 members at any given time?  Or will their number still have population based requirements?  Or does it mean the two leaders can only command 10 at one time and the rest are individuals?

10 tops, yeah.  There aren't currently sub-commander positions to make more of them.  There aren't guard number requirements, though failure to punish offenders will still result in negative thoughts, so you have to meter them yourself.  It'll be better handled when there's more intelligent crime and internal strife.

Quote from: Dwarfu
With being able to set patrol points and kill orders, can this be expanded to give 'guard' orders and target, say, a noble?

At some point, sure.  It would be pretty straightforward to add.  People like escort missions the best after all.

Quote from: Dante
In the upcoming release, I thought/heard that the player was going to make the monarch's choice as to which dwarf should become baron or count or duke and so on. But the raws have them as [APPOINTED_BY:MONARCH]. If this in fact means that the player picks them, what does that say about the liaison also having the [APPOINTED_BY:MONARCH] tag?

The liaison isn't a land holder, so it's not an issue.  The idea for the land holder is that the player just makes a recommendation to the monarch, but it is always followed currently.  I'd be fine with having the monarch reject your suggestion later on, given some reason.

Quote from: Dante
Also, I know Toady said that by going into the raws, the Dungeon Master was going to lose all the personality/preference in-jokes, but does [MENIAL_WORK_EXEMPTION] mean the Dungeon Master is no longer going to tame, smelt, metalcraft, etc? (It has the TAME_EXOTICS tag, but I'm pretty sure that just means what it currently does: his presence allows you to tame exotics.)

Yeah, the dungeon master has lost anything you don't see written in the raws there.  The position's whole future is kind of dependent on the outcome of the knowledge discussion, since the dungeon master grants a capability to every dwarf in a strange way.

Quote from: Dante
Also. The expedition leader is not [ELECTED], whereas the mayor is. What if the expedition leader dies? Does it default to a certain dwarf? The current version uses the phrase 'chosen to be expedition leader', but I'm not sure about the actual underlying mechanism there.

At the beginning, for every position that isn't an appointment, it runs an election based on skills relevant to the responsibilities, often social skills (and friendships etc).  The ELECTED tag itself currently forces yearly elections, which we didn't want for the expedition leader.  So if your leader dies, you'll need to wait for your population to hit the mayor levels.  There sort of needs to be a election-if-dead/absent tag.

Quote from: monkeyfetus
I have a feeling this was asked before, but I can't find it. Will we be able to order our dwarves to make specific statues, or is the former game's illusion of obsidian statues of dwarves solemnly lining the burial chamber giving way to a random assortment of donkeys, cheese, and about 12 statues of two triangles?
Also, will we see statues depicting events (that would be a little weird), as engravings do, or will it just be objects and people?

You can't currently commission statues, but it will happen at some point.  If I recollect, there are event statues.  All of the art images come from the same place, anyway.  I don't think event statues are that strange.  Many of the famous real-world statues depict events (eg, a few people doing stuff).

Quote from: Eztuzt
Will we be able to breed animals and later turn them hostile, or just simply breed hostile animals. Like, say I capture a few wolves or bears or elephants to breed, raise the children to adults, and then set them in a room to fight with one of my champions. To amuse me.

If they stay running around long enough on the map they'll breed, I think.  You just need to keep them there somehow.

Quote from: PTTG??
We can now target units to be attacked, correct? Can we target them for Justice activities, such as imprisoning and hammering?

The kill order applied to a monster is a reasonable "official action" of the military, whereas targeting for a justice activity would be more of an abuse of power, which the dwarves should decide on themselves.  If as the player you could somehow also initiate a justice activity with some kind of rationale, and it's an activity that would indeed be reasonable to do at times, then it would be fair, but the dwarves should (eventually) be able to react against you (ie, the dwarf in the relevant position) if you abuse the ability.  The kill order applied to elves or something, which is an option, is more of an official action of your overall decision makers, but it's still a little more official maybe than hammering your own people for no reason.  There are going to be some gray areas with our idea of what the player represents, kind of a case-by-case thing.

Quote from: madjoe5
Would a legendary Crutch walker (or watever they would be called), would they walk relatively faster, slower or the same speed if they dropped their crutches?

He he he, if they dropped their crutches, they wouldn't be walking at all!  I think the legendary crutch walkers move around at their regular healthy speed when they have crutches, unless the weight of the crutches push them above their weight limit, then they'd be a little slower.

Quote from: RedKing
Will medical items be created by doctors or other craftworkers (clothiers for bandages, carpenters for crutches, etc)? Will they have quality levels? And if so, would these have any increased effect (faster healing, reduced infection risk, etc)?

The craftworkers make them.  I don't think the quality matters at this point.  It should, but doesn't.  It'll be funny if we have shoddy items/buildings.  Shoddy splints, shoddy crutches, shoddy traction benches...

Quote from: Gurt02
Any chance Toady could be working on a solution to allowing creatures to be products of reactions in a near future release?

I don't think it's a difficult problem, depending on what sort of control people want, but it's not a priority for me before this release.

Quote from: SirHoneyBadger
Will surgery and the other medical skills only be useful inside of "hospital workshops" or whatever they'll be called? Or will we have (to worry about) dwarf medics running around in battles? 

Resting dwarves are the ones that get treatment (unconscious dwarves are put in the "resting" state by whoever goes out and grabs them), so there shouldn't be anything too odd like that.  House calls, maybe, but not something way out of bounds.

Quote from: jpwrunyan
will a painful surgical experience give a dwarf bad thoughts?  To the point of tantrum insanity?  Also, was chronic pain in or not?
Quote from: Misterstone
Can dwarves go insane from pain?  If a dwarf sees another dwarf cause severe pain to a third injured dwarf, do serious unhappy thoughts occur?  In the future, will dwarfs scream when serious pain is inflicted upon them, causing unhappy thoughts to all who hear it?

Emotionally/thought-wise, pain is pretty much the same.  I think most dwarves should certainly care more than they do.  Regarding chronic pain, I was mostly reacting against the massive chronic pain issues in the currently released version, so pain dies down pretty quickly in all but the poison cases, I think.  We can explore longer term pain issues once they are more equipped to handle it.

Quote from: wilsonns
If a medic dwarf isn't so altruist and the fort get various injured and wonded dwarves will the medic got a lot of bad toughts and die of melancholy?

He he, nothing like that at this point...  they get paid when the economy is on, so they don't need to get angry about having work.  I guess it comes down to the overall culture in a sense.  I think many of us assume that a non-altruistic dwarf which is making crafts ultimately for other dwarves is still a happy dwarf.

Quote from: Dwarfu
Will hospital staff correctly diagnose !!dwarf!! as a state that needs water applied?


Since sutures are 'worn' in inventory, will they be able to catch fire like clothing?

Fire is still as it was with regard to dwarves giving a crap as far as I remember.  Sutures are part of the inventory and subject to such issues, which is kind of sick.

Quote from: Gorm
Will the weapons that are used for woodcutting still be determined by the [skill:axe] tag? (if it's correct that it's like that now)
Will dwarfs use training axes for woodcutting?

I believe it still works that way.  Training axes being used in woodcutting is a current bug which I thought I had handled, but apparently not.  I suppose a training pick would also be used by a miner.

Quote from: Strife26
Is there anything preventing me from throwing all the vital organ functions into one size 0 hidden part for a creature, to represent said creature from lacking them?

I don't understand "to represent said creature from lacking them", but if you put the parts in a size 0 part, then you'd have (I think!) an unstrikable part with unstrikable parts inside of it, if that is what you want.  You might need to either not have or fiddle with the material of the parts to stop things like temperature effects and so on.

Quote from: Torham
Are there any plans to allow wood to be used for mechanisms for this release?

I haven't focused on mechanisms at all for this release, partly because it's doing well in voting and so will come up in its time.

Quote from: Nivm
So is any temp-raw counterpart created when a random forgotten beast is added?

Yeah, they work directly from internal text raws that are generated beforehand.  There is also a special raw file in the folder that shouldn't be tampered with.  If it is tampered with badly enough, random creatures will be skipped, at least while random creatures are hard-coded in part.

Quote from: Untelligent
Can we see a raw example of a material breath attack?

Here are the relevant parts of the H1N1 creature I mentioned (the same one that condensed):
Code: [Select]
[STATE_NAME:ALL_SOLID:frozen <name> juice]
[STATE_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:frozen <name> juice]
[STATE_NAME:LIQUID:<name> juice]
[STATE_ADJ:LIQUID:<name> juice]
[STATE_NAME:GAS:<name> gas]
[STATE_ADJ:GAS:<name> gas]
[SYN_NAME:<name> sickness]
This also highlights an issue I'm eventually going to have to handle.  Here, you'd actually want the nausea effect to use those time values in both adv and dwf mode, but you'd want to be able to extend the values for dwarf mode apart from the regular 72x difference, because 3 dwarf days is too short a time for the disease to matter in fortress mode.  That kind of dual nature will always be a problem in dwarf mode.

Quote from: madjoe5
Is this dealing with fire breath, cold breath, poison breath etc? In other words, are those in the game? Also, how would entities/invaders fare with attacks like this? (ie fire-breathing civs, civs that have cold damage, poison attacks and the like)

I think somebody may have answered this, but fire is in as the same separate tag.  Poison breath works as a material breath.  I'm not sure what you mean about civs.  In world gen?  It gives them bonuses, but it doesn't do a lot of detailed simulation there.

Quote from: Chronas
Toady, will we be able to designate specific surgery in the future, such as neutering or tail docking? perhaps even to ethics based operations such as stitching a POW's eyelids shut for fun and practice, even to the utter ridiculous:inserting adamantine plates under a dwarf's skin, and severing sensory nerves to make an unfeeling super soldier
...but that's plain stupid

Castration will probably come up, though creatures might not ever have their proper parts.  Getting farther and farther afield and doing random crap seems sort of unlikely in dwarf mode.

Quote from: Roxorius
How will the unit formations have tactical meaning, if creatures can move over top of each other and through each other's lines?
(It seems that the best formation would be stacking all soldiers into a single square so that every time a single foe moves into striking range, 50 dwarves simultaneously attack him!)

Is an archery rewrite soon to be in the offing? Will it follow physics to a greater degree than now?
(There is said to be a 20-square straight-line range limit on all missile weapons that includes, at the moment, not only the lateral distance from the target but also the Z level distance as well. That was a bit disappointing to learn. Greater Z level, if anything, ought to improve both the horizontal range and force of impact of the missile.)

Units move/attack at half speed or something when they are on the ground and they can't dodge and take extra damage, so it might not be a good idea, unless you are in a hall or something.  In any case, formations aren't going to be in the next version.  The combat rewrite should include changes to archery, but that hasn't been scheduled yet.

Quote from: Acanthus117
Will we ever be able to create stores, like taverns or crafts shops, in adventure mode?

I think people addressed this one, but I just wanted to reiterate that this is something that would be cool, but it's also pretty far out.  There was a Merchant arc in the far future I think that somebody may have mentioned.  You'll be able to more meaningfully hunt and sell products of the hunt etc. in the nearer term with the adv skills arc, and the adv entity stuff will slowly open up other opportunities.

discussion about stripes

I think you ended up with
Code: [Select]
The issue here is that color modifiers don't overwrite -- it should probably work that way, but it's a little tricky because the modifiers for graying hair are three separate ones with different rate timers, and I don't want to overcomplicate single modifiers.  Still, a simple tag that tells the black part to remove all tissues from other color modifiers would do the trick (or similarly, a tag that tells the gray/white hair modifiers to mix with existing modifiers if that situation is less common).  In any case, it'll be sorted out at some point.  For now, you might expect it to mention both the stripes and the black, or the black might win simply because it is last and always active (but the stripes would be lurking).  Anyway, doing it as you're doing it will either be the correct syntax or nearly the correct syntax.  You'll also want to add modifier nouns:
Code: [Select]
This lets it know how to talk about the tissue group in the descriptions.

Quote from: Heph
I wonder if there are new options in the advanced worldgen dialog. I mean apart from the UG-stuff.

I can't think of anything that isn't related to the underground off the top of my head.

Quote from: uioped1
Can the material state accept multiple values?  Or be left undefined if we don't care?

I'm just thinking of an Iron Golem, where it might be ok if it melted, but not ok if it boiled.
(how awesome would that be?  "pull the lever! pull the lever!" <sounds of magma gushing> "Oh crap...")

If you wanted to make a molten fat golem so you gave it an internal temperature, would it be able to freeze or evaporate?
Quote from: Sean Mirrsen
I'm interested in this as well. If we don't specify a temperature but set the material state to one that exists in abnormal temperatures (frozen water, molten rock), will the creature's temperature change to accomodate, or will it just immediately phase change upon meeting the player?

Btw, in similar vein, will there be a way to set a creature's "default temperature" without making that temperature permanent? (or is homeotherm already doing that?)

Right now it just has the one temperature value, and you have to be careful with your states.  If you've got a homeotherm, the starting temperature of the body parts is the homeo therm temp, but the equipment temperature gets set to the environment, and then it jiggles a little when the sim starts running.  It'll be nice to have all of that information by body part or something, but it can't currently do that.

Quote from: Lord Shonus
Will it be possible to make poisonous or corrosive webbing?

Only in a roundabout way, like making it boil when it is dropped by the monster/vermin and giving it an inhaled syndrome.  Contact poisons are under-implemented -- they only work through contaminant-style contacts right now.

Quote from: Malibu Stacey
Keeping the thread on track, does anyone know if we'll be able to designate wood items (e.g weapons & armour you've been "donated" by elves) for turning into ash/charcoal? Same for clothing, will we be able to designate clothes to have a Weaver or Clothesmaker unpick the stitching & turn them back into stacks of cloth in the same manner you can melt designate metal items for a furnace operator to turn into metal bars at the smelter?
Will we get a clothing stockpile with usable/unusable toggles (or clothing added to the armour stockpiles) so we can manage it better & not have it lumped with "Finished Goods"? Personally I'd find a simple solution would be moving clothing to the armour stockpiles as long as there was a way to differentiate between clothes & armour made of the same material types (leather is the example which comes to mind but there's probably others I haven't thought about).

I don't think any of this has been done.

Quote from: Sean Mirrsen
Speaking of creatures. With the Ark project underway (to some extent), maybe you could make it so that the game recognizes [IDENTIFIER:] tags (or whatever name you might come up with for them)? Just so that if added, these tags won't throw out errorlog lines. The tags would be for a future implementation of a species system, where a dwarf could hate or love a general class of critters, in addition to other uses. The syntax, I think, would be [IDENTIFIER:<GAME-SIDE ID>:noun_singular:noun_plural:adjective], for both generic stuff like "animals" or "humanoids" (a dwarf that hates humanoids... maybe beardless humanoids?), as well as specific cases like "rodents","rats","worms","pointy-eared bastards", etc.

[CREATURE_CLASS:<token>] is there.  It's used by poisons and entity positions right now.  There hasn't been a need for nouns and so on at this point, but at that point it should probably be in a separate file so you don't have to enter the strings a lot, and so that there can be additional tags and information as well later on.  For now, it just needs the token.  Sprinkling those liberally around the Ark project would probably be a wholesome practice, and just using the token will probably be enough.

Quote from: AnotherDwarvernDeath
Anyone know if the system for the "outside/inside", "light/dark" and "above ground/subterranean" will be changed at all?

I think that's the same.

Quote from: Deadbeard
Would it be feasible for the unedited DFtalk stuff to be placed/posted/available for download somewhere so we can hear the whole thing?

There are some things that we don't want to put up, like real names and so on when we are organizing Q&A and all that, so using the unedited stuff isn't always practical, and it might get messy having multiple edited/partially edited/whatever versions.  I guess there's some charm to some of the edited-out parts, but it's going to end up one way or another, and some people probably also dislike that stuff.

Quote from: Doomshifter
Has the pathing AI for flight been fixed/modified at all?

Just in that some things that sit around the second they get on the air don't do that anymore, and others that should are being worked on.

Quote from: The Minister
Can castes affect world-gen level behavior?  Particularly, can you set up a creature, dragons for example, for whom only the males would raid cites, leaving a supply of females to fight for adventurers?  Or, for example, ant men for whom only soldiers appear in raiding parties?

MEGABEAST and many of the other flags (the guzzler one etc.) that control world gen behavior are caste level flags and the big monsters operate at that level, but I haven't tested a mix like that, so it might not behave exactly how you want.  Regular jobs can't currently be restricted by caste.

Quote from: madjoe5
can ambushing be used in military outside of hunters. If not, will it ever? Will it be part of the soon coming feature that lets us send soldiers to attack other places?

It isn't currently used outside of hunting and invaders and the adventurer.  You'll have to be able to set your own ambushes and so on for some of the future stuff, but I'm not really sure how it's going to work at this point.

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The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12992 on: February 22, 2010, 09:28:08 pm »

Have it give it to a very annoying person that likes to brag.

I have no idea what you just said. xD
Possible translation:

"Have him give it to someone who's very annoying and likes to brag."

I may not be correct. the hell did i typo that? O yeah i got 4 hours of sleep and then a weight training class after a 10 day is painful  :(
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 09:30:08 pm by Micro102 »


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12993 on: February 22, 2010, 09:33:50 pm »

I like how things are going, especially with the option to flat out attack the elf traders instead of murdering them underhandedly until they declare war.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12994 on: February 22, 2010, 09:52:56 pm »

After reading Toady's post, i can only think "What the hell is this game gonna be like when it hits version 1.0, and why do i have to wait?"


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12995 on: February 22, 2010, 10:19:03 pm »

After reading Toady's post, i can only think "What the hell is this game  gonna be like when it hits version 1.0, and why do i have to wait?"

Ok let me explain df 1.0 to you - or better what i hope it can be like (depending on playing style experiences can and will differ widely):

After 20 Minutes to 3 hours of genning a world you walk into the Legends-mode. On the legends-mode screen will be a button called "Export XML/Wiki". After hitting that button you again wait for a time while your HDD (something around a dozzen terrabyte by that time) gets filled with everything from said world.

You open up the data now in a altered wiki-software. You glance at small field on the left side which says "over 500.000 articles."

After that shock you look throught some pretty detailed history articles and articles of associated Personas (Which by some genius programmers get written into a fullblown book-series). In this personas you find a artists that has written some very decent Novels and Poems "Urist Alan Poe" or something. You decide to met him in Adventure-Mode. After many journeys, adventures, Loosing an eye and being witched into a Elf you met "Urist alan Poe" with whom you now conservate ... thought not the standart Rpg way. No toady will have implemented a decent chatbot feed with everything the NPC knows and many more including feelings etc. You get into a philosophical discussion where you mention the matrix argument before you quit. Days later you will visit the game again where some years are gone.

Your little discussion has inspired the story "The Game" (Which by the way is 150 pages by itslef or some 100KBS on your HDD) and some philosophers are now discussing if such a thing would be possible.

Meanwhile you stumble over a odd beast! It is catish but somehow different so you go back to the wiki to check the local wizzards, Gods and spheric places and as you have exspected some of them created creatures. Now you check the ancestry and the genes of this creature - which will be around 100 different pairs at this time.

Anyway said beast bytes you and you die because your cereberum rots away while your skin turns blue and you get "magnetic".
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 10:21:03 pm by Heph »
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12996 on: February 22, 2010, 11:13:48 pm »

After reading Toady's post, i can only think "What the hell is this game  gonna be like when it hits version 1.0, and why do i have to wait?"

Ok let me explain df 1.0 to you - or better what i hope it can be like (depending on playing style experiences can and will differ widely):

After 20 Minutes to 3 hours of genning a world you walk into the Legends-mode. On the legends-mode screen will be a button called "Export XML/Wiki". After hitting that button you again wait for a time while your HDD (something around a dozzen terrabyte by that time) gets filled with everything from said world.

You open up the data now in a altered wiki-software. You glance at small field on the left side which says "over 500.000 articles."

Exporting worldgen lore to a wiki actually sounds feasible and like a good idea.  In fact a lot of what you wrote here sounds pretty feasible (except for the actual novels/poems being generated by the game, although computers have of course written long narrative fiction).  That's kind of scary tbh.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12997 on: February 23, 2010, 01:45:19 am »

Having worldgen generate the legends page in a wiki format sounds

1. Awesome
2. Like a lot of work

Its something I would love to see done, but it sounds more appropriate as a fan-project than something Toady should spend his time on. Does anyone out there have a solid idea of how do-able this is?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12998 on: February 23, 2010, 02:06:29 am »

After reading Toady's post, i can only think "What the hell is this game gonna be like when it hits version 1.0, and why do i have to wait?"
Perhaps, adventure mode in 1.0 will make you feel pain in real world when you are dying horribly ;D
Dwarf Fortress- where nightmare fuel is recycled into business plan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #12999 on: February 23, 2010, 02:24:59 am »


And that's only one session.
Imagine a combination of power goals 44 and 45: The ruler convenes a council of the nobles to appoint you the high priest of the nearby towns. Instead of waiting for them to finish their drinking session, you walk in and crush a goblet while berating their disgusting behaviour and general incompetence.

Osmosis Jones

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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #13000 on: February 23, 2010, 03:38:17 am »

except for the actual novels/poems being generated by the game

Toady has already mentioned a poetry generator, you know. I'm not joking.
The Marx generator will produce Engels-waves which should allow the inherently unstable isotope of Leninium to undergo a rapid Stalinisation in mere trockoseconds.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #13001 on: February 23, 2010, 04:56:05 am »

Having worldgen generate the legends page in a wiki format sounds

1. Awesome
2. Like a lot of work

Its something I would love to see done, but it sounds more appropriate as a fan-project than something Toady should spend his time on. Does anyone out there have a solid idea of how do-able this is?

One of the requests that Toady might (or might not) have time to implement in this release is exporting legends to XML.  From there it'll be straightforward.

Lord Shonus

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #13002 on: February 23, 2010, 04:59:19 am »

Something that occured to me the other day. 

How many castes can a given creature have, and how rare can a caste be? Could I, for example, mod humans so that they have a 997/1000 chance to be normal, 1/1000 chance to hoot webs, 1/1000 chance to have really strong bones and claws, 1/1000 chance to fly and shoot lightning?
On Giant In the Playground and Something Awful I am Gnoman.
Man, ninja'd by a potentially inebriated Lord Shonus. I was gonna say to burn it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #13003 on: February 23, 2010, 06:05:20 am »

Having worldgen generate the legends page in a wiki format sounds

1. Awesome
2. Like a lot of work

Its something I would love to see done, but it sounds more appropriate as a fan-project than something Toady should spend his time on. Does anyone out there have a solid idea of how do-able this is?

One of the requests that Toady might (or might not) have time to implement in this release is exporting legends to XML.  From there it'll be straightforward.
It is difficult to properly express  how awesome that would be.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #13004 on: February 23, 2010, 09:37:26 am »

Something that occured to me the other day. 

How many castes can a given creature have, and how rare can a caste be? Could I, for example, mod humans so that they have a 997/1000 chance to be normal, 1/1000 chance to hoot webs, 1/1000 chance to have really strong bones and claws, 1/1000 chance to fly and shoot lightning?

I think Toady said that there is a limit of 1,000 or maybe 10,000 castes, which is plenty of room. For the rarity though, no idea
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