Well there IS Captain Ironblood...
True, true, but that is an exceptional case. These were fresh-out-of-the-wagon recruits, not nigh-immortal killing machines.
[siege improvements?]
Not this release. Most people do voluntary things to improve their siege experience at this point - "no traps, no lock-in" and various mods (orc mod, dig deeper, legendary lands, etc). One thing the next release *is* supposed to have is underground invasions through the new cave and tunnel systems. This at least means there are two fronts to defend, and improved squads will give you the means to do it. Read
dev_now and
dev_next and the big posts linked in dev_now. Siege improvements are coming, just not the next release.
Wasn't there something recently about support going in for transparent tiles? Maybe that was on the 40d16 branch?
The 40d# branch improved the OpenGL implementation (and by extension linux support) and changed tilesets to use .png files with support for transparency. However, graphics sets are still at heart a substitution for characters, and only one character per tile is displaed at a time. I gather there was some speculation that as things stands a combination of over-sized tiles and transparency could allow some sort of isometric graphics set, but there isn't *quite* enough behind-the-scenes stuff to actually allow that.
Hold on a second, that brings up what I feel is an excellent question:
With the 40d# merges yet to come, what are the chances of making it possible to do a drop-in replacement interface?Personally, I see no loss of performance running "stone sense" alongside DF. Probably because I have a dual-core computer
and stone sense is a seperate process. I'm burning half my CPU with idle processes as it is, it'd be sweet to run the (hugely upgraded) interface on one core and the background on another... while still letting other people run the minimalist character-set "graphics" on their non-dual-core computers.
We now know that there is a discrete portion of the code (that you've let other people mess with) that handles both input (macros, keyboard, mouse) and output (OpenGL, zooming, general display). And with "40d# merge" still on the list of things to do... it seems like this might be possible, if difficult. It also seems like *now* would be the time to do it, while you're basically replacing the interface anyway.