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Author Topic: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items  (Read 3571987 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6465 on: November 08, 2009, 01:40:57 am »

I just wanted to give you a nickname; Alabama Pi.
Also, I've totally had to empty out buckets of rainbows over here.

Well it looks like my question is already in effect.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6466 on: November 08, 2009, 04:13:07 am »

wow... just -wow
is there a form of limited randomisation or large scale individual appearance?
For example, having a race of creatures that all have humanoid 2 arms and 2 legs and head, but number/size of fingers and toes, length or nonexistence of tail etc -randomized without distinction of caste?

Once again it's necessary to distinguish between the creatures that are wholly randomly generated and the randomized appearance variables that stock creatures like dwarves possess.  The randomly generated creatures are each unique (as far as we've heard) and don't reproduce, so they don't have a race to vary from per se.  As for randomized appearances, you can describe an aspect of the creature with randomized hardcoded adjectives, although these do not change the body part in any combat-relevant sense, and in fact don't seem attached to a particular body part at all.  So you could have a race of creatures that are described as having variously "long" or "short" tails, but the game won't increase the body part size accordingly, nor will it change the adjective to accomodate a time-based growth or shrinkage of the body part.  You can't have a random number of limbs or fingers.

Oops, I need to make a slight correction to this -- the appearance variables are explicitly attached to body parts.  I didn't read the dwarf raws carefully enough earlier.  However, I'm still sure that the appearance variables won't change/reflect the relative BP size or anything like that.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6467 on: November 08, 2009, 04:42:08 am »

I realise these questions are quite similar to what I've wrote in the suggestions board, but I'd like to know what the short-term development plans are.

Toady, how much controllablity is going to be implemented in the declaration of war between (custom) civs and the timing and frequency sieges?
What control over varible cultures and ethics within species, such that occasionally a human may become a babysnatcher, steal a baby and then have to choose between being exiled or returning the child when discovered fellows? Or perhaps one civ in a species primarily being a den of thieves and choosing to trade in a black market style, while other civs in the species may prefer to manufacture their own trinkets.

I don't understand how Kobolds can't speak an intelligble language, they are a species with [CAN_LEARN],[LOCKPICKER], and [trAPAVOID] and yet they can't turn their [UTTERANCES] into something comprehensible. Though I do like the concept of them being low tech, perhaps if they naturally had a limited vocabulary or something like that.
Anyone have a quote about the design descisions for Kobolds?

edit: deleted a question, minor edits
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 06:09:34 am by Kobold6 »


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6468 on: November 08, 2009, 04:51:37 am »

Quote from: dev
# Core90, PROPER KOBOLDS, (Future): Of course, this means different things to different people. To us, a proper kobold is neither a chihuahua man nor a mini-draconian, but instead sort of a small mammaloreptilian humanoid with pointy ears and yellow eyes with a penchant for trickery and mischief, context-based sublanguage, poisonous critter collection, traps and kleptomaniacal hoarding.
Neither whole, nor broken. Interpreting this post is left as an exercise for the reader.
OCEANCLIFF seeding, high z-var(40d)

Toady One

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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6469 on: November 08, 2009, 05:11:49 am »

Ha ha, we're nearly up to the same bulk of question characters in one day as we had after two weeks  (7KB vs 9KB in my little file).  Looks like there will be a followup post soon!
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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6470 on: November 08, 2009, 05:13:37 am »

As others said, answering questions brings more upon you.
Neither whole, nor broken. Interpreting this post is left as an exercise for the reader.
OCEANCLIFF seeding, high z-var(40d)


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6471 on: November 08, 2009, 05:15:47 am »

When will there be varible cultures and ethics within species, such that occasionally a human may become a babysnatcher, steal a baby and then have to choose between being exiled or returning the child when discovered fellows? Or perhaps one civ in a species primarily being a den of thieves and choosing to trade in a black market style, while other civs in the species may prefer to manufacture their own trinkets.

The next version will have basic support for ethics varying between (for instance) two dwarven civs: "I'll also be lifting ethics up into an entity instance rather than entity raw definition set of variables, so that they can vary between civs and change during play. Not sure how much I'll actually do with that now though."  That quote is from last September, at the very beginning of work on this release, so the situation has likely clarified since then.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6472 on: November 08, 2009, 06:18:33 am »

Thanks, that answers a fair bit of what I was curious about (I don't think I could have found that dev post if I had searched for it), I'm going to keep the question up in hopes of a more specific answer (or perhaps some delicious raws).


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6473 on: November 08, 2009, 06:21:00 am »

Oh agreed, I wouldn't mind more details on that myself, and that was old info anyway.


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6474 on: November 08, 2009, 06:42:55 am »

A shambling mound of vomit vaguely resembling a walking frog, it was Vim Forkedmarshes the Profane Nadir, mistress of torture and misery, emerged from the underworld.

Hey, theres our old Frog Demon friend! Except she IS muck rather than having the sphere itself.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 06:46:22 am by smjjames »

Toady One

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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6475 on: November 08, 2009, 06:50:28 am »

Quote from: Aqizzar

All right, I'll get some set up over the next whenever.  If I feel bad about one screen or another, I can just move up the testing items for that before I capture it, since I'm going to have to finish those before the release anyway.

Quote from: Willfor
Is there a tag to randomise the associated spheres of a creature? And if there isn't, is it possible for you to implement one before the next release?
Quote from: Willfor
Damn. I was hoping to have something impersonating a god that wasn't a horribly evil monster and/or associated with deformity, but I suppose that will have to wait.
Quote from: Demonic Gophers
You could mod in POWER megabeasts with positive Spheres.

Yeah, that'll work -- if you add [POWER][MEGABEAST][INTELLIGENT_LEARNS] and then any spheres you feel good about for a given creature, it should impersonate those gods.  The only downside to this method is that the name of an individual creature will draw from all the spheres, so you'll get a wider, mushier selection of names the more spheres you add.  It might also cause more wars, since there's more opportunity for conflict (or even worse, if you have conflicting spheres on one creature, the behavior might be a bit confused -- not that they'd attack themselves, but the code won't get it, anyway).

Quote from: ILikePie
Will we be able to breed animals for use as mounts? I'd love to make a croc farm and have an army of crocodile riders.
Quote from: Footkerchief
Dwarves won't do anything with mounts in Fortress Mode yet.  You can breed crocs, but they won't ride them.  It's coming later.

There will be more opportunities for the dungeon master to tame captured critters, but yeah, no dwarven mounts at this time...  and it's always a weird thing in general.  They have short legs.

Quote from: ILikePie
And a random-ish question, how did you do the dwarf/elf/etc. language stuff? Did you sit down and just translate every word in the dictionary to dwarfish? Or did you have a program randomly put together words?
Quote from: smjjames
I think he used a word generator (theres one over on the modding section, or at least a link to one) and checked for any real words or any bad language (as in words that are spelled the same as a bad word in dwarfish or english, he did make them translate into naughty words, but thats different). I know he answered a similar question to this a while back, but no idea where it is.

Yeah, I generated according to some rules and then went through and did a manual check.  In addition to real-world words and especially obscene words, I also did a general "tone" check for dwarves, humans and elves, so that (against an English speaker's ear, anyway) the "evil" words should sound more "evil", etc., generally speaking.  I didn't do the tone check for goblins because I wanted their language to be a bit more alien, though I made a few adjustments here and there.

Quote from: 3
I haven't taken a look at any of the devlogs or such, but assuming that entity spheres still exist, wouldn't those fit the role of an entity's "values" better than the current ethics system? Couldn't a demon/titan/power creature - randomly generated or not - simply check its own spheres against those of the civ it's trying to take over?

I remember having this conversation with someone on here or Zach at some point...  Right now, entities only have sphere lists for their race and for their religions, but not for their general society.  Spheres mostly work for a value structure (and doing it that way enhances the deity etc. sphere lists as well), but there might need to be a valuation on top of them (in the same way the ethics have both a type and an associated value/punishment, and there's the notion of whether you are applying it to entity members or strangers or animals, etc.)  We'll have to see when we try to flesh things out.  It could be that all of the ethics can just be changed into spheres in the end, with those extra qualifiers on top of them, though it might get weirdly meta if there is a god of religious observance or something.  It also overlaps with attributes and personalities.

Quote from: Footkerchief
I'm curious why the "Update guards" part of Entity Positions is going to be difficult.  I have an inkling that they might be muddled with regard to unit type vs. entity position, maybe along with thieves?  I guess we'll probably hear about it in the dev log soon.

All of the old flags associate to being a fortress or royal guard in dwarf mode need to be updated to position responsibilities associated to the leader of the squad and so on, and that change can impact law enforcement and tax collection code, but there are other items in there like adv mode guards and how they worked in world generation to fight things like mega beasts that attack towns and so on.  I had twenty or so items staring at me, and certain things could be pushed off.

Quote from: Hummingbird
Is wandering off into the wilderness to tame animals something that all leaders are going to do?

Right now it is common to military strategists just because they are the ones that might make use of them in dwarf mode.  It'll get tweaked before or shortly after the release, probably.

Quote from: Neonivek
Toady how far are we from having military or groups (like guards or adventurers) mobilise against (Semi)Megabeasts rather then individual duels if ever during World Generation? Was it done for balance reasons? Is that how it currently works but it just doesn't report every attacker going up against the megabeast?

I wanted to have heroic figures emerge, and yeah, it's just individuals right now, but there's no real reason to stop groups from going up against beasts now that they can hold their own.  It's just something they need to be told to think about pretty much.  Hopefully I can get everything working within a reasonable framework when I do the leader AI stuff prior to improved sieges, then random adventurers will probably be the weird edge case that needs to be shoehorned in.

Quote from: Dakk
Toady, would it be possible to improve "normal" wrestling (choosing close combat on combat preferences) by stopping it from grabbing fingers and other currently useless parts and make them only accessible through the wrestling screen? Its just its a bit annoying to have to target all your blows when you just can't afford losing turns by trusting on close combat and seeing your adventurer randomly grabbing fingers and stuff. A more amusing option would be allowing these parts to be broken through wrestling, but yea, just a minor thing. You might want to put this off for now since there's still major stuff to be worked on.

Yeah, it's a combat arc thing.  It's trashy right now.

Quote from: Kobold6
Toady, how much controllablity is going to be implemented in the declaration of war between (custom) civs and the timing and frequency sieges?
When will there be varible cultures and ethics within species, such that occasionally a human may become a babysnatcher, steal a baby and then have to choose between being exiled or returning the child when discovered fellows? Or perhaps one civ in a species primarily being a den of thieves and choosing to trade in a black market style, while other civs in the species may prefer to manufacture their own trinkets.
Quote from: Footkerchief
The next version will have basic support for ethics varying between (for instance) two dwarven civs: "I'll also be lifting ethics up into an entity instance rather than entity raw definition set of variables, so that they can vary between civs and change during play. Not sure how much I'll actually do with that now though."  That quote is from last September, at the very beginning of work on this release, so the situation has likely clarified since then.

Yeah, I didn't get a chance to do anything with it, but the copy occurs, so they are sitting inside the entity instances.  It makes things easy enough to change without affecting other civs, but nothing happens yet.  Once there are some more actions going on with individual leader and group decisions, especially in play, it'll be easier to know what needs to be done there.

Quote from: The Kobolds
Quote from: Kobold6
I don't understand how Kobolds can't speak an intelligble language, they are a species with [CAN_LEARN],[LOCKPICKER], and [trAPAVOID] and yet they can't turn their [UTTERANCES] into something comprehensible. Though I do like the concept of them being low tech and primitive society, perhaps if they just had a limited vocabulary or something like that.
Quote from: Core90 that CobaltKobold found
# Core90, PROPER KOBOLDS, (Future): Of course, this means different things to different people. To us, a proper kobold is neither a chihuahua man nor a mini-draconian, but instead sort of a small mammaloreptilian humanoid with pointy ears and yellow eyes with a penchant for trickery and mischief, context-based sublanguage, poisonous critter collection, traps and kleptomaniacal hoarding.

The kobold language is based entirely on how we used to talk to our cats growing up.  The nonsense words would have a roughly consistent meaning for days at a time, but it was very fluid overall, and it's not really about communicating novel ideas to people, especially those that weren't around when a given word became attached to a given object.

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The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6476 on: November 08, 2009, 06:58:55 am »

Cool stuff :)


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6477 on: November 08, 2009, 07:03:59 am »

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Well damn, that's awesome then.  I should have known better than to assume you'd skip over that kind of detail.

Also, it took me a while to realize that "cavy" means "rodent family" and not "likes to hang out in caves."
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 07:06:31 am by Footkerchief »


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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6478 on: November 08, 2009, 07:11:13 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Well damn, that's awesome then.  I should have known better than to assume you'd skip over that kind of detail.

Also, it took me a while to realize that "cavy" means "rodent family" and not "likes to hang out in caves."

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Edit: I think I'd better spoiler this stuff.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 07:13:11 am by smjjames »

Toady One

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Re: Future of the Fortress: List of Remaining Items
« Reply #6479 on: November 08, 2009, 07:19:20 am »

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